Found In a Barrel

Posted by: Annthewhofan

Found In a Barrel - 02/09/09 06:17 PM

Found In a Barrel

Chapter 1

My name is Isi and I am now 6 years old I been living on the west shore of Isola since I was 3. I learnt to speak the Isolen language by picking it up different words and signs of what they meant. Now I am fluent in the language. They said as I was only still a child it would be easy to pick up. I have forgotten what my own language now; I still know some words of my own language. This is where I take you back to before I was found floating in a barrel.

I was on a large ocean liner that was sinking; my mom and dad had booked a vacation on a Cruise ship and we were in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. I was in the nursery on the ship playing with the other children. Mom and dad were with the other grownups in another part of the ship. Then all of a sudden the shipped tilted to one side and then steadied. Every thing in the nursery went sliding and we went with it. Some of the little ones cried as they were scared, I was only age 3 and I too got scared and cried for my mom. I did not know what had happened and then, mommy came running in and she picked me up and carried me away from the nursery and other moms came for their children.

Mommy said that she loved me and then she put me in a large barrel and she had pinned an envelope on my chest. Mom and dad dropped the barrel into the ocean, then I was alone. I finely fell asleep wondering if anyone would ever find me.

To be continued
Posted by: Annthewhofan

Re: Found In a Barrel - 02/15/09 01:51 PM

Chapter 2

I woke up and I was beginning to feel the effect of the ocean in other words feeling seasick. I remembered my mom telling me what to do when I was sick and I looked for something my mother had put in the barrel and I found a packet with some food and water. I did not feel like the food but I drank some water. I noticed a small bottle and on it was some writing, but I could not read so did not know what it said. I remember my mom telling me if I felt seasick was to drink the contents in the bottle and it well makes you feel better. I remember when I was sick once before and remembered the taste and did not like it. However it did make me better, but I did not went to drink it. I sat there looking at it hoping I would get better before drinking it.

I did not feel better and then I remembered my older brother who was sick and mom told him to hold his nose and he would not have to taste it. As I was feeling worst sick, I decided to do what my older brother did and I held my nose and drink back the medicine in the bottle. My mom had put in the right dose into the bottle and would be too bad if I was sick again later on, as there was none left.

After awhile I was feeling a lot better and sleepy and I fell asleep again. I began to dream I was playing on a beach with lots of birds flying round and my mom and dad was with me helping me to build sandcastles. My older sisters were there and my brothers. I heard someone calling my name Isi in my dream, and then suddenly I was woken up out of my dream as I felt a shower of water splashed all over me. I wondered if it was raining and I stood up and was surprised and I said, Wow you’re a very large and you’re a… I was lost for words.

To be continued
Posted by: Annthewhofan

Re: Found In a Barrel - 02/16/09 07:17 PM

Chapter 3

What I saw was a magnificent killer whale; the name was a misinterpretation for this gentle giant. I watch as she gracefully swim though the waves and she jumped high into the air doing summer salts, twisting and turning. Then I could hear the mourning and singing type sounds coming from it that sounded sad and happy at the same time. I touched my face and felt it was wet, I did not realised that I was crying, as I was crying I heard my name been called, saying, ‘Isi why are you so sad? It was like it was inside my head yet not at the same time. I realised it was coming from the whale and I wondered how and said, ‘You can talk,’
‘No, it is you that can understand our langrage, you are a child of Isola,’ The Whale transmitted to me.
‘But I’m not from Isola, I never heard of Isola,’
‘You have Isola blood in you; you must have someone in your relations of Isola!!’
I could not think of an answer to this, as I could not understand, the whale must of read my mind as it said, ‘I know you don’t understand all this, but one day you will.’
I change the subject and asked, ‘What is your name?
‘We don’t have names like humans, but you can call me Orca. Are you hungry?
‘No, but I am thirsty,’ I was looking at the ocean wondering where Orca was going to find me fresh water!! confused
Wait there and it swim off into the distance.
I called after her, ‘Where are you going don’t leave me!?’
I’ll be back and it was gone leaving me once again all alone

Several minutes later it returned and I felt a splash of water that had come from its air hole on her back followed by something solid landing beside me, it was a plastic bottle full of water and I took off the top and gratefully drink from it.
I asked, ‘Where did you find this?
At the sunken ship, there is a lot of debris floating on the surface of the ocean.’
‘It will need cleaning up I explained,’ Remembering mom always complaining about people throwing litter about, and telling them to clean it up.
‘Don’t worry, the birds are having a field day,’ Orca Explained. ‘Are you hungry’ and promptly dive into the ocean and came up with a fish and threw into my barrel.
I complained saying. ‘I can’t eat uncooked fish; my mom usually cooks it,’
Orca said. ‘Ohm I’m sorry, you humans are so fussy, I’m sorry we don’t have cooking things in the in the ocean!!! I find some human food. And Orca once again swim off and returned this time, she had something in her mouth and she came up to my barrel and I could see it was a coconut and she said, Take it, it won’t bite’ I took it.
I said I don’t want to complain, but I can’t cut it open,’
‘Sorry, I just realised that children are not allowed to have sharp instruments. I ask Freddy the shark to make a hole in it, he owes me a favour’,
‘EEEK, a shark,’ I said scared at the prospect of sharks.
‘It’s alright he’s a friendly shark been tamed by the islands potions,’ Orca explained.
‘Oh that makes me feel much better,’ I said.
‘I’ll prove it.’ and she gave one of those whistling sounds.

A few minutes later I saw Freddy the shark appear and then it came up to my barrel and it said I don’t do this for every one, now what do you want?’
‘Open this coconut.’ and showed it to Freddy the shark.
Bring it closer and I make the hole I held it up and Freddy the shark took it in its teeth and I was very surprised how genteel it took the coconut into its teeth then it use an incisor to cut a hole in the coconut enough for the coconut milk to come out.
It said. ‘Don’t tell any one about this I got a reputation to keep up; after all I am a shark. ‘Don’t worry I won’t tell, I never talk to sharks very often,’ I said giggling.
Freddy the shark said, You must careful you know there are much more dangerous sharks and other creatures out here in the ocean and little girls should not be out here floating in barrels.’ Off it went away swimming.
Then I sat back and drank the coconut milk and it tasted wonderful as the food that mom had left was going a bit stale.

Orca said, ‘Freddy is right and you must go away from here.’
'I said ‘But how, I don’t know how to steer the barrel.’
I will escort you to the nearest shore then I have to leave you.’ Then Orca dived deep into the ocean and the next thing I felt my barrel leave the ocean and found my self on top of Orca’s back and she said, ‘Hold on tight here we go.’
I suddenly sat down and held onto the side of the barrel, but I needn’t had to as it appeared I was not moving at all, the only clue that we were moving was the wind that blow thought the air holes in the barrel and sometimes a slight tilt as Orca turned in the ocean. As Orca swim, I began to feel sleepy with the coconut milk and the slight breeze blowing though the holes. I soon fell asleep.

