Help with forum?

Posted by: poprocksssss

Help with forum? - 04/24/06 04:39 PM

I needa know how I can post a picture or a "screenshot" in here without having to post an attachment.. i want it to be open in the post like ive seen some others do..

any suggestions?
Posted by: FishMonger68

Re: Help with forum? - 04/24/06 05:34 PM

host pics at for free!!

after you browse to your pic then upload the image, copy the link that says 'hotlink for forums', then paste it in your post
Posted by: poprocksssss

Re: Help with forum? - 04/25/06 12:09 PM

ok lets see if this works

Posted by: poprocksssss

Re: Help with forum? - 04/25/06 12:09 PM

woooooohoooo it worked!

Now ya'll are gonna get tired of seein me post pics lol
Posted by: Rainbowfish

Re: Help with forum? - 04/25/06 07:00 PM

Looks like it worked. Congrats.

And that's a very pretty betta. (For those fish-inclined, the scientific name is Betta splendens.)

How old is he now?
Posted by: poprocksssss

Re: Help with forum? - 04/26/06 10:18 AM


I dont know how old he is, I bought him at walmart *blah* The town I live in (moved here a year ago) has no pet store.. only walmart... most of the ppl that work in the pet dept there dont even know what a plecostomus is... ya gotta tell em a sucker fish then they know lol
Posted by: FishMonger68

Re: Help with forum? - 04/26/06 02:47 PM



I dont know how old he is, I bought him at walmart *blah* The town I live in (moved here a year ago) has no pet store.. only walmart... most of the ppl that work in the pet dept there dont even know what a plecostomus is... ya gotta tell em a sucker fish then they know lol

that stinks that you have no pet store...the pet department at my local wal-mart has fish, but they dont take very good care of them cuz most of them are dead
Posted by: poprocksssss

Re: Help with forum? - 04/26/06 03:23 PM

Exactly! >. Part of it is their fault for not having knowledgable employees.. another part is the companies they get their fish from.. mass production and inadequate care are never a good thing.
Posted by: FishMonger68

Re: Help with forum? - 04/26/06 03:36 PM

i agree...i mean, we tried to buy a fish there once, we waited for an employee for like half an hour. i mean if their employees cant give a customer, customer service, they sure arent taking care of any fish.
Posted by: poprocksssss

Re: Help with forum? - 04/26/06 03:40 PM

BINGO.. I asked the ppl here if they needed someone to work in that department cuz things were lookin a lil sad and it took forever to get someone back there, he said well, we have 3 ppl that work this dept but we also have 3 other depts each we have to work as well .. i was like I need a job! lol
Posted by: Rainbowfish

Re: Help with forum? - 04/26/06 07:13 PM



I dont know how old he is, I bought him at walmart *blah* The town I live in (moved here a year ago) has no pet store.. only walmart... most of the ppl that work in the pet dept there dont even know what a plecostomus is... ya gotta tell em a sucker fish then they know lol

That sucks majorly! I don't buy fish from WalMart. We have one here but I don't buy from 'em. Actually, I only buy, ah, cat treats and birdseed for wild birds from them. I get real cat food from the local Discount Pets store, (tho I don't buy fish from them either!) and I get my fish and fish supplies from Somethin' Fishy, which is a small fish store, and also from online suppliers (supplies, not fish. lol).
Posted by: FishMonger68

Re: Help with forum? - 04/26/06 07:24 PM

wal-mart is also where i shop for bird-feeding supplies. birdwatching is my most favorite hobby. i sit out back with my binoculars and hand held hummingbird feeder all the time in the summer. i truly love birds! im wanna get one as a pet, but my old man says no way! he dont want bird ca-ca everywhere!

he's so mean!
Posted by: Rainbowfish

Re: Help with forum? - 04/26/06 07:33 PM


wal-mart is also where i shop for bird-feeding supplies. birdwatching is my most favorite hobby. i sit out back with my binoculars and hand held hummingbird feeder all the time in the summer. i truly love birds! im wanna get one as a pet, but my old man says no way! he dont want bird ca-ca everywhere!

he's so mean!

LOL. I have, ah, a pole-feeder filled with black oil sunflower seeds in the front yard (my room overlooks the front yard), a tube feeder with black oil sunflower seeds, a sock feeder with nyjer seed, and a suet feeder with suet-cake in the citrus tree. And yes, I buy the sunflower seeds by the 25-pound bags. lol. In wintertime, house finches, purple finches, and scrub-jays will drain the pole feeder and the tube feeder in two or three days flat. I also see American Goldfinches, Lesser Goldfinches, White-Crowned Sparrows, and Northern Mockingbirds. I've also seen Yellow-Rumped Warblers. Oh, and I was extremely lucky to have a Northern Flicker hybrid visit me last fall.
Posted by: FishMonger68

Re: Help with forum? - 04/26/06 08:08 PM



wal-mart is also where i shop for bird-feeding supplies. birdwatching is my most favorite hobby. i sit out back with my binoculars and hand held hummingbird feeder all the time in the summer. i truly love birds! im wanna get one as a pet, but my old man says no way! he dont want bird ca-ca everywhere!

he's so mean!

