[SPOILERS] Just general questions that i have not seen ...

Posted by: OptiTron

[SPOILERS] Just general questions that i have not seen ... - 01/08/11 07:30 PM

Why do some of the villagers, when stung by bees, have white haloes around their heads?
Why does the Golden Totem glow a cyan blue every now and then?
Do the creators of VV ever stop amazing us with great puzzles and wonderful villager events?
Anybody else have all (i think that the total is -) 8 LDW games running in the background as we are chatting in the forum list?

Just being curious.
Posted by: OptiTron

Re: Just general questions that i have not seen in any forum.. - 01/09/11 05:39 PM

Addendum: Why is the medic research area so small... my people wanna keep mating instead of studying medicine. Seems i have a square about 1/2 X 1/2" to place them without this occurring?

Also, does the earthquake work to reset a project ONLY if the project is not finished - all of my buildings are built and earthquake does not damage any of them. It would be nice to demolish some so my 50 + builders have something to do besides examining buildings!

And going back to VV2: How many different totems are there? i have 8 variations. Anyone know?
Posted by: arnie

Re: Just general questions that i have not seen in any forum.. - 01/10/11 01:43 PM

The hospital is the same size as in VV4 and I can't remember seeing much complaint about the size in that game's forum. I must say, though, I prefer the hospital in VV3. In all the games there has sometimes been the problem you mention, such as when dropping peeps in the science lab.

Click to reveal..
The earthquake only resets unfinished projects, not completed ones - note that clearing the mausoleum and destroying the totem do not count as projects.

I don't have VV2 on this machine but I think you are right - there are eight totems. Have you looked in the VV2 forum?
Posted by: txmom2

Re: Just general questions that i have not seen in any forum.. - 01/11/11 12:14 AM

As for the totem question, I posted a while back asking that very question. Here it is:

Posted by: OptiTron

Re: Just general questions that i have not seen in any forum.. - 01/12/11 01:21 AM

Good and thanks to Arnie and txmom2. Then i have collected all totems, woo hoo! Now as to the Doctor's pad area, i never had this problem as you could drop a villager on any part of the mattted structure and they would work. Heck, VV 3 had the problem where i could only drop it right at the end of the shelving but this area in VV 5 is even smaller than that. And frustrating as doctors never seem to want to study doctor-hood! And while we are on that subject of issues within the games, i have even MORE questions! Ready?

Click to reveal..
Okay, when using earthquake, do blue guys convert too like yellow and red masked?

Does exercise build the builder's level like it did in vv4? i haven't noticed it happening but the increments in learning are aLOT smaller here in VV5 than previously.

Do youthanized esteemed elders learn anything in school? They don't seem to when i have played.

Is 1000 the most noni fruit one can have on the tree. Every time i buzz them with bees, i get a total of more than 1000 but i come back 5 seconds later and it is 1000 or below tho no one has taken any of the fruit.

Do items hide behind structures that have been built, like the clothing and school so that they can not be seen?

And maybe the final question, at least for now, does anyone know the file name for the blue bars that indicate the learning level. i want to modify it so that i can tell that once a villager is an esteemed elder i can also see if s/he has mastered anything after that. Like changing the MAster part of the blue bar to red. Nowadays it is getting harder to discern if someone is a "Jack of all Trades" (and yes THAT is a misnomer the creators of this game have used... a JACK OF ALL TRADES means he is NOT a MASTER of ANYTHING - just like me...).

Am trying to check my status on VV2 but the update status keeps asking if i am online and i see it is down here on LDW too. When do we think it will be back up and running? Some of us still play the old games as they are so good.
Posted by: dansmot

Re: Just general questions that i have not seen in any forum.. - 01/12/11 03:25 AM

I have a question.....when you have hit your maximum sustainable population without converting all the heathens do you have to wait for a villager to die before the heathens will convert? I have been hitting them for three days now with my population at max and none of the yellow or red masks have converted!!
Posted by: TheGnome

Re: Just general questions that i have not seen in any forum.. - 01/12/11 04:20 AM

I have converted more peeps into my tribe after reaching the maximum population. The new 'converted' villagers are a little bonus.
Posted by: dansmot

Re: Just general questions that i have not seen in any forum.. - 01/12/11 12:42 PM

Thanks....I'll keep trying!!
Posted by: geneon3rd

Re: Just general questions that i have not seen in any forum.. - 01/12/11 05:31 PM

i can't find the answer to puzzle 17, i've tried putting the old chief on heathen mommy, nothing, ive tried a master devotee, she runs away, any help would be good, i've almost finished just a about 3 items to find and that will be done, i have 106 pop from the conversions, took a lot of earthquakes but finally made it. just mommy to convert, help anyone.......
Posted by: OptiTron

Re: Just general questions that i have not seen in any forum.. - 01/12/11 11:04 PM

If you check in the proper forum, you will find that i posted the answer there as have many others!
Click to reveal..