When I woke all was quiet and I stood up and there was no sign of Orca, I knew I was in a different part of the ocean and I could hear birds in the distance. I missed Orca and started calling out, ORCA, ORCA, WHERE ARE YOU, ORCA!!!??’ Then I heard a voice. ‘Ah quit that noise, can’t a creature get some peace and quiet round here I’m trying to sleep.’
‘What the…. Who’s that? I look around and then tried to look over the barrel on standing on my tiptoes as I found the voice was coming from under the barrel. 'Show yourself.' I Said timedly, and it peeped it's head out from under the barrel and I smiled and explained you’re a… smile

To be continued
Posted by: Annthewhofan

Re: Found In a Barrel - 02/22/09 05:17 PM

Chapter 4

As I looked over at the creature and I said mistakenly, ‘You’re a tortoise’
It said feeling insulted, ‘A tortoise, a tortoise, I’m a sea turtle, huh what do they teach in school these days, hum.
‘I’m sorry, but I’m only three I not started school yet,’
‘Yes of course you’re still only an infant, it replied.
‘No I am not an infant, I said feeling affronted.
‘You are an infant!!!!’
‘NOT I’m a child’
‘NOT ‘
‘Okay you win wink you are a child and I don’t like been called a tortoise, tortoises live on land only and turtles live in the ocean only.
‘I am sorry I called you a tortoise so are we quits, grin I said.
‘Yes we quit grin and you can call me Arthur, Arthur the turtle said.
Arthur was a large green turtle and looked like he had lived a long time as he was very wrinkly round the neck, but he still looked very cute and handsome. Then it said surprisingly, ‘I suppose you want a lift to the shore?’
‘Well’ I said how far it is?’
‘Not far and I escorted another barrel of infa... I meant children? That’s what I’m doing all day; you think I had nothing better to do than to escort you children in barrels to Isola shores, moan, moan, moan.’
Oh I’m so sorry for been bother, smirk were they my age?’ Arthur.’ I asked.
‘Actually there were three of them and ten years old, a lot older than you and after I took them as far as the North shore was soon found and they were are noisy lot too,’ Arthur said. What did you say your name was?’
‘I didn’t but my name is Isi’
‘Right this is far as I go.’ Arthur said. You should be found as most of the villager farmers’ fish in this area.’
‘Arthur don’t go, are you sure…?’ When I began to hear excited voices, I had been found.

One of the village females and two males carried my barrel to the beach and other villagers came running over to greet me. One of the females with red hair tied back in a pony tail lifted me out of the barrel and I felt very strange confused standing on the beach and the sun seemed a lot brighter. Then another female was talking to me and she had long black hair that covered the whole of her back and as she turned her head some strands of hair sometimes curled round her neck. As I could not understand her language I could not answer and she thought I was very shy. She saw the envelope that was pined to my chest and wanted to have a look at it, I did not want her to take it as it was the only thing left of my family and held onto it. She made a sign to say she only wanted to found find out who I was and that she did not want to take it off me.
I in the end agreed and give her the letter and she opened it and a picture fell out. I picked it up and it was a picture of my mom and dad and my older brother and sister. Mom was holding a baby in her arms that must have been me. There was a letter written in my language that the long haired female could not understand and so she indicated that she would ask one of the scientists to translate it and she took my hand and took me to a large research hut.

As we were making are way to the science hut, I noticed up at the north end of the shore a ancient artefact that look like a very large gong and an encasement that held it. I could see that the gong had engraved on it moon, stars and other things. I was so busy admiring the gong encasement that I did not noticed that someone was talking to me in my own language. Then he said ‘I see you are admiring our gong of wonder, it’s remarkable isn’t it.’
‘Yes.’ I said.
‘What’s your name, its Isi isn’t’ it!!’
‘Yes it is.’ I knew he read the names in the letter, mom wrote.
I only speak little of your language. So I not able to read the letter your mom wrote to you, but I am sure when you have leant to read, you be able to read it. As you are so young will soon learn our Isolan language.’ My name is Papu and the female in the pony tail is Soda and the female with long black hair is Vava. Here are some children want to play tag with them!'

I ran off with them and I noticed a boy my age I found that his name was Bem who and with him a boy who they called, Seven, who just came two year old he had brown hair and three females that I could not tell apart as they were triplets, had long blond hair and their names were City, Chi and Chika they were age seven. It did not take long before I joined them in a tag game and there were to me hundreds of us kids running around the village playing the tag game. But in fact there were over sixty kids in all ranging in the ages between two to thirteen. As I found out later, that those over thirteen, say fourteen and over were old enough to work with the adult villagers.
My life could not have been better, but there was something still missing my family frown and there was still the mystery of who was my ancestor born somewhere here on Isola. confused

To be continued
Posted by: Annthewhofan

Re: Found In a Barrel - 03/01/09 06:42 PM

Chapter 5

I am now seven and I was playing on the beach near the coconut trees, when I was disturbed by a parrot. I kept trying to chase it away, but it kept flying right at me and around me. Then I realised why, it had something tied to its foot and it let me take it off its foot. Then it flew off. I found it was a peace of paper with something written on it and it said.

Dear Isi, if you have received this message, please tell me where you are? I am living on the North shore of Isola. I will try to find you as soon as I am 14 years old, which I will be in a few days time.
Love from your Sister, Tiare.

PS the parrots name is Lau, so to return a message call Lau. Lau will find her way back. Just say to her, “Go back to Tiare."

I was pleased that my older sister Tiare, that I had not expected to hear from and I wanted to tell her where I was. But I did not have anything to write with. Then I thought of asking Papu, he always seemed to be busy, that I did not like to disturb him. I really wanted to send a message to Tiare and in the end ask Papu for something to write with.

I went up to Papu who was by now an Elder and said, 'I know you are very busy but could you help me with something?'
Papu said, ‘Of course I can I am never too busy to help out Isi, so tell me what the problem is?’
I said, I got this note from my sister Tiare, it was tied to a parrot’s leg called Lau!!!’ I showed Papu the note.
He read it and said ‘I am pleased that your sister is alive and well and you want to return a message?’
Yes please, if you don’t mind,’
‘Not at all, and Yes we have writing materials in the research hut.’ Papu explained.

I followed Papu into the research hut where I usually go when I find an item for the scientists. I never really explored the inside the large hut, but it had so much stuff that had accumulated over the years that it needed a good clean up and I wondered how they could find anything among the clutter. Papu went straight to the place where they kept the writing materials and brought out some paper and some kind of pastel to write with. I used a table to write the message and I wrote on it.

Dear Tiare I got your message and I am living on the West shore of Isola.
Love from your sis, Isi.