LOL. I have, ah, a pole-feeder filled with black oil sunflower seeds in the front yard (my room overlooks the front yard), a tube feeder with black oil sunflower seeds, a sock feeder with nyjer seed, and a suet feeder with suet-cake in the citrus tree. And yes, I buy the sunflower seeds by the 25-pound bags. lol. In wintertime, house finches, purple finches, and scrub-jays will drain the pole feeder and the tube feeder in two or three days flat. I also see American Goldfinches, Lesser Goldfinches, White-Crowned Sparrows, and Northern Mockingbirds. I've also seen Yellow-Rumped Warblers. Oh, and I was extremely lucky to have a Northern Flicker hybrid visit me last fall.

you have alot of the same birds as we have here in cincinnati. i dont think ive seen a warbler. i love woodpeckers, wrens, cardinals, finches, titmice, chickadees and of course hummingbirds. those bluejays sure are noisy!

im not so fond of the European Starlings that will empty our feeders in a matter of hours..we've also lost several suet feeders from the squirrels carting them off somewhere

dont they realize we aren't offering take out!!
Posted by: poprocksssss

Re: Help with forum? - 04/26/06 08:09 PM


wal-mart is also where i shop for bird-feeding supplies. birdwatching is my most favorite hobby. i sit out back with my binoculars and hand held hummingbird feeder all the time in the summer. i truly love birds! im wanna get one as a pet, but my old man says no way! he dont want bird ca-ca everywhere!

he's so mean!

I raised my own birds for my pet store... I dont have any now due to divorce, but in the past ive had as many as 331 birds in my home at one time.. It was great!!! I WILL get another one someday.. My dream is to have a hyacinth macaw.. when I can afford the 7,000.00 for a baby. here is a pic.

Posted by: FishMonger68

Re: Help with forum? - 04/26/06 08:13 PM

OMG!! that bird is beautiful!!

7 grand huh, i guess i better start saving up
Posted by: poprocksssss

Re: Help with forum? - 04/26/06 08:14 PM

Yes yes... a pretty penny for a beautiful bird! the 7,000 is for a baby outta the nest, Ill have to handfeed it myself.. If ya want one that is already weaned, we're talking 10 grand!
Posted by: FishMonger68

Re: Help with forum? - 04/26/06 08:22 PM

OUCH!! that hurts my pocketbook just thinking about it, but i would surely love to have a bird like that
Posted by: poprocksssss

Re: Help with forum? - 04/26/06 08:23 PM

I hear ya.. a friend of mine inherited one! He raises other kinds of macaws, but he hadda rich friend in florida that was in bad health and the guy just sent his birds all over the country and my friend got his hyacinth.. LUCKY DAWG!
Posted by: FishMonger68

Re: Help with forum? - 04/26/06 08:31 PM

very lucky, i would kill (my husband) to have a bird like that,
Posted by: Rainbowfish

Re: Help with forum? - 04/27/06 01:43 AM


you have alot of the same birds as we have here in cincinnati. i dont think ive seen a warbler. i love woodpeckers, wrens, cardinals, finches, titmice, chickadees and of course hummingbirds. those bluejays sure are noisy!

im not so fond of the European Starlings that will empty our feeders in a matter of hours..we've also lost several suet feeders from the squirrels carting them off somewhere

dont they realize we aren't offering take out!!

LOL... I haven't seen any squirrels stealing suet but we do have some tree squirrels round here. It's usually the scrub jays that eat suet, and sometimes the house finches too.

Dad hates the mockingbirds 'cause they stand on our roof in the spring and summer and yak all night. I'm deaf so it doesn't bother me, lol.

I've been lucky in regards to the starlings. we have 'em in the city but apparently, they're way too blind to find the feeders. LOL.

Hummingbirds... you're lucky. I've only ever seen one here.
Posted by: FishMonger68

Re: Help with forum? - 04/27/06 02:01 AM

we've actually seen them draggin off the suet feeders into the wooded area behind our house. i call them tree rats!!

i make peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for the birds too (i put some sunflower seeds in the middle) then put them in our suet feeders when we are out of suet..the birds really love it! they love apples too, we have an apple feeder as well.

as far as the hummingbirds, if you've seen one, im sure there are more. do you put a feeder out for them??
Posted by: poprocksssss

Re: Help with forum? - 04/27/06 12:58 PM

lmao youre not the only one
Posted by: CaraBeans22

Re: Help with forum? - 04/27/06 04:09 PM

Large birds are expensive. I don't even want to get into what I paid for my African Grey MIlo (comes home next week)
He/She is acctually in Georgia too, Poprocksssss! maybe you have heard of the bird ladies store? I think it's called critters closet? BTW, while I was looking for a grey I noticed alot of aviaries are reducing thier stock. You may be able to get a full grown Hyacinth for less $$$ than you were expecting.
Posted by: FishMonger68

Re: Help with forum? - 04/27/06 11:28 PM

man, you guys really got me wanting a bird so badly. i may have to uh ruffle the old mans feathers to get one
Posted by: CaraBeans22

Re: Help with forum? - 04/29/06 02:57 AM

Just make sure you research the type of bird you want really well!! Trust me I've had many birds and I got most of them from ppl who couldn't handle there mis-matched pets.

