Is it possible to "sell" pets?

Posted by: LynzieLou

Is it possible to "sell" pets? - 08/16/13 06:27 PM

Hi, I saw a topic about this a while ago but i wasnt able to find it again.

Is there away to sell the pets? or to put them up for adoption? (nicer way of saying it lol) I bought a dog and a kitten and i saw a couple more pets i might want in the future but i dont want my family living in a zoo 0.0

i could put them in the item tray but it seems kinda abusive making them sit in a "cage" forever until i decide to play with them again lol. but also, doesnt the item tray get full?

any information would be helpful. thanks smile
Posted by: arnie

Re: Is it possible to "sell" pets? - 08/16/13 06:31 PM

No, I'm afraid not. The pets live forever and there's no way to get rid of them, other than putting them in the décor tray.
Posted by: LynzieLou

Re: Is it possible to "sell" pets? - 08/16/13 06:33 PM

does the decor tray ever get full?

thank you gor replying so fast smile
Posted by: arnie

Re: Is it possible to "sell" pets? - 08/17/13 08:11 AM

It doesn't seem to, although there may be a limit that's so large it doesn't matter.
Posted by: LynzieLou

Re: Is it possible to "sell" pets? - 08/18/13 12:00 AM

okay thanks for the help, Arnie.