I called for Lau using a whistling sound and Lau landed on my shoulder I managed to tie the message to its foot. I said, ‘Go back to Tiare.’ Then she flew off towards the north. I wondered if Tiare would come looking for me. I was all excited to know that I had a sister living somewhere on Isola and maybe one day we would meet up.


Posted by: Annthewhofan

Re: Found In a Barrel - 03/09/09 12:27 PM

Chapter 6

I noticed that one of the parrots had died, and was glad it was not Lau. One of the children picked it up and buried it. His name was Luc and he was only 3 years old. A few day’s later Luc got very sick. He had a caught an infection from the parrot, because he probably never thought of washing his hands after he buried the parrot. Soon the disease spread across the tribe very fast. All the doctors also began to fall ill and with no fit doctors as they were all off sick and this disease could be fatal, if there was no one to heal them I was still only seven and was one of the lucky ones not to catch the disease, but most of my friends had. We needed help and help fast.
Then little Lucy who was by now age 13 and was very clever as she had skills in science, but was not allowed to work yet, had an idea, she said. ‘We must ask the guiding hand to help,’
‘The guiding hand?’ I queried.
.Yes, the one who helps you to find mushrooms and collectables.’ Lucy explained.
I said as to say (quote, I knew that), ‘Oh that guiding hand.’
‘Yes, that guiding hand.’ Lucy explained wink
‘Right lets asked the guiding hand,’ and ran off looking up for this guiding hand and

Lucy called me back saying the ‘guiding hand will find someone to heal the villagers,’ and just as she said that I felt I was flying and in an explanation I went ‘wee’ Suddenly I found my self on a sick villager and some instant told me to heal her. With all the excitement, I forgot the serious business of healing and I knew the guiding hand choose me as I had no skills. The guiding hand wanted me to try and heal the doctors so they could get on with the job of healing. As I had failed to heal not been successful this time, as I turned round to look up at this guiding hand shaking my head and a grown up word came from my mouth to say, ‘No’. The guiding hand patently picks me up again and the feeling of flying briefly made me go ‘Weee.’ On a sick villager and this time I managed to heal a doctor, with some herbs from the hospital, I was then guided to heal several of the doctors, soon my healing skills was improved to Apprentice Doctor, which would change to Adept Doctor when I would be 14. I was very proud to gaining skills as a doctor and wondered one day I might be a Master Doctor and master two other skills and have a totem in my name. I could just see a beautiful totem with my name on it and it would say Isi’s totem

Then Lucy interrupted my day dreaming by saying, ‘A Tec point for your thoughts.’
I jumped in fright and said, ‘You scared me then,’
Come on its tag,’
‘But I need to heal this vi…’
‘Never mind that let the healers do it now, it’s their job now.’ Lucy said.
I ran off to play tag and guess what!!! I ended up as ‘IT’ eek

The doctors managed to cure all the villagers and the disease died out after several weeks. As it ranged during those weeks, the doctors had to take time out to relax, eat, do the laundry and back to healing. During this time some of the devoted doctor villagers became Master Doctors and one of them managed to gain Esteemed Elder, he was Paco’s younger brother name Papa. All the villagers celebrated his honour as an Esteemed Elder.’ This was delayed until every one was cured and it was worth it as every one could join in the celebrations.

To be continued
Posted by: Annthewhofan

Re: Found In a Barrel - 03/15/09 03:29 PM

Chapter 7

Part two

North shore

I am Tiare and well be age 14 tomorrow and will have to find a job to do. When I was ten years old was rescued from the ocean in a barrel with two other kids that were my age. My baby sister Isi was put in a barrel and we lost touch until recently. The kids that came with me are Pogo and Ashby, we have remained very close and have never really been close to any one else. It was Pogo's’s idea to send a massage by bird post. Pogo who is a red haired male trained a parrot and we choose to name her Lau. (See chapter 4) I was delighted to find that Isi my baby sister was still alive and well after I got a return massage. Ashby who is a lot shyer than me and Pogo were a bit upset when I said I might go and find my baby sister, as she always tended to relied on me and did not want to be left on her own.
Ashby said, cry ‘Please don’t go, what well I do without you?’
I realised Ashby felt somewhat insecure, because of what happened after losing her parents many years ago and I was her only link of that time after we were put in a barrel for our safety. This is my story this will just be short

The 3 of us were huddled together, we were 10 years old. Ashby who was more upset than the three of us would not stop crying. cry I went and put my arms round her trying to comfort her. Pogo who was the bravest of the three of us, kept looking out towards the ocean and then he called out look I can see a turtle, we all stood up and we called out in excitement seeing this large turtle (See chapter 5). laugh The turtle then did a strange thing it started to push the barrel and we squealed with delight at this. The turtle gave us a funny look and I decided to call it Arthur, I don’t know why but it seemed like a name that would suit him. I believed that my sister would be able to talk to animals as she had some kind of gift, even tough at the time she was only 3 when we parted.

After we saw land the turtle left us and soon was picked up by the northern tribe, we did not understand the language, confused but we later found out we were on Isola a magical kind of island that many things could happen and even the chief who had some magical powers that could magically create food every 24 hours and give lectures to children that gave us certain skills that somehow suddenly become skilled. I have two skills I leant after the lectures which were medicine and construction. As the tribe do not need builders after all the huts and the statue has been done, I probably study medicine.

This is why we remain together and as Ashby had not picked up the Isolan language as she found it not easy as me and Pogo. Pogo and I had picked up words here and there, but Ashby even though she was cleaver at a lot of things languages was not one of them. This is one of the reasons why she was afraid of me leaving her. I promised her that Pogo would look after her or, we could all go together to find my sister one day. Ashby agreed and said she would help to build a raft, as she to have picked up construction after the chief’s lectures.

‘To morrow we be 14,’ said Ashby, ‘so we can start work to the morrow, so we better retire now,’
‘Yes we better and we can start making plans to build this raft.’ I said.
Pogo said, ‘I don’t think the elders will allow us to leave after the raft is done, as we are still too young,’
shocked ‘But I want to find my kid sister and surly they must allow us this and if they don’t then we will go and see the chief for permission. Lets us retire now as it’s starting to rain and we first celebrate of coming workable age to morrow, then we will think what to do. I said. smile
We then went to our huts for the night. sleep

To be continued

Posted by: Annthewhofan

Re: Found In a Barrel - 03/16/09 09:58 PM

Chapter 8

I have been studying medicine and found that I like researching better. We had decided not to build a kind of boat to sail out to get to the west shore after discussing it as the small raft would not be a safe option. This was because Ashby had changed her mind about coming with me and Pogo to find my sister. Pogo gave his reasons a he told me that one of the alchemy villagers had discovered a potion that could that could transport a villager across the other side of the village and he thought if they made a stronger potion to transport a villager to the other side of the island. I liked the idea and asked him what the ingredients were. But he could not remember as the children had collected the herbs round the island. So I decided to experiment with the herbs.

