HELP!! They Won't work.

Posted by: Indigo Jo

HELP!! They Won't work. - 06/03/13 09:19 AM

I have a quite worrying problem,
Generation 8.
Neither my adopted female nor her chosen hubby will complete just one round of work!
I've tried everything possible including buying the correct work package to help give them both a boost, thinking maybe that will kick start them, even trying the encyclopaedia to see if I can generate some interest as neither have any particular likes or dislikes. That has made no difference either.
It's been three days of trying and a total of 16 hours play time but to no avail.
They both get three minutes into their work round and then simply walk off to do something else.

I have noticed that the further on you get within the generations the harder it seems to become to actually get people to do things whether it be working or having babies ( despite both definitely wanting them )

Has anyone got any ideas as to why this is happening?
or has anyone any ideas how I can manage them in their work field?
I can't wait forever until the pop-up comes along which offers a change of career. I could be waiting ages and ages and it not pop up at all. Besides they have twin daughters to support!
Posted by: A Terri

Re: HELP!! They Won't work. - 06/03/13 11:29 AM

I am New Here. I hope I have not written something that is a Spoiler

I have 6th Generation Peeps both Kitchen Workers. All Kitchen updates applied

They too do not seem to finish a Work Cycle. They do not do the Jig at the end of the work cycle and the notice ..has earned some money does not come up.

There Work Bars have not moved at all Game on or off. However the Money does go up when the game is off.

In the Last 5th Generation of Both Kitchen Workers with all Updates they too did not seem to finish the work cycle.

As an experiment I had upgraded them both to masters at the beginning of the generation. So I did not know if this was why they did not finish Work Cycles. They earned money when the game was off, but not as much as previous generations who did not have the help of being promoted.

What Shall I do?

Relief I have just checked again and there Work Bars of the peeps are Moving.

But they still do not finish the work cycle when I watch them.
Posted by: Mayfly

Re: HELP!! They Won't work. - 06/03/13 12:26 PM

This is a known problem after purchasing upgrages for the kitchen. My hubby and wife, both working in kitchen, have not completed a work cycle since moving into the house. However they has progressed in their careers. The wife upto level 7 despite having 3 children.

The kitchen is the last area I need to Master. So I still put them back and make them work at it for a while. When I close the game and return their progress bar goes up. It appears I am getting their daily salaries just not in the small Increaments.

I have not had an issue with children. I make sure that they are feed and not too tire before I try. I make sure no pets are sleeping on the bed. When they argue I just keep the argument going until they make the effort. When they are unsuccessful, try again in about 15 minutes.
Posted by: A Terri

Re: HELP!! They Won't work. - 06/03/13 06:21 PM

Update on earlier.

Both of the Peeps have had Two Promotions each today. so they are progressing.

However they do not finish work Cycles when the game is on. Is this how it should be, or is it a bug?
Posted by: Mayfly

Re: HELP!! They Won't work. - 06/03/13 06:38 PM

A Bug. I understand they are looking into it.
Posted by: XayAdministrator

Re: HELP!! They Won't work. - 06/03/13 09:50 PM

You can find more information on this situation here. smile
Posted by: Indigo Jo

Re: HELP!! They Won't work. - 06/03/13 10:13 PM

Ahhh thank you!! So it's a known bug, it's been worked on - which is fine. I have left the game running and I do have a problem where HIS work bar is not moving up at all. Her's won't because she's caring for twins at the moment - which is fine. However... the finances DO seem to be creeping up as they would if they were working. Nowhere near as much! but they are still increasing. SLOWWWLY. Good thing I stocked them up with over 4,000 food units! I couldn't afford right now to keep them constantly stocked up otherwise..

Thanks for setting my mind at ease everyone! Very much appreciated! :-))
Posted by: Mayfly

Re: HELP!! They Won't work. - 06/03/13 11:53 PM

Funny thing is they manage to have ALOT of coffee breaks in those incompleted cycle. The work poor coffee, work, pour coffee, work, wander away. smirk

This has been an on-going problem for me in the kitchen. though it looks like I will Master the kitchen this generation. It appears to be caused by purchasing career upgrades. Has anyone that has had similar problem been able to have the kitchen careers work in later generations? Should I just stay away from them?

An Update -- My Wife finally made Cooking Captain! Despite the darn bug! To celebrate Adriana and Login (I thought the name was so funny I did not change it)had a night out on the town. (They have one in college and another 17 year old to baby sit.) They had several glasses of wine with their very fine dinner and came home and Opps another baby (#5) at the age of 47!

So In response to Indigo Jo a family in generation 8 can have babies even when they least expect it.
Posted by: Ryanngirl0218

Re: HELP!! They Won't work. - 06/05/13 02:46 AM

hi! im new at playing this game. i just reached 2nd gen and i was wondering what kind of work shld i put someone who is a wine critic? i tried putting him at the computer but he just keeps browsing the net. im guessing he shld do kitchen work but what exactly does he needs to do? pls help and thanks for the feedbacks in advance!
Posted by: XayAdministrator

Re: HELP!! They Won't work. - 06/05/13 05:50 AM

Place him at the kitchen counter (near but not on the sink), and he will work automatically. smile
Posted by: Ryanngirl0218

Re: HELP!! They Won't work. - 06/06/13 05:40 AM

thanks! one more question lol... what is the remedy for hiccups? im guessing laughter is the solutions but i cant make the parents tell a joke or play charades. lol...
Posted by: MissKathyAdministrator

Re: HELP!! They Won't work. - 06/06/13 05:46 AM

I LOVE your thinking! laugh You'll find the answer you're looking for here.
Posted by: Ryanngirl0218

Re: HELP!! They Won't work. - 06/06/13 09:10 PM

lol. its a myth here in our coutry to surprise someone with hiccups. i guess that wont work here haha
Posted by: SusiQ

Re: HELP!! They Won't work. - 06/15/13 02:54 AM

I noticed something today while I was watching the wife not completing a work cycle in the kitchen. I remembered how my peeps are so picky as to where furniture is placed around staircases - if it's too close, they won't use the staircase. Anyway, I think the placement of the kitchen upgrades is causing the disruption in completing the kitchen work cycle, specifically the placement of the cutlery and spice grinder. They seem to be placed right where the peep used to spread out her stuff. And the blender could also be placed further to the right on the counter.

Just my thoughts.
Posted by: CasiBK

Re: HELP!! They Won't work. - 06/30/13 04:19 PM

I just think I have the laziest workshop worker ever (he's a glue maker so maybe it's just from sniffing so much glue!) Every time I put him in the workshop, he works for a while and then walks off to do something lazy, like watch TV or read a magazine. Ha! My wife, however, has reached Kitchen Captain and I find myself pulling her away from the kitchen to relax more. I have declared that she is officially "retired" even though she is only 45.