VF 2 Careers

Posted by: Simsane

VF 2 Careers - 04/26/13 01:04 AM

With the original Virtual Families game, many people worked together to create a career list that showed the salary at each level for each career. My name was on the list of people that worked on it, but in reality I didn't do very much it was mostly BayouBlonde that did all the work. I haven't seen any posts from her lately but still wanted people to know that she actually did 99.99 percent of that list.

Anyway, I was wondering if anyone would like to help create a new list. I don't have much to put on it yet, but am going to try to keep a piece of paper on my desk so I can write down what I do find out. It will probably be some time -- weeks or longer -- before I try to compile anything from my notes but thought I would throw the suggestion out there just to see if any others were interested in doing the same thing.

I do know that I have the first list printed out and when I'm adopting a new peep or even choosing from the next generation, I refer to that list to see how easy/difficult things may be based on salaries.

Anyway, as I said, I can't start it yet as I haven't played long enough to bother posting what I do know but just wanted to see if anyone else might be interested in helping.
Posted by: XayAdministrator

Re: VF 2 Careers - 04/26/13 01:19 AM

You might be interested in this post smile
Posted by: Corylea

Re: VF 2 Careers - 04/26/13 05:04 AM

I don't know how accurate it is, but the folks at JayIsGames posted a career spreadsheet for VF2 here.

I think that's for the iOS version, so you'll probably need to double all of those numbers to get the figures for the PC version. But even if you just take them as is, it's probably a pretty good guide to which careers will earn you more and which less, and it tells which room they work in. wink

Posted by: Simsane

Re: VF 2 Careers - 04/26/13 07:14 AM

lol! Ok, I was definitely beat to the punch! Well, I think I will add to the one that Xay linked me to but thanks so much Corylea for your link as well -- that will help me at least decide which to start with anyway. wink

To anyone else reading this post, if you want to help then go to the thread that Xay linked and help her. That's what I'm going to do now.


I just compared it to mine and I think you're right about doubling the salaries, Corylea. I know that it says that the Video Game Designer job starts at 15 but my lady started at 30. I think I will try to keep track and if I see that all you have to do is take her list and double the salaries then I won't bother any longer and instead just try to help add to her list. I was surprised she had so much info already until I looked up at the address line and saw that it was for iOS -- then remembered that the game has been out on iOS for much longer. wink
Posted by: ajuma

Re: VF 2 Careers - 04/26/13 09:05 AM

Funny! I was just thinking about the same thing last night! Great minds think alike!