A poem for the authors

Posted by: Rockmower

A poem for the authors - 01/29/08 11:36 PM

A plea for more stories:
(based rather loosely on SaxyT’s story,
with humble apologies)

A long time ago
The story ‘twas told
Of Bibi and Obi
And Noa so bold!

More were included
For it takes more than three,
A village to make
The author could see.

There’s Piku and Mua
And children galore,
They worked and they worked
To complete all their chores.

Oh No don’t say children!
Said the kids with a grin,
Lest poor Uncle Cogen
Pass out again!

The story went on
To our great delight.
The tale of this tribe
So strong and so bright.

We laughed till we cried
Our tears we did wipe,
Our noses we blew,
Oh what a sight!

Then tears turned to real,
Our sadness was strong,
For here we were told
Dear bibi passed on!

With hearts oh so heavy
We plodded along,
We read to the end
The tale of this home.

A sequel, a sequel
Squealed the crowd
With delight!
Yet no sequel appeared,
Oh what a fright!

Come back dear author
The crowd cried and moaned.
Are your priorities straight?
Know you not how we long?

To read but a sentence
A line or a verse
This is our quest !
This is our thirst!

So author, dear author,
Where ever you be,
Please come on back,
And write more for me!

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