
Posted by: jbart321

Food? - 12/30/12 03:15 PM

Is there a trick to the food in this game? My last generation I never bought food for. It would just add 400-500 a day without me doing anything. My wife bought a few groceries from the list and it gave her over 5700 when she only had maybe 300 left. Are these bugs or just something built in?
Posted by: XayAdministrator

Re: Food? - 12/30/12 05:15 PM

Did you purchase the Food Club in the "Coins and More!" section of the Store screen in the game? (To check, go to the "Coins and More!" section and see if there's a check mark by the Food Club). If so, that's what's adding the food every day.

Depending on what groceries (and how many) were purchased separately, the 5700 is likely to be normal. smile
Posted by: jbart321

Re: Food? - 12/31/12 01:38 AM

No, I have not bought the food club. And my wife only bought the four regular food groups. One of each.
Posted by: Jemi

Re: Food? - 12/31/12 10:14 AM

Did you go look to see if the food club is checked? I was wondering the same thing until I read this. I'm pretty sure I got it from an event, I thought I had won a bunch of food, but it must have been the food club membership. I definitely didn't buy it, I had to enable in app purchases to be able to see if I had the food club.
Posted by: Zmom2013

Re: Food? - 12/31/12 03:18 PM

Same issue here. No food club checked, up to 8000 in fridge!! It keeps growing each time I visit. No events here.
Posted by: XayAdministrator

Re: Food? - 12/31/12 05:46 PM

We hope to have this issue resolved in the next update. smile
Posted by: Meriah

Re: Food? - 01/03/13 10:42 PM

I had the same thing as jbart321, I was running low in food so I bought one of each of the food categorys, I placed them on the table and checked the fridge and it said I had a food count of 3,600.
Posted by: Zmom2013

Re: Food? - 01/11/13 10:06 PM

I wish this would happen with my real family! Food magically appearing!
Posted by: Bolly

Re: Food? - 02/03/13 05:01 PM

Buying food increases the food count more than one. It's like when you buy a few bags of groceries, there's not just 2 pieces of food in the bag! But I suppose HOW low your food count was before explains whether that's a glitch or not.
Posted by: Vegasvf2

Re: Food? - 02/11/13 04:00 PM

Hi there. I also encountered this. I did not buy the food club but it was checked. I noticed the 3k added to my food when I won a lottery - a grocery bag. The ref restocks without me buying any food. And got 50% discount on food.
I like this one
Posted by: hurrihottie

Re: Food? - 03/14/13 01:58 AM

I also have tons of food everyday. I never checked off the food club button, but it is checked on my game. I like having it, so long as I don't have to pay extra