I went round the island looking for likely herbs and did several experiments and I did found some surprising results. My favourite one was when a villager uses the potion and started talking in a strange language such as crazy Blannesamagawa loomajoobamooga and acting crazy. Some of them I made gave villagers the hiccoughs, bad breath, and some potions were harmful to the villagers eek I like the potion that the kids liked which was a yummy drink for the kids. The kids loved this yummy drink and were always begging me to make some, so every tea time I would make this yummy drink for the kids and they were always there waiting for it to be ready each day. laugh

One day when I was doing the alchemy experiments, I must have put too much herbal mixtures in as I was staring it. It shocked suddenly exploded and I was badly burnt and couple of the scientists after putting out the fire, had to help me to get first aid at the medical centre. I was fallen unconscious on the floor and them almost carrying me as I had been weakened by the accident. As I tried to get up after I came round and I was over come sick weakness and dizziness. Pogo said don’t get up yet, just take your time. The doctors bathed my wounds with herbal remedies which made me feel a bit better. The doctors told me not to do any alchemy for awhile until I was fully recovered. I stayed at the hospital for a few days, but was anxious to get back to try and find this potion that could transport a villager, which I had not yet found. Pogo kept telling me not to carry on with the experiments as he said it was too dangerous and was afraid I might get hurt again. I discovered that a few years ago one of the alchemists had died shocked after an explosion and he did not want it to happen to me. In the end I decided to leave the experimenting for awhile and I just did researching and studying medicine until I had more experience. After all I was still only 14. I still did the yummy drinks for the kids as this was much safer to do.

I was beginning to notice that Ashby and I had not been working together for awhile. I must have been too busy doing alchemy to notice at first, she had taken up farming and I knew that she never had any skills in farming as far as I knew, and I wondered who was teaching her to farm as the guiding hand had not looked in or was not dew to look in. She had taken it on herself to farm. We always worked together on science and medicine and then for some reason Ashby decided to farm, like go fishing and that. Then I noticed her talking to a male villager who was around her age. It was Totolo, he had black hair and had red ribbons tied in his hair. It looked like he was teaching her how to harvest the fruit. I started to feel slightly upset frown as I was use to her relying on me and now she had found someone else. Then I thought I should be please that she was coming out of herself and maybe this was the reason why she had changed her mind about coming with us to the west shore. Maybe Ashby will tell her story in the next chapter of how we parted.confused

To be continued
Posted by: Annthewhofan

Re: Found In a Barrel - 03/23/09 03:53 PM

Chapter 9

This is me, Ashby. I suppose Tiare has told you about how we were found in a barrel!! Anyways as you know we have always remained close and I always thought that she needed me than I needed her, but I realised I relied on her after she told me she was going to try and find her sister. As you know I always been lazy and never really leant the Isolan language. I have my tail, of how my life before Isola.

I was an only child, but not after I was born, I was a twin, but when I was only 4 years old my twin died after he became ill. My mom was upset frown about this and would always keep me in her sights was very protective about me and I think she was afraid of losing me too. I well leave there as you don’t won’t to know about the rest of my sad life. Having said that, it was not all sad, we had great times together me and my mom. This is one of the reasons I felt a bit envious about Tiare still having nearby relations and wished I had some one like a kid sister or older brother that she always goes on about. However, she has always been a like a sister to me and she kept on telling me that where ever she goes, we always remain together me Pogo and Tiare. Enough about that as I know you’re impatient to know why I and Tiare want are separate ways. Here goes.

While you already know we share the same birthday, grin and so the three of us celebrated this at the amphitheatre dancing and some of the villagers gave us presents. The one I liked the best was the present that Totolo gave and he said he liked me and he put a little gift wrapped in green leaves and some red ribbons kept the parcel secured. Then he ran off. He was still only 13 but soon be 14 in a few weeks time. I unwrapped the parcel and found it was a small shell and he had put in a flower and I found he wrote a note that said ‘MOMS’ I realised what he given me the shell for, it was to put the picture of my mom and me I always carried round with me and I got the picture of my mom and me and it fitted perfectly inside the shell. I noticed there was a small hole at the top of the shell big enough to fit the ribbon though, so I thread though the ribbon and I then hung it round my neck. smile

I took to studying medicine and in between that to do some researching, as they did not need builders much. We always worked together Tiare and I. Pogo want on to fishing. At the end of are work day the three of us came together to relaxed and to have our meals together, little did I know my life was about to change.

Totolo was now age 14 and we celebrated his birthday I gave him a small gift the same as every one else, I wanted to give him something better, but maybe I will find something better for his next birthday.

A few weeks later Totolo came over to talk to me. I thought that Totolo was really cute with his black locks and the way his mom had tied red ribbons in his hair. I said to Totolo, I’m sorry I could not find better gift!!’
Totolo said in my language broken English, ‘I like, very much, you like yours?’ smile
I said so he could understand, ‘Yes, I like very much, Thank you,’
He said, ‘You like farm?’
I said, ‘I don’t know! You show me’ as I at the same time indicated the actions with my hands.
‘I show, come’ and Totolo escorted to the orchard and showed me how to pick the fruit from the trees in a way that you do it trying not to accidentally pick the fruit that was not ready to harvest. The fruit was all clustered together and I found it hard to know what was right to pick and what not to pick. confused
Totolo explained best way he could, ‘I show look.’ He pointed out the partly green-yellow one, ‘this good’ and showed me one all green, ‘Not good’. Meaning to say that only harvest the almost ripe fruit and leave the rest to ripen.
After trying several times figuring what was what and trying not to get it wrong as I did not want to end up harvesting fruit that was not ready to harvest. I finely succeeded in farming. Totolo said, ‘You very good, you like fish.’
I said, ‘No fish yet!!?’
Totolo said, ‘You not like?’ confused
I said trying to explain, ‘Yes I like, but not yet.’
Totolo said, ‘Maybe later.’ grin
I said ‘Yes, maybe later’. grin

Every day I want farming with Totolo and Totolo was always willing to teach me to farm he showed me how to fish and to harvest the honey, which I found surprisingly easy. Fishing part was the hardest as trying to catch a fish, as they were slippery little beggars. Totolo made it look so easy and I wished I had his skills. Anyways he was already a Master Farmer as I was just became Adept Farmer. I was beginning to feel guilty, not working with Tiare for awhile and I thought I might arrange a get together some day soon. Another thing I was beginning to pick up some words in the Isolan language, as Totolo was very patient and willing to teach me. Knowing me I did not have a lot of patients, but with Totolo, I was willing to learn and maybe I leant a bit of patients at the same time. smile

To be continued
Posted by: Annthewhofan

Re: Found In a Barrel - 03/29/09 01:53 PM

Chapter 10

Who was this stranger that had come up in a small rowing boat, the villagers where asking. I seemed to know him from somewhere. This was very strange as I could not remember where. confused

