Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname?

Posted by: TheVillageIdiot

Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 06/11/07 02:34 PM

With LadyCFII recently telling us what CFII meant, I thought it would be a good ideal for peeps to share how and what meaning their NIC's mean. Here is mine.

VillageIdiot came about from to different forks if you will. It all started several years ago on a youth mission trip. Knowing the youth pop culture I’ve memorized as many quotes from movies that kids can relate to. One of the most popular at the time was Napoleon Dynamite with “Flipp’n Idiot” which I apparently used to much during the trip, so they nicked name me “The Flipp’n Idiot.” LOL So when I joined Last Day of Work’s forum after getting the palm game Village Sim I decided a good user name for the board would be TheVillageIdiot. Up to that time I’ve used a lot of different user names, all associated with the particular board, but figured I would just simplify things and stick to one. Before that time I did however have another that I liked, “Worb” and still use that on a few as well as IM. I always had a running bet with the youth, if they could figure out what it meant I would buy them dinner. At this time I have not had to pay up.
Posted by: eyeshigh

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 06/11/07 03:48 PM

she did?!?!?! and i missed it


well, if yah care, eyeshigh is actually a comic book character from my very favorites comic book ever

she only appears in like 3 pages tho, lol but she is very very important
Posted by: QuickStorm

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 06/11/07 03:58 PM

This is a neat thread.

QuickStorm came from way back when there was dialup. After I got a new computer, I was always being booted from a game site that I frequented. One of the guys said that I was like a quick storm no sooner here then I was gone.

We all had a good laugh over it; then I started using it as a joke but it seem to stick. So, over the years, I used it many times and, for me, it is easy to remember.

I really don't mind the name except when Warren keeps referring to me as a he. \:\)
Posted by: LadyCFIIAdministrator

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 06/11/07 03:58 PM

OK - just so you don't miss anything, this is what I said in the Fan Art forum:
As much as I like SciFi, my display name doesn't have anything to do with science fiction. It's an aviation term that stands for Certified Flight Instructor - Instrument (CFII). My dad was a pilot and flight instructor, and I followed in his footsteps. I've been in and around airplanes since I was 2 months old. \:\)

While I was working as a flight instructor/charter pilot (yes, I have a license for multi-engine aircraft, as well), my Virginia license plate was LadyCFII. So, I use that for my display name, too. \:\)
Posted by: QuickStorm

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 06/11/07 04:15 PM

Barbara, that is so cool. Hmmm, if you're ever flying off to somewhere ........
Posted by: arnie

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 06/11/07 04:58 PM

My real name is Alan Palmer - A Palmer. When I was at school the top golfer of the day was Arnold Palmer, so my schoolfriends nicknamed me Arnie. Many even thought that it was my real name as my real first name begins with A.

About ten years ago, when I first started posting to newsgroups, I needed a nickname, and arnie came to mind. ;\) I've used it regularly ever since.
Posted by: MochaJew

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 06/11/07 05:23 PM

she did?!?!?! and i missed it


So did I \:\(
Posted by: Gamemastr1

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 06/11/07 05:23 PM

My story isn't so interesting but here it is. Turning the "Way Back Machine" to when the internet was not just at Berkley but in everyones home, I got on the boat. I picked a screen name that turned out to be a huge hassle since at the time I didn't realize the significance a screen name would have. That screen name unfortunately is still following me due to certain accounts I made at the time.
Well, I found this particular site that allowed me to play free games with other users from around the world. Now I am very proficient in Backgammon. I would play that for hours. There were 2 problems. 1) My screen name caused more questions and ridicule than I could handle. 2) After awhile I found myself explaining the game to every dang newbie who signed on and wanted to know backgammon. This was irritating when all I wanted to do was to play a good game with little or no conversation. So I came up with Gamemastr1 as an itimidating name to keep the newbies away as much as possible. I of course wanted just Gamemaster (with the "E") but it was taken. I took me a few tries to find this one. There's my story. It is nothing more than an intimidation tactic and for the most part it works well. I get more quality games and actually find people I have a hard time beating. I guess they pay homage to the dice gods more than I do. \:\(
Posted by: LadyCFIIAdministrator

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 06/11/07 05:31 PM

But...but...but we wanna know what the other name was, too!
Posted by: Tmac

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 06/11/07 05:32 PM

tmac is just part of my name, tracey and the mac is for a scot/irish last name i got from my hubby.
Posted by: Gamemastr1

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 06/11/07 05:33 PM

LOL... Good luck. The ISP I signed up for (way back when) wanted a screen name and suggested I use things like my initials or a childhood nickname. I did that. I used both. Now the nickname I had as a child was ONLY used in the family and to this day, nobody esp. my parent can tell me why they used to call me that. That's all I will say.

