Twins and triplets question

Posted by: kissy06

Twins and triplets question - 08/08/09 04:29 AM

I've read through a lot of posts, but I can't seem to find the answer to a question I have. Has it been determined if a twin is more likely to have triplets? Say I have a family that has twins, when the parents pass away, if one of those twins start the next generation, am I more likely to have triplets from that generation? I have a family where the parents just turned 50 and I have a set of twins, an adoptee, and one of the little girls with the black and white hair. The reason I'm asking is I would like the cool hair girl to start the next generation, but if I am more likely to get triplets from one of my twins, I'll have them move in. Thanks!!!!
Posted by: Lyssaria

Re: Twins and triplets question - 08/08/09 05:53 AM

I think a lot of people have had more success after allowing the twin to take over the house, but I've also had triplets without choosing the twin to take over.. it's tricky, but it would call for another experiment grin

Best of luck with finding your triplets!

I would probably pick my favorite little person to take over the house anyway.. we have plenty of time to find some sweet triplets. smile
Posted by: MissKathyAdministrator

Re: Twins and triplets question - 08/08/09 06:05 AM

I just went through all my families (which are in their 10th & 11th generations) and this is what I found:

Singletons having twins: 8 times
Singletons having triplets: 5 times
Twins having twins: 1 time
Twins having triplets: 0 times
Triplets having twins: 2 times
Triplets having triplets: 0 times

I currently have a triplet who inherited the house but she hasn't had any children yet.
I also have 2 other sets of triplets that are not old enough yet. Looks like maybe choosing a singleton has the best chance of having triplets but I really think it's just random.
Posted by: Lyssaria

Re: Twins and triplets question - 08/08/09 06:07 AM

Thanks for the info Kathy! I have had similar results, although I don't have that many sets of multiples grin It really must be random!

Disappointing that we can't influence it even if we want to, but I do enjoy the ability to choose my favorite little people to take over the home. smile
Posted by: MissKathyAdministrator

Re: Twins and triplets question - 08/08/09 06:15 AM

Me too (choosing who I want to inherit the house). Now I'm choosing the person who is at the lower end of the "heads" chart so I can gradually get down to Rainbow girl and Mohawk man. smile One of my peeps did marry a mohawk man but didn't get any mohawk babies.
Posted by: Lyssaria

Re: Twins and triplets question - 08/08/09 06:17 AM

Aw! So close, huh? Well good luck with getting one of those lower heads! grin

I had my blue-haired female triplets go off to college yesterday frown
Posted by: kissy06

Re: Twins and triplets question - 08/08/09 07:34 AM

Thanks you two. That's a really good collection of data MissKathy. smile I have always picked the one I liked, since this was my first set of twins. blush I think I am going to pick my favorite little one. Thanks again! laugh
Posted by: arnie

Re: Twins and triplets question - 08/08/09 01:36 PM

I'm a great believer in the principle of Occam's razor. In short, the simplest explanation is likely to be the best.

It is possible that Arthur will have written complex algorithms to decide when twins or triplets will be born. However, it seems much more likely to me that he will use a simpler method using random numbers.
Posted by: vfmacfan

Re: Twins and triplets question - 08/08/09 06:54 PM

I think the twins and triplets are random, so when I inherit I pick the peep that has the best combination of looks/career/desire to have children and no weird likes (like a guy liking makeup). Dislikes can always be removed. I've had lots of twins and triplets in a few of my families but none in one of my other families. I don't think the chance of having twins/triplets can be influenced in any way by the player.
Posted by: kissy06

Re: Twins and triplets question - 08/08/09 10:14 PM

Thanks! I decided I'm going to just pick who I like. The twins were cute, but I like the black and white hair. I never let adoptees have the house, so it was down to just the three. Not a very cooperative couple... laugh

vfmacfan, that's funny! I've never paid much attention to the likes, just the dislikes. But a guy who likes makeup? I'd have to get him just to see how he acted. laugh