Later after work I decided to speak to him and was surprised to find he was my older brother Tim. Tim looked a lot older and was very pleased to find me. laugh
He said, is that you Tiare you’re all grown up!!! laugh
‘Yes I’m 17 now as you know’ I said and not long before I’m 18.’ wink
Tim was now 30 years old and I was so pleased that he had found himself here. I asked him, ‘How did he know I was here, and how is mom?’
‘I didn’t, but I found out that a few year ago, that a barrel had been found bobbing on the ocean with some kids and I wondered if one of them was my sister! As this was round about the same time we got washed up on a deserted beach. About your mom after our life boat landed on a beach after it smashed into a rock found ourselves in a village that was deserted and we made it into our new home. Well to cut a long story short, I regret to say mom died, I think it was from a broken heart. So she did not make it to the shore and our dad was a hero and saved us young ones, but our dad got lost at sea after a mighty wave hit our boat. There were just 7 of us that made it to shore. The youngest was a child of 3 the oldest of us was 28. I then decided to build a small rowing boat and seek out this shore.
‘And here you are you found me.’ grin I said.

Later Ashby, Pogo and Totolo, joined us and we celebrated at the amphitheatre and some of the villagers joined in saying congratulations at our reunion. All we needed now was to find our younger member of our family and that was Isi and I decided to write a massage of this event my brother turning up and may the two of us may try and make it to the west shore. Then after I wrote the massage I whistled for Lau and I tied the massage to it’s leg and sent her off to find Isi . I knew that Ashby had now settled down now with Totolo, and that I could make arrangements to set on the journey as I was on the verge of discovering the transportation potion. I hoped that Tim would agree to use the potion with me.

To be continued
Posted by: Annthewhofan

Re: Found In a Barrel - 04/06/09 04:02 PM

Chapter 11

Back at the west shore

Well hello again, I am now 10 years old and I was pleased to read the massage sent that my older brother had been found. I still wonder how Tiare and Tim well make it here. I know that each part of the shores is separated by mountains. I must write her a massage back. I feel so alone at the moment. I was sitting under the coconut trees thinking these thoughts, when something bad happened. Something bad in the air I could feel it, like foul was passing. eek The food started to go off and had to be all thrown away, the coconuts fell off the trees that now was unfit to eat. The villagers were running round in panic worrying about food.

Then the guiding hand came to the rescue and got every available adult to fish regardless of skills they had and got them all fishing. Some of the villagers I noticed who had no farming skills started to complain to the totems which I thought was really funny. I also noticed that they hid behind the totems when they complained so that the guiding hand would not see them. I was so busy laughing at some of the villagers ways of trying to hide from the guiding hand, I did not noticed until I felt the hand get me and I give out an explanation. Then I saw a rare mushroom and I picked it and took it to the food bin. I celebrated finding the mushroom by doing a little dance. This brought the food back up to 35. I was so hungry that the mushroom was shared amongst us kids.

It was many days the villagers had to ration out the food until there was enough gathered into the food bin. The guiding hand with insistence and had to have patients of a saint, managed to train all the tribe and even the lazy ones managed to learn and became trainee farmers. As most of the villagers had weakened and it would be a while before there was enough food to get them fully restored, the guiding had thought it was time to get some of the villagers to prepare a stew and got one of the villagers to pick the right herbs that would restore them.

Soon the stew was made and the guiding hand got the most weakened villagers to eat the stew starting with the children and then the adults. I felt much, much better after I had the stew and felt I could run for miles. laugh

Later it was time for one of the villagers to ring the gong of wonder and the guiding hand choose one of the elder villagers and he rang the gong. The villagers came running to observe the gong of wonder all hoping that it would grant them food and the gong granted them… confused

To be continued
Posted by: Annthewhofan

Re: Found In a Barrel - 04/13/09 03:56 PM

Chapter 12

One of the elders rang the gong and the villagers looked to see what the gong had granted or taken away and the gong gave out rainbows of lights which meant that the gong had granted them food. There was no extra food in the bin it was still very low. Then one of the village farmers said look see and he pointed to the coconut trees and the tribe were amazed seeing the coconuts visible growing before their eyes. There were now 30 coconuts to harvest once they stopped growing rapidly. Some of the villagers complained saying, why the gong did not grant food for them to harvest instead of in the food bin, would be easier. mad
‘Look Lulu you can’t expect the gong to be predictable, after all it is only a machine not a person.’ Said the elder Papu ‘and you should be grateful it did not take away the food.’ mad
‘I am grateful it just that with food so short, blush I only was saying that… oh never mind I am sorry but I’m concerned about the children.
‘You worry too much Lulu, look the children are very happy running around and if the food keeps running out I am sure the guiding hand well help with another restoring stew.’ wink

I was watching the elder Papu and Lulu arguing about the food shortage and as we were still pretty full after the stew we all had. The food would be not eaten for awhile and this would give the farmers time to refurbish the food sources. Then Lulu was still very young at the age of 15 and always thought that food gets eaten very fast with a large tribe.

‘Isi, Isi lets play tag.’ Seven called out.
‘What? I called out.
‘Your “It”’ Seven called out laughing. laugh
‘Oh no, not again! eek I’ll get you for this’ smirk and I ran after, Seven and all the rest of the kids joined in and kept running away from me as they knew I was “It”. eek

After the tag game was over I carried on playing with Seven running to the coconut trees and I noticed that the whole tribe were getting ready for an event. I asked what event they tribe were celebrating and found out they were celebrating the anniversary on the day they arrived on Isola, many generations ago. The tribe were taking out a full week’s holiday and to go and relax and to enjoy the beach. The children joined their parents to enjoy the beach and I played with the other kids on the beach that had lost their parents. All worries were forgotten and we all just had a good time. The males entertained us by whistling tunes on the beach. The week soon past and every body feeling a lot more rested after a week’s holiday had to go back to work. I was looking forward to the next event next year. But that was now a long way off. Seven said to me, ‘there are a few more events to come off this year.’
‘Are there what are they? confused
‘I don’t know but they happen every 4 years.’
‘You mean like ringing the gong only rang every 4 Isola years?’
‘Yes maybe.’ Seven said.
‘I look forward to these events as things can be pretty boring round here with nothing to do most days. I only wish my brother and sister were here. They be grown up by now, well my sister will be as my brother has always been grow up. Probably also she not be much fun now been grown up.’ I wonder if they will find me soon’

What I did not know that the next event would happen when I would be having my 12th birthday in two years time. At the moment I was still missing them. frown

To be continued
Posted by: Annthewhofan

Re: Found In a Barrel - 04/27/09 06:44 PM

Chapter 13

Isis’s friend Seven had a dream and he told her what he dreamed.
‘It was so real said Seven that when I woke up I was not sure where I was.

