31. Uncommon Ghost Dragonfly

Posted by: KJC

31. Uncommon Ghost Dragonfly - 02/21/08 08:48 PM

I have got 47 of 48 bugs I do not have is 31. Uncommon Ghost Dragonfly I have read "able to catch all these _bug_ without any tier 2, 3 or 4 seeds" 31. Uncommon Ghost Dragonfly was in this list. I'm I unluckly or this info not right.
Posted by: Jazzo

Re: 31. Uncommon Ghost Dragonfly - 02/22/08 02:59 PM

This is one that takes nothing but sheer luck. I've caught many before, ut I recommend just waiting. It will come out (yes, I remember every1 saying that to me when I had one left. It's annoying)
And u shouldn't have the name of a bug in the topic title.
Posted by: DOK

Re: 31. Uncommon Ghost Dragonfly - 02/22/08 09:13 PM

Hi KJC. I have been spending a lot of time hunting bugs lately. I discovered that if you turn the music all the way down and the sound all the way up in the options? You can hear the bugs approaching before they show up! The types you are speaking of make a buzzing sound. Like a mosquito in your ear at night while trying to sleep:)
The spiders and beetles? They seem to make a crunching or rustling noise:) It has been lots of fun. Although, don't forget to turn your computer volume down or it might freak you out later:) Good Luck!
Any extra tips ons Rare Jet Moth, Shiny Flower Beetle, or Golden Spider? I've planted the plants they like but have had no luck. Phooey!
Take Care,