Glitch in VF2

Posted by: Zia

Glitch in VF2 - 04/20/13 06:55 AM

I hope I explain this okay, because I don't know how to do a screen shot ... one of my people went to the back room on the right (it's still condemned) and about where his feet touched the orange pole (the one on the right), he was stuck and couldn't move. I was trying to create this email with the game still opened, but my computer got stuck in the loop and I had to turn the game off.

I had a script error message, but I don't know if this has anything to do with the game:

Script: resource://gre/components/nsBrowserContentHandler.js:714

Anyway, just thought I would post -
Posted by: arnie

Re: Glitch in VF2 - 04/20/13 01:33 PM

Zia, what version of the game are you playing (Windows or Mac)? Is it the full or a trial version?
Posted by: Zia

Re: Glitch in VF2 - 04/20/13 03:42 PM

It's the new - full version on Windows.
I just noticed the room has four orange poles, it's second one if you start counting from the left.
Posted by: MissKathyAdministrator

Re: Glitch in VF2 - 04/20/13 07:00 PM

Hi Zia, I believe you're referring to the Small Central Room (shown below).

Are there any other details you can provide, such as how your little person got there? Did you drop him there, was he supposed to pick up a wrapper/sock, or was he already there and stuck when you opened the game)? Which pole was it (I've numbered the poles for easy identification)?

There are instructions in this post on how to take a screenshot and attach it to the forum. smile
Posted by: Zia

Re: Glitch in VF2 - 04/21/13 01:59 AM

Thanks for the instructions. I was dragging my guy across and dropped him in that exact spot accidentally.

Here you go:

Posted by: MissKathyAdministrator

Re: Glitch in VF2 - 04/21/13 04:20 AM

Thank you Zia. smile To quote Xay from this post:
Originally Posted By: Xay
We lovingly call these "sticky spots" smile As you can see from these posts in VV5: New Believers, we've had sticky spots before! grin
Posted by: arnie

Re: Glitch in VF2 - 04/21/13 06:24 AM

The script error message has nothing to do with it, I'd say. I'm no expert, but it looks like a browser JavaScript error.
Posted by: Zia

Re: Glitch in VF2 - 04/21/13 03:29 PM

Thank you for looking into it! I learned to post a screen shot and that's pretty cool!!

One more thing, does anyone notice this: When starting the game and choosing a family, your family's name is on the 'first' page where you continue. But if you change to a different family, that first family name that you chose to start with is still there on that 'family' page; no matter which family you are playing?

Posted by: MissKathyAdministrator

Re: Glitch in VF2 - 04/21/13 04:58 PM

Thank you Zia, we're looking into it. smile
Posted by: Indigo Jo

Re: Glitch in VF2 - 04/21/13 10:38 PM

Hi guy's I too am having a couple of issues. One is two socks have appeared for ''pick up'' to the right hand side of the toilet door. NO peep can pick them up! No matter where I place them they cannot see them so they stay ther emaking the place look untidy.
Also, I have the long haired puppy. He seems to be in a sitting position but glides around the place without moving a muscle! he floats on thin air! lol.....
I have two adult peeps one who is noth bothered on having kids and the other who says definitely wants them. They have two. A boy aged 7 who is persistently sick and I meant ALWAYS!!! it's costing me every penny I earn keeping him healthy. The little girl is just fine, but these two adults argue ALL the time and will NOT try to make another baby despite being given the $2,500 baby boost. she is 32 and he is 33. So I can't see age as being an issue.

These are only silly glitches, but when you see them ALL the time they get a bit much - especially the getting sick on a permanent basis and the cluttering up the place socks.

Just thought I would let you know. Happy days!! :-)
Posted by: MissKathyAdministrator

Re: Glitch in VF2 - 04/21/13 11:11 PM

Hi Indigo Jo, some of your items are not glitches.

1. The socks are on the bathroom floor because that is the sock pile. If you click on it, the game tells you how many socks are there. For a Spoiler on how to deal with them please see this post.

2. I've had a few floating pets as well! Reminds me of when the peeps would sometimes float right out of the swimming pool in the original Virtual Families! grin

3. Sounds like your little boy has an infection and requires a Dr. Consult so that he can receive the proper antibiotic. Otherwise he will continue to contract illnesses.

4. There has been alot of discussion on the willingness of (or lack of) couples in having children. To quote LadyCFII:
Originally Posted By: LadyCFII
There are some differences in VF2 (as compared to the original VF game) when it comes to producing children. The most significant of those is that couples will be less inclined to have children as family size increases, and arguments will increase accordingly. That doesn't generally prevent a family from having 6 children when both parents have a fairly strong desire for children. However, if you start off with a couple that doesn't have a high desire for children, their reluctance to grow the family will cause a lot of arguments.

Because of this difference, it's more important in VF2 to consider your goals for the family before making your choices for the parents. It's always possible to bypass the parents' wishes and adopt children to achieve the family size you want, but that can be a much more expensive option.

You can find additional helpful information here.