Seven’s dream

I was living in a large house and it was full of modem technology with two computers and we had to rely on the guiding hand to buy us food. We could talk to the guiding hand by sending emails telling her what we wanted and she would supply us with it her name was Ann and she was always praising us by giving us a green glove and if we were bad she would give us the red glove. You were there too you had been adopted Isi, but that was not your name your name was Fabiana and mine was Logolo.
Isi’s interrupts story, That is my great great aunts uncles names I read the latter my mother give and there is a family tree my mother researched and that’s all I know. So go on what happened next.

I am sorry Isi I have to tell you more of my dream another time, I promised

'OHH' frown

To be continued
Posted by: Annthewhofan

Re: Found In a Barrel - 05/04/09 10:57 PM

Chapter 14

Seven’s dream

I was married to you and we had a little girl who we named Katania. Katania like the quiet life and she disliked rocks.

‘Kat come and get your dinner and would you stop banging those dishes or you get the red glove from Ann’ called Fabiana.
‘Please mom I want to watch this programme’.
‘Turn the TV off and come and get your dinner.’
‘In a minute.’
‘No now, I won’t tell you again.’
‘Alright, I’m coming.’

I often had arguments with my daughter, she was so stubbin at times yet she would be so sweet.
Isi said that sounds like my older sister mom told me she took after our great aunty… oops the same name great aunty Fabiana. Hummm I wonder. Go on I want to here more please.

Right said Seven. We had another child and we called her…
‘Zia? Interrupted Isi.
Yes confused How did you know?
‘Just a guess’. Isi said.
‘I think you know something, or have I told you this dream before!!? confused Seven asked, then said ‘no don’t tell me I think I know where this is going!!! I suppose you want to here the rest.
‘Yes please’. Said Isi I won’t interrupt no more’.

We celebrated the new baby and we decided to name the baby Zia a beautiful little girl with red hair and blue eyes like her mom. I decided to cook a meal for the occasion and I needed different ingredients to do this meal and even though there was plenty of food in the fridge, there was other things needed to make up the meal. So I decided to write an email to the player. We named her the player as she helped to provide in our lives. I wrote in the email to say; we are pleased with our new baby we called Zia. However we need some different types of groceries if that is possible.
Thank you for your help regards

The food got delivered and, I don’t know how she did it but she got just what we wanted and I was able to do this special meal for us. We later all watch a video called “Turtle Adventures”.

Fabiana kept asking if she could hold the baby and she was only age 4 at the time. Mom let her sit with the baby and would let her play with her and she would often let the baby play with her toys. However she would not let the baby play with some of the toys as she uses to hide them. When it comes for Fabiana to have a shower, she would often run and hide or if she was asked to brush her teeth would go missing. We soon found her hiding at the back of the house under the window. As the player would seek her out.

‘Logolo come quick mom’s she is not well’ Kat cried. shocked
I came running and Fabiana was lying on the sofa and she could not stop coughing and she looked like she was in a bad way. There was no sign of Ann and if she did not get here soon, shocked this would spread to all the family and we were afried of the baby catching it as she was only very tiny. eek

To be continued
Posted by: Annthewhofan

Re: Found In a Barrel - 05/11/09 11:25 AM

Chapter 15

Where is Ann I was very worried now that Kat had caught this virus that was going round Fab had got it now Kat had come down with it. Then just as I was she would never arrive she appeared though our webcam and since she could not hear us though our webcam as we had no other way of commutation except by giving out massages or email. I quickly wrote her an email about that we may be coming down with something and hoped she find a cure.

Ann at her computer was shocked to see her little family was ‘A bit sick’ She want to Fab and kept nudging her to tell her what is wrong with you and she just kept groaning all the time. Come on Fab just give me a massage or I not able to find the right medicine. Fab was too weak to write the massage and so Ann took her to have a drink of water. Once Fab had a drink of water and Ann found out in the end, Fab could not stop coughing. Right thought Ann I know the cure and want quickly to the store and got the right medicine and gave the medicine to each sick member in the household. Then Ann saw they were weak and found two types of fruits in the store and give the fruits to each weak patient and the fruit restored some of their health which made them happier.

Fab waved to Ann as soon as she was cured and was delighted with the fruit treat and the same with Little Kat. At least the Zia our baby is well.

Zia had long red hair and after she was 2 years old she was sometimes naughty as she would often go in the kitchen and would bang the dishes to get attention. Mom would often tell her off by saying ‘You get the red glove if you keep misbehaving’.
‘Ann would not do that she says I’m too cute, I’m not scared of the red glove, Kat is, she always runs away.’
Kat came running in saying, ‘The ovens on fire’ shocked
shocked ‘Oh no dad must of left the oven on and there is no way to put the fire out,’ Fab explained. ‘Go and tell dad to see if he could find the way to open the shed their might be some fire extinguishers in there.
‘All right mom’. Kat want running to find for daddy.

To be continued
Posted by: Annthewhofan

Re: Found In a Barrel - 05/24/09 02:00 PM

Chapter 16

‘The ovens on fire, the ovens on fire daddy come quick!!!’ called out Kat.
shocked ‘Oohh no, how are we going to put it out? We need fire extinguishers, Daddy explained.
Then little Zia who was by now 2 years old and showed daddy what she had found and Logolo/Seven took what Zia had found and it looked like a door handle for the shed and her took it to fix it on the shed. But the shed was still locked and he needed a key. He decided to go and ask Fab/Isi if she might know where a key could be located for the shed door. confused

Fab told Log that her mother used to hide a door key under a mat, when the house was empty. So Logolo decided to look under the welcome mat and sure enough he found the key and went to open the shed door. There Logolo saw the fire extinguishers and picked up one that would put out oven fires. He managed to put out the fire and was pleased that Ann was very pleased with his heroism of putting out the fire and waved back at the computer screen. However the oven was really damaged inside and so they badly needed a new oven an upgraded one that was fire proof. The family did not have enough money in the bank to buy a new kitchen unit as it would cost $5000. They would have to make do with the burnt out oven. The family were still able to use the oven as it was still intact after Logolo cleaned it out scraping off most of the burnt food. They have to remember to switch it off after use.

Fab was looking how much they had in the bank account and found he had over $4oo and decided they could afford some new stuff for the house and sent an email to Ann for this request after all they had both worked hard on their careers. Fab was a board game designer and was due for a promotion was and I was wood sculptor and just got promotion had reached grade 3. I was now earning more money. Ann granted our request and got us upgraded bathroom suit. Had put in new radiator to keep the bathroom warm and a set of bathroom scales so we could watch our weights. We celebrated the house upgrade and waved back to Ann to thank her. A $100 was spent on the bathroom and was pleased with that. However we still had the leaky sinks and blocked toilets. If only we had better tools. But tools cost $1200. Apart from that we were very happy with our lot. We had over the years we had 5 children who were Legend, Tonic, and Emmalea. Emmalea was a strange child and did nothing better than brushing her red hair. I tell all about Emmalea how she featured in my dream at another time. Seven said.