Once you find the right bird you will be happy as a clam!!
Posted by: poprocksssss

Re: Help with forum? - 04/30/06 07:03 AM

awww i used to have african greys as well, my fave one was Simba.. my son taught her how to say BOMBS AWAY.. then you get a whistle that drifted as if the bomb were falling.. THEN KABOOM, shed make an exploding sound..and if she were feeling inna really fiesty mood, shed explode the bomb before she dropped it lol..

I sure do miss my birds, someday though Ill be back .. u wait and see
Sorry if my posts arent consistent.. I have an boyfriend who is hard to please...either hes on here or griping that i am lol
Posted by: Rainbowfish

Re: Help with forum? - 04/30/06 05:40 PM

Tree rats!!! LOL!!!

Our tree squirrels just scamper across telephone wires and make off with our neighbor's watermelon seeds.

Yeah, I've been thinking about making some bagel feeders. Don't know how we'd get them into the tree though... we have a hard enough time trying to rope the branches for the regular feeders...

As for the hummingbird feeder, I thought about it but there isn't any place to put one up and a pole one isn't a option right now. Maybe when we move to our new house, we'll have a porch or something to hang a feeder off of.
Posted by: FishMonger68

Re: Help with forum? - 05/01/06 01:23 AM


Tree rats!!! LOL!!!

Our tree squirrels just scamper across telephone wires and make off with our neighbor's watermelon seeds.

Yeah, I've been thinking about making some bagel feeders. Don't know how we'd get them into the tree though... we have a hard enough time trying to rope the branches for the regular feeders...

As for the hummingbird feeder, I thought about it but there isn't any place to put one up and a pole one isn't a option right now. Maybe when we move to our new house, we'll have a porch or something to hang a feeder off of.

our dogs have lots of fun chasing the dalmation would dive thru a plate glass window to get to one!!

just to let ya know, there are hummingbird feeders that attach to your windows with suction cups...makes watching them very easy!!

i love the glass blown ones, but they are hard to clean

i have a feeder like this. its quite small and can be put in flowering baskets. i think it only holds about 2 ounces.. i put a hole in a baseball cap with an awl, used the twist tie from bread, and hung the feeder from the bill of the hat! its amazing how they come right up to you to get a sip! ( they are sold at wal-mart)

Posted by: Rainbowfish

Re: Help with forum? - 05/01/06 06:00 PM

Yes, I know about the window feeders. We can't use them here on account of the good windows are covered with screens. :\ It keeps the bugs out, so that's a good thing...
Posted by: FishMonger68

Re: Help with forum? - 05/01/06 10:46 PM


Yes, I know about the window feeders. We can't use them here on account of the good windows are covered with screens. :\ It keeps the bugs out, so that's a good thing...

oh, i see....thats cool, we need to get a new screen for one of our windows...not quite hot enough for the a/c so we've been using a window fan.. now the wasps keep coming in the house!! eeeekkk!!
Posted by: Rainbowfish

Re: Help with forum? - 05/02/06 05:02 PM


We don't even HAVE central a/c... just a couple of window AC's and every other free window in the house is covered with screens so we can open the windows and not have the cats bolt out. And keeping the bugs out too.
Posted by: FishMonger68

Re: Help with forum? - 05/02/06 05:49 PM

aww man, having window units must make your electric bill suck in the summer. i guess its better than no a/c, huh??
Posted by: Rainbowfish

Re: Help with forum? - 05/02/06 09:19 PM

Yep, it does...

I practice other electricity-conserving methods... like our lights almost never get used in the summer. I have these 2 giant windows in my room, so I rarely use the ceiling lights year-around except if I'm stuck working or studying at night.

Things like that.
Posted by: CaraBeans22

Re: Help with forum? - 05/02/06 11:42 PM

That is the direct opposite of what I do! LOL, I have a bad habbit if putting every light in the house on. Along with the heat or AC running on high.

LOL, maybe thats why I pay $200. a month for a 1000 sq ft apartment.
Posted by: Rainbowfish

Re: Help with forum? - 05/03/06 04:25 PM


Yep, that might be why...

Posted by: CaraBeans22

Re: Help with forum? - 05/03/06 11:08 PM