windows 7 professional 64 bit version.

Posted by: JackiDance

windows 7 professional 64 bit version. - 08/20/10 08:36 PM

My new laptop has the above system. Do all your games work properly on it? I have the 4 V V games plus Family.


and, any idea when 5 will be released? we looking at 2011 or 2012?
Posted by: LadyCFIIAdministrator

Re: windows 7 professional 64 bit version. - 08/20/10 09:19 PM

I have tested all of our games on Windows 7 32-bit and 64-bit. They work fine, although settings may need to be adjusted, depending upon the computer's configuration.

We don't speculate on release dates, since there are too many things that can come up unexpectedly during development. The best thing to do is to monitor VV5's progress on our VV5 Preview Page.