I think my mom’s grandmother who was named Emmalea Isi explained, I can’t wait to hear all about Emmalea. grin

To be continued
Posted by: Annthewhofan

Re: Found In a Barrel - 05/31/09 04:03 PM

Chapter 17

Emmalea had long beautiful red hair and she knew it. She took every spare time she could combing and brushing it. ‘One day’ she said I going to win a beauty contest and win lots of money and then I will up grade this house with everything.’
She never did of course yet she did take over the house and did spend the money she earned on getting a new kitchen.

I was nearing my time and as I kept coming down with something, sometimes I ended up with a bad chest or a saw throat or even a stomach upset Ann always found the right medicine. I was now age 65 and I knew I was not going to make it though the night. I made my will that Emmalea would have the house as she was the youngest my wife had already passed away and I was hoping that I would live long enough before Emmalea went to collage. I knew that Ann would make sure she would be alright. I went to bed and then I felt my spirit leaving my body and I remember Little Emmalea was age 16. I did not know what would have come of her yet I knew that Ann would look after her until she was old enough to go to collage. Then I woke up and found myself back here.

‘Wow that was a long dream no wonder you did not know where you where when you woke up.’ Isi said
Yes it was and I do believe that house does exist and Emmalea is living there now with her own family’. Seven Explained.
Then I going to find it, I’m going to ask around and maybe someone will know’.

Just as Isi was giving her intentions about finding this house she heard some sort of commotion going on at the lagoon. Two people had fallen down the waterfall. Isi ran over and recognised her sister, but the male that came with her was a stranger. Isi ran to her sister and welcomed her with open laugh arms and asked her where her brother was. Tiare explained that her brother decided to stay as he had found someone he loved and had married her.
Who is this dark stranger that came with you?
‘This is Totolo and we got married before we started out to find you.’ Tiare Explained. grin
‘Took you long enough to get here and I am 12 now’. Isi said.
‘Of course it’s your birthday today. I did not get you anything, but you can have this and Tiare give Isi a parley coral shell. ‘They are found at the north shore, it’s a rare one so not many are found. I found this when I was only this high, so instead of giving this to the scientist to sell I thought I keep this one. wink I wanted to bring something from the north shore in case I found you.
Thank you it’s so beautiful, we never find anything like this here. However we do find lots of other type of shells and have you seen are gong.
‘Yes I like to see all the collections.’
‘Tiare Seven had a dream and I think you should here about it and after he has told it I want to find our families house.’ Isi explained.
‘Our families house, but that’s impossible!!!’
‘First you must get Seven to tell his dream and it will come clear.’

So Tiare got to hear about Seven’s dream and was surprised how familiar it sounded to her and wondered if Seven was a incarnated from a life before and he actually was Logolo in that other life and then she thought about her husband who had a similar name as Totolo. Tiare suddenly felt a cold chill go down her back eek She wondered if it was a good idea to find this house, yet she did not want to let Isi down. However there was one problem. Isi would have to be adopted into the house and there were many people who where looking for new homes. But maybe there was a way and, but she would have to wait until she was old enough to marry.

To be continued
Posted by: Annthewhofan

Re: Found In a Barrel - 06/07/09 05:18 PM

Chapter 18

Isi was now age 14 and still no nearer to finding out where this house was. She had gained a Trainee doctor status yet she was board with having nothing to do as there were not many sick villagers to cure. The guiding hand pointed her to one of the herbs round the village and she began to study them. She got to know what each was for and what each did. Sometime Isi got a bit confused and turned back to the guiding hand shaking her head and saying ‘No’. The guiding hand would try to encourage her to try again.

Her sister Tiare came by and asked her how she was doing, ‘How is it going?’
‘Not so good frown I just get confused at times with all these combinations of each herb.’
‘Oh you get it in the end it is a matter of each colour and think of black as a toxin type herb and what will go with it to make it into a strong medicine for serious illnesses and other colour herb red and so on.’ Tiare explained.
Why yes I never thought of that!! You’re so clever.’ sick Isi said
‘I been doing it for years, I was like you when I first started out. You gain more experience practising on real patients.’ grin
Isi changed the subject onto something that she had wanted to find out for a long time, ‘Have you found out about how to get to this house?’
‘Isi I can only give you this information but I don’t think you like it.’ Tiare explained. frown
‘Well tell me anyway, I can take it.’ eek Isi wanting to know why.
Tiare said, ‘The only way to get back to your ancestor’s house is getting adopted.’
‘Adopted? Oh that’s easy.’ grin
‘No listen, you have to be old enough for marriage, and your only 14 and also the guiding hands might not chose you to be adopted there are so many waiting to be adopted.
‘You mean there is a waiting list?’ frown Isi signed.
‘I told you not like it.’ Tiare said.
‘I can live with that, Tiare you got to get me on that list, please you must, I just want to go back to where my ancestors where born.’ Isi implored. shocked
‘Okay I well see what I can do I asked the scientist to find a way off this island, after all there is a small world out there and there must be a way there, I’ll do my best I promise. confused
‘I know you will Tiare you can do anything, I can always rely on you.’ grin

confused Tiare had a big worry now and did not want to let her kid sister down, so she had to do her best to try and get Isi on the list one way or another. But how that was a big question and the scientists had no such things as computers or anything. It was a lot more primitive, yet there was still powerful magic that could be used hum maybe there was away after all after all I used powerful magic to get here grin Tiare Thought.

To be continued
Posted by: Annthewhofan

Re: Found In a Barrel - 06/15/09 05:04 PM

Chapter 19

Isi had worked hard at studying the herbs and now was adept doctor and she thought she knew enough about medicine and decided to enjoy her self and went to enjoy the pond like all the doctors did in the tribe who had already advance in the medical arts. Isi thought this is a life until an epidemic happened. shocked sick The village was suddenly overrun by an invasion of rats. All the villagers were running round in panic seeing all the rats. Then the rats disappeared to the other side of the island. Everyone was in shock; shocked the food was unfit and had to throw some it out. But then the villagers started to come down with a disease that spread amongst the tribe. sick They also became weakened with the disease that hit them. Some how once again Isi was lucky and remained will, but she was shocked that her sister was very ill and was in a bad way. Tiara’s strength was gone and she could hardly walk to the hospital. Isi helped her up and got her to the hospital and she want off to look for the rightful herbs to treat her. As she was looking for the herbal remedy to cure Tiare. The others were demanding to be treated, but she wanted to treat her sister first and told them to wait in turn. mad shocked She wondered where the other doctors where as she seemed to be the only one available. Isi found the right cure and treated Tiare and now she had to wait and see if it had been successful.

