Villagers wont listen :(!

Posted by: Aenima

Villagers wont listen :(! - 03/12/09 08:54 PM

Hi, I'm new here, just recently downloaded this game on my Iphone. I've unlocked like 6/16 achievements so far, and so on and so forth.

A few of my villagers don't like to listen to what I want them to do - I want one to farm, but not picking those annoying coconuts, I want him to work the farm by the food barrel. He's a master farmer but continues to venture back to the dang trees. I have it checked off for him to be a farmer.
Is there a way I can keep him on the farm? One of my other guys stays on the farm, he listens well smile
Posted by: arnie

Re: Villagers wont listen :(! - 03/12/09 09:18 PM

Welcome, Aenima! laugh

I think a lot of villagers have a sweet tooth, and would rather collect and eat coconuts than boring old vegetables from the farm. There's not much you can do, really, apart from watch him closely, and drag him away from the trees and plonk him down onto the farm as often as possible.
Posted by: LadyCFIIAdministrator

Re: Villagers wont listen :(! - 03/12/09 09:39 PM

I might also point out that "Farmers" are free to choose any available food source and remain within the scope of their profession. Eventually, the coconuts will be gone, and they won't have that as an option. laugh
Posted by: Aenima

Re: Villagers wont listen :(! - 03/13/09 04:44 AM

But the coconuts, for some reason, continue to re-appear. It's just a pain to have him take like 3 minutes to walk over, scale the tree, climb it, and walk back home. Even the 20 year old's walk like their 65 years old lol.
Posted by: LadyCFIIAdministrator

Re: Villagers wont listen :(! - 03/13/09 05:12 AM

They do replenish, but in such small quantities that they aren't a huge distraction.
Posted by: Aenima

Re: Villagers wont listen :(! - 03/13/09 06:05 AM

Alright, well I guess I'll have to let them do what they want, just have to keep an eye on them, from time to time they like to stop focusing on farming and do research or something, and I check back and have low food.

Thanks for the quick responses!
Posted by: Christin

Re: Villagers wont listen :(! - 03/19/09 12:40 AM

after 2 days my coconuts stopped replenishing!
Posted by: laurence

Re: Villagers wont listen :(! - 03/19/09 06:08 PM

The coconuts replenish in the same time that the crops! But they are not very numerous. smirk Just to flavor a little the fruits! wink