Updated PC vers of VF 2

Posted by: Simsane

Updated PC vers of VF 2 - 04/24/13 12:21 AM

I received the email from Plimus for the updated version and installed it. I deleted my two games and started a new one. The Tutorial messed up on me again (I had not taken anything out of the Decorate though) and I also cannot get my person to water the flowers in the flower boxes. She waters flowers from all over the yard, but not the ones in the boxes just to the right of the hose and watering cans.

I will try to explain what happened with the Tutorial.

I was following it, doing what it said to do. After the part where it tells you to put then to work then it told me to have her read the email. Right after she read the email (rejected that proposal) it then said to put her to work again.

I did, and then it didn't have anything more for the tutorial. Maybe it will after I have her accept a proposal, I'm not sure. Also, maybe the tutorial is supposed to have me put her to work twice -- once before reading the email and then again afterwards. So, I'm not sure if it's a glitch or not.
Posted by: MissKathyAdministrator

Re: Updated PC vers of VF 2 - 04/24/13 12:33 AM

Hi Simsane. There is more than 1 way to water flowers. There's a Spoiler here if you really want one.

You are correct, the tutorial should pick up again after you've accepted a proposal. Right now it's "silent" because you've completed the requirements up to (but not including) accepting a proposal. If it doesn't pick up again please let us know. smile
Posted by: Simsane

Re: Updated PC vers of VF 2 - 04/24/13 03:09 AM

If you mean on the west side of the house, near the bathroom, that's what I did. Exactly in that location and I know that before I installed the update my two other families had received that trophy. I have since tried a total of 5 times now and no trophy yet.

Also, the tutorial told me to have my person do some work. I put her at the workbench and she started then went poof, right? The tutorial popped up and said that sometimes happens to them when they are at a low level of their job and to put her back at it.

I did and she completed a cycle of work and then the tutorial gave me coins and told me to have her read the email. She did and rejected the proposal.

THEN the tutorial told me to put her to work again. I did but after she completed another cycle of work the tutorial didn't pop up again. I have since gone back in and the tutorial is still silent but I do figure that after she accepts a proposal it will open again to suggest trying for baby.

Nvm, Arnie helped me and it worked -- there's nothing wrong with this game, I was just doing it wrong.
Posted by: Lisa L

Re: Updated PC vers of VF 2 - 08/04/13 04:23 AM

I was wondering if there would be an update to VF2 PC version to match the new update I just did to the IOS version? I absolutely LOVE LOVE the recent update to the IOS!!! I play my phone version A LOT! I would much rather play it than the PC one.

Hoping it update soon!!!

PS I wish they would add the option to use your WT coins to purchase items for your house or the option to use your own money like the games on Facebook.....

Thank you
Posted by: arnie

Re: Updated PC vers of VF 2 - 08/05/13 09:41 AM

Count me in as voting for an update every now and then to the PC version to match the iOS and the Android versions! I realise such an update might be difficult to manage as frequently as the iOS and Android versions, but my PC version is already starting to look "old" compared with the one I'm playing on my iPad.
I wish they would add the option to use your WT coins to purchase items

What are WT coins? confused
Posted by: XayAdministrator

Re: Updated PC vers of VF 2 - 08/05/13 06:43 PM

Wild Tangent coins, used on the website Wild[Tangent]Games, which is not affiliated with us other than being a website that sells our games. Wild Tangent coins are a currency only available on that website.