I hope this information helps. smile
Posted by: dansmot

Re: Glitch in VF2 - 07/01/13 01:08 PM

I am having sock issues too, I have the laundry room finished and the washing machine in place, my peeps were putting the socks away with no problem then today they won't pick them up.....they crouch down, it says picking up a sock, then they freeze for a second and drop the's really annoying!!! HELP!!
Posted by: MissKathyAdministrator

Re: Glitch in VF2 - 07/01/13 04:19 PM

Hi dansmot, I answered you here. smile
Posted by: dansmot

Re: Glitch in VF2 - 07/01/13 04:49 PM

Thank you laugh
Posted by: FadedLily

Re: Glitch in VF2 - 08/11/13 07:50 PM

I'm hoping someone here can help me, or has any knowledge of this glitch. I'm using Windows 7 on my laptop to play. The second family down from the top on the list of players has a problem. I got to the place where they could reno the second bedroom and second bath. When I purchased the renovations, there was what I would call a "hiccup", the workers appeared for just an instant at the door of the house, sort of flickered, then were gone. But the bath and bedroom were there, so I kept playing. But from that time through now, a generation later, the rooms, the hall outside of it, and the stairs leading to the next floor are all "sticky" dead zones. Over time socks have appeared, we now have 6 socks & 3 wrappers accumulated. My peeps bend, pick them up, then have total confusion over what to do next. They can't escape the area, they're just stuck, although sometimes if they are in the hall, they will go through the dirty room yet to be done to the bathroom and do something there. Once they are done, they are stuck again. I did have a dirty spot show up recently in the hall outside the bathroom, but when I placed a peep on it, she was able to clean it up. The she was confused until I picked her up out of there. I'm getting lots of complaints from the peeps about the house being a mess, so they do notice the socks, etc there. But, if a peep is there, they don't notice when a new thing is placed in the house in the areas that are unaffected. I've also noticed that the peeps will wander into these sticky areas on their own between when I have their game open. So when I open the game, the poor peep is just standing there, waiting to be rescued. cry As this is the only family that's having the problem, I'm not sure what's going on. The only thing I can think of is to delete this family and start over. I'd just hate to play the game this far again and find the same problem waiting for me, lol! Anyone have any thoughts?
Posted by: MissKathyAdministrator

Re: Glitch in VF2 - 08/12/13 12:42 AM

Hello FadedLily, From your description it sounds like your little family "thinks" something is blocking their path so they are unable to go up or down the stairs to/from the 2nd level, especially since your little person was able to clean a dirt smudge but then not come down the stairs. Try the tips linked in this post and see if they help. smile Furniture near the stairs, even if it's on the other side of the wall, can sometimes cause issues as described in this post and follow-up response. Please let us know if this solves the issue for you. smile
Posted by: FadedLily

Re: Glitch in VF2 - 08/12/13 05:18 PM

Soon after I wrote my post, my family went to the next generation. Wanting see what would happen, I bought the reno for the room that also connects with the second bathroom. I found that my peep was still "stuck" when she was close to the bathroom, but she could move if set down further away. So I did the renovation for the large room, (even though it took most of my peep's money, arghh!). Once the room was finished, there were no more problems. I don't know what it was that was keeping the family from exiting those rooms, but she can now walk down the stairs she couldn't before. She did have quite a job picking up all the socks and wrappers, lol! Now all she has to do is get that bank account built back up, but fortunately she is not only well educated herself, and has a terrific job, she also married very well laugh ) Thanks for the ideas, I'll keep them in mind in case I face another stuck peep in the future.

I do have another question, also related to the same area of the house. Why can't I put furniture up against the wall between the second bathroom and the bedroom? I get the red line, and there is a fairly large space between where the wall is and where the furniture will sit. Is this normal, or is it a glitch? Can I do anything to fix it? This is happening in all the families, not just one that had the sticky problem. Thanks so much for the help! laugh
Posted by: MissKathyAdministrator

Re: Glitch in VF2 - 08/14/13 12:53 AM

Hello FadedLily. smile I'm glad that your peeps are now moving freely around the house. Are they using both sets of stairs that lead to the top floor?

Concerning the inability to place certain furniture against the wall between the blue bedroom and the 2nd bathroom, it's normal. My kids have their train table there since they like to have access on all sides when they play. laugh Tables and toys also work well there.
Posted by: FadedLily

Re: Glitch in VF2 - 08/14/13 02:47 AM

Hullo Miss Kathy,
Yup, the peeps are walking, (and in the case of one very small peep, jumping), down the stairs and up whenever they wish. As for the red zone between the two rooms, I'm glad to hear it's normal, but I have to admit that empty space bothers me. It's probably just me, lol, but an unused space just seems so wrong somehow! crazy That room is often part of the master suite in my houses. I use it for a study or library. The master bedroom is the room that connects on the other side of the bath. Just wish the bath and what they call the second bedroom was any other color than blue, I don't like blue, sigh.... Neutral colors are so nice on walls, (hint, hint....)