
Posted by: Thandi

Heroes - 06/11/13 04:53 PM

I am feeling sad today,

One of my three living heroes is ill and in hospital, Nelson Mandela.

Please send your thoughts/ prayers to him, his family, and the country as a whole.

There are three people that I think have had an enourmous contribution to the world, the other are Stephen Hawking and The Dalai Lama. I don't know what the world would be without them, I just wanted to take a few minutes to write this in their honour.

Posted by: Rockmower

Re: Heroes - 06/11/13 05:41 PM

I would add Ghandi; Einstein; Bill Gates; and Steve Jobs to your list.
Ghandi, because he taught the world that peace is a lifestyle not merely something we talk about.
Einstein, because his work in mathematics literally changed the way our scientists perceive the universe.
Gates & Jobs because their work in computing made our modern world possible.

Speaking of Mandella, he would be the first to tell you that death is a natural, and unavoidable, part of the life cycle.
Life should be revered and lived well. You should strive to leave the world a better place, so that when you pass others will not mourn but rather celebrate the love and lessons you brought them.
Posted by: Thandi

Re: Heroes - 06/26/13 09:18 PM

Thank you for your reply, I didn't think anyone would. it was an early morning rant. lol.

I love and agree with your last sentence. I cannot say I'm truly alive until I can can fully accept natural death as another phase of life, I'm not there yet, it still saddens me.

Absolutely! Gandhi and Einstein are two of my other heroes, they were wise beyond normal comprehension. I was just mentioning the ones that are still alive because I didn't want them to die.

They are all definitely operating on a far higher level of consciousness that it can only be the beginning of an even greater energy. I am amazed that such people have walked the earth, I do feel it will be a little darker without them.

I would place Jobs, Gates, and Branson as modern geniuses with technological contributions, but I can't relate as much to them because they are/ we're business men. I have a book on jobs I've been meaning to read... one of these days smile