One else ever have an orphan child?

Posted by: Kibagal

One else ever have an orphan child? - 07/21/11 11:57 AM

My family had three kids, the youngest, Fate, was adopted. First the mom died, then the dad died when she was 13. Her older siblings had already moved out. I've never had this happen and think it's rather weird/cool. Has anyone else had an orphan like this? Btw- the parents both died of old age, not illness or starving to death.
Posted by: arnie

Re: One else ever have an orphan child? - 07/21/11 01:21 PM

I've had this happen several times, particularly when the parents were relatively old when they had the kid (or kids in some cases). Although the orphan can't work, provided there's food available they should be able to keep going without problems until it's time for them to go to college, when you'll have to start a new generation. Although they can't do any work, as I said, they can still earn some money by finding duplicate collectables, so unless the family was very unlucky with money, there should be no problem paying for the food.

Of course, you might choose to start a new generation straight away if you want, when the orphan will automagically get old enough to start work, and will be available with his/her siblings for selection as the next house owner.
Posted by: familygirl228

Re: One else ever have an orphan child? - 08/07/11 09:14 PM

I had this happen once. I was kind of sad. I had two children still in the house. One was about 11 and the other was adopted and about 5 or 6. I didn't realize that there might have been a chance that they could live on their own, so I just started the next generation right away. But I want to try that out if that ever happens again, granted one of them is old enough to cook food.
Posted by: familygirl228

Re: One else ever have an orphan child? - 09/12/11 12:38 AM

I did try the thing out with a child living there without parents, but it wasn't an orphan. The kid was about 13 when the parents died so the next time I opened the app, he was old enough to cook and maintain the house. Then he went to college and I started a new generation. It was actually kind of boring.