[Spoiler] Weak & Extremely Weak

Posted by: virtualbrenda

[Spoiler] Weak & Extremely Weak - 04/23/09 01:20 PM

Hi guys. I'm having loads of fun playing the game, but for some reason my only 2 children are weak & extremely weak. I bought all organic foods this time and made them a meal and it changed to a little bit weak & weak for a short time.

I've also persisted with the sleeping and got them all rested, so the other bars are all good (happy, fed & energy). Just the health bar.

I'm checking the store for anything to build up weakness, but all I see is baby boost but it's $500 which I don't have.

How do you get their health bar up?

I haven't done the hotfix yet, but I don't think that's it. frown
Posted by: Frizzie87

Re: [Spoiler] Weak & Extremely Weak - 04/23/09 01:30 PM

I'm not completely sure, this hasn't happened to me. Could they be sick? Maybe they need some medicine from the store? That's just a guess though.
Hope you figure it out, I know it took my woman ages to eat the first time I played. I left it for an hour and when I came back her fed bar was nearly full.
Posted by: virtualbrenda

Re: [Spoiler] Weak & Extremely Weak - 04/23/09 01:34 PM

They don't seem to be sick, but I'm not sure what happens when they are sick. I read the sick thread, but it doesn't seem to be the same as they say sick and then you have to work out what's wrong with them.

Am I the only one with weak children? frown
Posted by: arnie

Re: [Spoiler] Weak & Extremely Weak - 04/23/09 02:29 PM

If you're lucky you might find the vitamins in the store, which should help. I wouldn't worry too much, though. So long as your kids are kept well-fed their health bars should improve.

BTW, the baby boost is only to increase the likelihood of the mother and father having babies, so that wouldn't do much good, even if you could afford it.

If they don't improve after a few hours it might be worthwhile getting a doctor's diagnosis (provided you can afford it).
Posted by: virtualbrenda

Re: [Spoiler] Weak & Extremely Weak - 04/23/09 03:38 PM

Thank you arnie.

They are happy and running around playing & selling etc. I'm not getting them to do much, just letting them pick what they want to do. Their health bar has not improved, but I don't think they need a doctor .. yet. I'll save my money in case they change to sick, or all their bars drop.

I wonder if it's like weakened in the VV games? They take ages to improve with stews if it was low enough, but they always picked up, well my villagers always do.
Posted by: Magesteff

Re: [Spoiler] Weak & Extremely Weak - 04/23/09 06:59 PM

There should be a "Docor Consultation" in the medicine store - it's pricey - $175, but it will tell you what illness (if any) your kid has. Once you know that you can remedy it. COuld just be hiccups, which is easy.

Vitamin pills do work well as others have mentioned. Also get the air purifier (in the shop) which goes in the office, it is suppoed to make a healthier environment there too.
Posted by: virtualbrenda

Re: [Spoiler] Weak & Extremely Weak - 04/23/09 07:23 PM

Thanks. I see the doctors consult, but I don't think they need it. They are acting very normal, not tired or sick. It's just the health bar won't go up even though I feed them all the time.

I think what happened was I forgot to replenish the food when I switched off my netbook last night so maybe food ran out and they got low health? I'm pretty sure I didn't replenish, but I'm replenished today so I'm hoping a good nights sleep and another day of healthy meals and I might see a change.

I might try the air purifier as the organic foods are using all my money and not doing anything.
Posted by: virtualbrenda

Re: [Spoiler] Weak & Extremely Weak - 04/24/09 07:31 AM

Update. When I turned my game back on, 3 out of 4 of my family were a bit sick, so I did what I had to do and they all recovered fine.

The two kids who were extremely weak & a bit weak, well the extremely weak is now a bit weak & the other kid has a very high health bar. So I think it may have been the forgetting to top up the food the first night of the game. They seem to be improving themselves, just slowly.
Posted by: arnie

Re: [Spoiler] Weak & Extremely Weak - 04/24/09 09:41 AM

That's good to know, bren! smile
Posted by: virtualbrenda

Re: [Spoiler] Weak & Extremely Weak - 04/24/09 04:49 PM

It was good arnie, then the youngest decided to get extremely weak on me again. frown

It seems the more I have the game open, and the more I make meals for him, the weaker he gets. He's 14 now, and his sister is 16 and her health bar is very high, while his is just dropping. I wonder if he's just going to be a sickly kid? Thing that is tough though, he's not sick, so I can't help with the 'things you do when they're sick' so I just don't know what to do to get his health bar higher. frown
Posted by: migweeny

Re: [Spoiler] Weak & Extremely Weak - 04/24/09 11:00 PM

The same thing happened to me. They ran out of food during the night and by morning the whole family was weak or extremely weak. After a day of eating and relaxing they are now a bit weak. Some kids came back up faster than others. My adopted child recovered fastest of all.
Posted by: debbie1260

Re: [Spoiler] Weak & Extremely Weak - 04/25/09 02:20 AM

Originally Posted By: bren
They don't seem to be sick, but I'm not sure what happens when they are sick. I read the sick thread, but it doesn't seem to be the same as they say sick and then you have to work out what's wrong with them.

Am I the only one with weak children? frown

I've seen this happen in Virtual Villagers. I think some peeps just have weak constitutions.

Posted by: Mary Kittie

Re: [Spoiler] Weak & Extremely Weak - 04/25/09 02:40 AM

Click to reveal..
Just tonight I came back to my game after a trip to the store, and found one lil peep sick with a tummy ache, so I treated that with the tummy stuff, and suddenly his status went from 'a bit sick' to 'weak'. He was acting totally normal and everything, you would not have thought he was still sick. Well I had been saving up money so I called in a doctor, and luckily I did cause the poor kid had a severe infection, and needed treatment. I treated him, and guess what? He became 'Extremely Weak'! Well after one more doc saying there is nothing else wrong, I gave in to him being extremely weak, and hopefully I'll bring his strength back up.