In the meantime while Tiare was recovering after the treatment, Isi want to treat the other sick villagers. There were so many to treat. sick Isi had a flash back that something familiar happened during her childhood and this is how she became a doctor. Isi somehow knew that the diseases were not as bad as this at that time. This was different as not only were they sick they were also much weakened to the point that most could die if they were not treated as soon as possible. Just as she was thinking these doomed words, some of the elderly began to die and now she had the job to burying the dead. eek cry

Tiare came by and asked Isi if she wanted some help and Isi was pleased to see that Tiare was looking much better, yet she was still weakened from her illness. ‘I am glad your much better, but you still need rest’.
I am okay and besides we need to treat the older patients and the children first as they are more in danger of the disease can be fatal than to the younger adults.’
‘How about treating the doctors first and then we have more staff to treat the rest?’ Isi explained.

Isi and Tiare went ahead and treated all the doctors and soon had more healers on the job. What Isi did not know that Seven was not among the sick and she thought he must have been will. Yet Seven was in another part of the village and he was very sick and weakened and had not been able to make his way to the hospital. shocked Will he be found and cured. eek

To be continued
Posted by: Annthewhofan

Re: Found In a Barrel - 06/21/09 07:50 PM

Chapter 20

Isi found Seven and he was in a bad way. Seven said to Isi, ‘I don’t think I’m going to make it.’ and he handed her a small vial and he said ‘drink this and you get your wish.’
Isi said, ‘No don’t say that you can’t die I need you, I can make you better, I know I can.’ Isi did her best to give Seven the right medicine. Seven died in her arms.
Noo Seven wake up, You can’t die cry Seven please wake up. Then Tiare came by and said, It’s too late he’s gone,’ But Isi could not except that he was gone. She just held on to him willing him to wake up convince he was only sleeping and he would wake up soon. Cradling him in her arms rocking back and forth welling him to wake up. She stayed like that all night. One of the doctors came by to bury him, but she told him to go away that he was only sleeping cry

Chapter 21

It had been 3 years since Seven died and she remembered Seven’s words just before he died. Isi took out the vial that Seven had given her and wondered if she would dare eek to drink it now that she was 18. Seven told her to use it on her 18th birthday and her wish would be granted. Isi never told any one what Seven had given her and she knew that the contents would transport her some where. She decided to tell Tiare about the vial that Seven had given her and what it contained.

Tiare said, ‘It is up to you whether you use it or not.’
‘This would mean I am gone and you may never see me again.’ Isi explained.
‘I know, but it’s what you want and, I know I miss you but I got my own family now. You never been the same since Seven had died you never got over it and I don’t think you be happy here without him. So may drinking this magic potion will help you find happiness.’

Isi decided it was time and she asked Tiare to stay and watch in case anything went wrong. Tiare said she would. She give Isi a big hug and wished her good luck and said, ‘Go for it girl’

Isi took one deep breath and then she drank the contents and suddenly felt very light and then she saw her sister fade in front of her eyes. Then she suddenly thought Oh what have I done, thinking that it was her sister going and not her. The next thing, Isi found herself in a large room like office and it was very high tech. Isi heard someone speak.
‘Can I help you?’
Isi looked round and she noticed a very large screen and saw an ordinary attractive female looking at her though the screen. Isi realised she was in a large computer room and there were several other people in the room around her age. Isi realised she was about the youngest as she was only 18. Isi not sure where she was asked who are all these people and where am I?’
The female though the screen said. First of all I well enterduce myself. I am your guiding hand and my name is Ann.’
You’re "THE" guiding hand? Highlighting the “THE” ‘But you look so or…’ Isi said not knowing what to say or expect.
‘You mean ordinary!!!, well I don’t have 2 heads or whatever’ Ann said laughing.
Isi did not know what to say to this, but was glad that the guiding hand was just like well human like she was and not just a hand that came out of thin air. Ann continued to explain ‘This is the office were you get adopted and you are given a place to live in. First of all you need to fill in a form and what your career is going to be and once you done that you be ready for adoption’

Isi want to another computer and someone behind a desk handed her some forms to fill in. The person behind the desk said if you want any help to fill them in go to that computer over there and Arthur will give you some tips. Isi want over to the computer and saw a good looking male that looked at her though the screen, it was Author. Isi told him her name and he asked her if she had any experience in any job careers. She told him that she had studied medicine, but she did not tell him where in case he did not believe her as she thought it hard to explain. Isi said that she had studied it at home with her parents. Arthur to her relief did not question her farther on her origins. The next thing he told her to go to the careers office that would give her the kind of work she would like to do. Isi saw there was an online medical consultant and as she already had some experience in the medical arts, she got to Novice (2) the secretary put in Isi’s details and faxed it though and then show her a place to sit and wait and would see her as soon as she got info whether she got the job or not.

Isi saw some magazines and picked up one and began to read. Then the secretary called her and Isi came over and told her the good news that she got the job and she would have to start at Novice (2). So Isi was to be an online medical consultant and her daily salary would be $105. The secretary told Isi that Ann was now ready to adopt you and all she needed to do was to sign her name. Isi went to the computer and Ann accepted her into the house. The secretary took Isi to a waiting taxi and was drove her to the house. Isi ran to the house that was going to be her home for the rest of her life. It was a very large house. She noticed that the very large garden that surrounded the house was full of weeds and as she entered, Isi noticed that it was a bit messy like the wind had blown a lot of sweet wrappers around the house and she also noticed that the sink was leaking. She saw Ann though the screen, it reminded her of “Big Brother”. She tapped on the screen as if to say well what I to do about the leaky bathroom hay. Ann showed her were to get the repair kit and Isi saw a spanner and went to tighten the tap that was leaking. Then Isi went round picking up the sweet wrappers and cleaning the dirty smudges on the floor.

Later Isi went to the master bedroom and she looked in the drawers and she noticed a journal that seemed familiar and it looked very aged. As Isi read though the journal she began to recognised some of her ancestor’s names that had lived in this house many years ago. Yet the house had not been lived in for many years and wondered where they had gone and wondered why no one had taken over the house. Isi then knew she had come home and this was the house that her mother’s great aunt and uncles had lived.

As Isi was so busy reading the Journal when she heard the ding, ding noise coming from the office. She wondered what it was. Ann showed her where the office was as it was such a large house that she did not know where everything was. Then she realised that it was an email. She was so excited that she nearly fell off the chair. Isi opened the email and it was incoming marriage and the male that she saw on the screen, it was Seven her Seven, she thought it can’t be he had died yet there he was very much alive. Isi accepted the proposal and met him at the door and she ran up to him. They both married at a local church, it was a beautiful wedding. All the trimmings and that. Isi was very happy and content that now she had Seven and her future was now secured and she planed to have many children. smile

The end