Posted by: geneon3rd

Re: Just general questions that i have not seen in any forum.. - 01/12/11 11:08 PM

sorry i couldn't find the proper forum, will try this, thank you
Posted by: smjjames

Re: [SPOILERS] Just general questions that i have not seen ... - 01/16/11 10:22 PM

Originally Posted By: OptiTron
Why do some of the villagers, when stung by bees, have white haloes around their heads?
Why does the Golden Totem glow a cyan blue every now and then?

1. I haven't seen that myself, there is a swarm of bees around them though.

2. Other than the pic in the puzzle screen, I've never noticed it glow cyan blue. You're talking about the one eyed statue, right?
Posted by: VFLover09

Re: [SPOILERS] Just general questions that i have not seen ... - 01/16/11 11:27 PM

Originally Posted By: smjjames
2. Other than the pic in the puzzle screen, I've never noticed it glow cyan blue. You're talking about the one eyed statue, right?

I've seen it when:

1. You complete the puzzle, but for a very short time.
2. You change tribes.
Posted by: OptiTron

Re: [SPOILERS] Just general questions that i have not seen ... - 01/25/11 12:06 AM

The picture file that causes the totem to glow cyan is called something like Will-o-Wisp, so it was intentional by creators. I looked inside contents as i was afraid something was bugging out on my computer when it happened. Am wondering if it was something they planned to add to the puzzles but decided later to not go forward with it... Just curious. As for the halo, never saw it again after that first game.... curiouser and curiouser
Posted by: ILSherry

Re: Just general questions that i have not seen in any forum.. - 01/27/11 01:49 AM

Click to reveal..
Have you destroyed the Pain Totem?

Posted by: Annthewhofan

Re: Just general questions that i have not seen in any forum.. - 02/02/11 12:57 AM

I just got it and I manged to convert my first heathen the only thing is the food situaction I have to keep pursing it as they got much food
Posted by: Annthewhofan

Re: Just general questions that i have not seen in any forum.. - 02/02/11 09:28 PM

I manage to
Click to reveal..
law away the enemy by using a decoy of one of my villagers from the hungry totem and got a builder to disabled it finely got food, but I can't get round the red masks to move away from the knowledge totem

Posted by: smjjames

Re: Just general questions that i have not seen in any forum.. - 02/03/11 02:42 AM

Click to reveal..
Just use lightning on the red masks and plop several villagers onto the knowledge statue, it'll get deconstructed quickly.

Posted by: VVCX

Re: Just general questions that i have not seen in any forum.. - 02/05/11 04:49 PM

addon to smjames post: and bees.
Posted by: OptiTron

Re: Just general questions that i have not seen in any forum.. - 02/07/11 01:42 AM

Well, seems not many (truly think only 1 was honestly answered) of my questions have been answered but ah well, guess there are bigger fish to fry by you! And by the way, i found out what the file is for the meters on leveling up. If anyone wants to have a modified file to show when esteemeed elders are masters of more than the first three categories, i will happily e-mail my modified file. And i converted one set of clothing for my people to show who is a Master Of All Trades (i STILL think it is a grievous error on the creators of LDW to use the term Jack of All Trades so inappropriately!) that changes colors with each step the villager takes. This way it is easier for me to focus on my peeps who need to change their allocation and move on to the next step of MasterDomination!
Posted by: VFLover09

Re: Just general questions that i have not seen in any forum.. - 03/04/11 06:17 AM

Originally Posted By: OptiTron
Why do some of the villagers, when stung by bees, have white haloes around their heads?

For this experiment, I stung the big pile of "unemployed" villagers around the fire. Moma, after being stung multiple times, had a halo around her head, along with smoke! confused Maybe this is telling us that she was to innocent to be stung! smile laugh grin