Anyway, the reason I tell this story is because bren mentioned they stayed weak or extremely weak after being treated for being 'a bit sick' maybe bren should call in a doc on this one.

Posted by: tuse

Re: [Spoiler] Weak & Extremely Weak - 04/25/09 02:53 AM

just a question? have you updated to the 100.1 version? there were a few bugs, as I heard. I havent encounterd illness yet, except for a head ache and an allergy.
Calling the doc is always good idea, but look in your store first, administer meds, and then DONT click on them for a few minutes.
Posted by: Mary Kittie

Re: [Spoiler] Weak & Extremely Weak - 04/25/09 03:02 AM

oh yeah I updated to the 100.1 version or whatever it's called lol. And I followed the directions of the meds given for the tummy ache etc... I wouldn't have called the doc had there been something there to use, but there was not unfortunately.
Posted by: virtualbrenda

Re: [Spoiler] Weak & Extremely Weak - 04/25/09 04:25 AM

I have updated to 100.1 version, but they were weak before I did the hotfix. Maybe that has something to do with it.

However, as with yesterday, after I had the game turned off while I slept, the health bar went up, and the last kid who went down to extremely weak has a half health bar now. Not sure if this is still considered weak as he's exhausted at the moment. smirk

Thanks for all the suggestions & help.
Posted by: Mary Kittie

Re: [Spoiler] Weak & Extremely Weak - 04/25/09 05:03 AM

he must not be weak anymore as weak will show up OVER exhausted, same as sick will and not feeling fresh or however that one goes. smile So congrats on your guy getting better.
Posted by: XayAdministrator

Re: [Spoiler] Weak & Extremely Weak - 04/25/09 05:18 AM

I *think* (don't quote me here, because it's just an idea I had) that weak/extremely weak is what happens when sick and run out of food....but that's just a theory.
Posted by: virtualbrenda

Re: [Spoiler] Weak & Extremely Weak - 04/25/09 06:05 PM

Thanks Mary. He's gone to college now, so I hope he eats good food !

I think you are spot on Xay. I'm pretty sure I didn't top up the food and so the kids health was affected overnight when I turned it off. I'm definitely topping up my food before turning off, and the new baby born with high food has a really high health bar.
Posted by: Riograce

Re: [Spoiler] Weak & Extremely Weak - 04/26/09 03:12 PM

I think the vitamins do help some - my middle boy was weak, and they seemed to boost his health bar. Of course, I need them again, and they're not available in the store. frown I hope they'll show up again.
Posted by: virtualbrenda

Re: [Spoiler] Weak & Extremely Weak - 04/26/09 05:39 PM

Originally Posted By: Riograce
I think the vitamins do help some - my middle boy was weak, and they seemed to boost his health bar. Of course, I need them again, and they're not available in the store. frown I hope they'll show up again.

Unfortunately the vitamins didn't show up in time for these kids. They did improve and are off at college now.

I bought the vitamins as soon as they showed up, but haven't had to use them on anyone .. yet. They're there in case I need them though ! smile
Posted by: Xzorya

Re: [Spoiler] Weak & Extremely Weak - 04/26/09 06:42 PM

I bought a Blood Orange at the store (from the "varied items" section) and gave it to my kid who was "a little weak". That seemed to do the trick.
Posted by: halidog

Re: [Spoiler] Weak & Extremely Weak - 04/26/09 07:07 PM

The fruits and Natural Fruit Candy help, I think.
Posted by: XayAdministrator

Re: [Spoiler] Weak & Extremely Weak - 04/27/09 06:38 AM

I've noticed something. One of my twins was extremely weak today. I fed her a blood orange from the store. She went from extremely weak to weak. Then I had her prepare a meal, set her in front of it and praised her for eating. Now she's a little bit weak. I'm making another meal, and I hope she'll be better afterward. Just to share info laugh
Posted by: BikerRicksBaby

Re: [Spoiler] Weak & Extremely Weak - 04/27/09 04:15 PM

I had a girl who was very weak after a long bout with hiccups (I didn't know water was the cure)...regular food did not help her, but the "perfect" bananas did. Now she is fine and off at college! smile
Posted by: ItsJustMeHoney

Re: [Spoiler] Weak & Extremely Weak - 06/16/09 11:53 PM

Whenever I get someone that is "weak" or a little weak, I try to give them extra things like the oranges and mangoes, and bananas. I even tried to give them the can of drink that energizes them. That has helped in some instances, as they start exercising and using the treadmill, etc and they become stronger.
Posted by: knksmiles

Re: [Spoiler] Weak & Extremely Weak - 06/17/09 01:41 AM

Originally Posted By: Xay
I've noticed something. One of my twins was extremely weak today. I fed her a blood orange from the store. She went from extremely weak to weak. Then I had her prepare a meal, set her in front of it and praised her for eating. Now she's a little bit weak. I'm making another meal, and I hope she'll be better afterward. Just to share info laugh

I noticed the same thing. It only seems to help if they are at least a little down on their fed bars. I had one family that were all weak or extremely weak. I had them prepare and eat a meal every hour or so and their levels were back up to full health by the next day.
Posted by: ajuma

Re: [Spoiler] Weak & Extremely Weak - 06/17/09 02:54 AM

You really should buy the doctor's consult. Who knows! You may get the "Gravely Ill" trophy!