OK, I thought about it. I guess since I brought it up I ought to be man enough to stand up and not be a coward. We are amongst friends here, right?
Well my immediate family and one Aunt used to call me Boobies. Like I said, I don't know why and it seems that nobody can recall why they used it. So my whole screen name was mwsboobies. It was available. Imagine that. But also like I said, when I was out in the internet public... you can imagine the questions and comments I got.
Posted by: MochaJew

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 06/11/07 05:33 PM

My name is Elayne. My husband and I are Sephardic Jews (I'm Moroccon, he's Syian) and one of his petnames for me is Mocha. I just combined the two 8\)
Posted by: MochaJew

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 06/11/07 05:38 PM

I had that same problem with my very first screen name. I am a worship leader and I teach dance. Since my name is Elayne and I dance for G-d's glory, I chose the name EGloryDancer. Several months later I recieved a report that my name had been hijacked and it was appearing as "InHerGloryDancer" on some very intreresting sites. Needless to say I got rid of that name quicky.
Posted by: Krystal

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 06/11/07 05:55 PM

I chose the name Krystal because it is the name I use when I write. It's my pseudonym!
Posted by: eyeshigh

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 06/11/07 06:07 PM

ooh, i can imagine Gamemastr, and I do beleive you made a wise choice in changing the moniker!
Posted by: LadyCFIIAdministrator

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 06/11/07 06:19 PM

Oh, thank you for reconsidering! Yes, we're all family here and nobody will make you regret sharing that (or I'll make them regret making you regret it)! hahahahahahah

P.S. I agree that Gamemastr1 is a better choice of screen name, even back then!
Posted by: TheVillageIdiot

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 06/11/07 06:21 PM

LadyCFII, you just had to ask, now didn't you! hehehe

Gamemastr, yes you're amongest friends, so don't get up set if I (ummm, I mean someone) gives you some ribbing on that. hehehe, just kidding of course. Thanks for sharing!
Posted by: fltmarch99

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 06/11/07 06:24 PM

I didn't choose my nickname it was chosen for me, when I was in Marching band I played the flute and my dot on the dot matrix was 99 all four years after being refered to fltmarch99 for four years it kind of sticks.
Posted by: TheVillageIdiot

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 06/11/07 06:39 PM

Originally Posted By: eyeshigh
well, if yah care, eyeshigh is actually a comic book character from my very favorites comic book ever

she only appears in like 3 pages tho, lol but she is very very important

Well of course I care. If I didn't I wouldn't have asked. ;\)

So, what comic book is that from?
Posted by: TheVillageIdiot

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 06/11/07 06:43 PM

Originally Posted By: LadyCFII

While I was working as a flight instructor/charter pilot (yes, I have a license for multi-engine aircraft, as well), my Virginia license plate was LadyCFII. So, I use that for my display name, too. \:\)

That is cool, but if I remember correctly, was it not LadyCFI before? For some reason I thought you only one I for the longest time.
Posted by: TheVillageIdiot

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 06/11/07 06:45 PM

Originally Posted By: tmac
tmac is just part of my name, tracey and the mac is for a scot/irish last name i got from my hubby.

I have a few friends that go by tmac, but they are all guys!!! Just an FYI in case I call you by him/he. :0
Posted by: LadyCFIIAdministrator

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 06/11/07 07:02 PM

Nope - my forum name has always ended in II. I did change last year from all lower case (ladycfii) to what it is now, hoping to end all the confusion with sci-fi (but that wasn't as successful as I'd hoped).
Posted by: TheVillageIdiot

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 06/11/07 07:04 PM

LOL, ok I thought I remember it changing, but never asked as to why. That sounds right to me.
Posted by: MochaJew

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 06/11/07 10:15 PM

So my whole screen name was mwsboobies. It was available. Imagine that. But also like I said, when I was out in the internet public... you can imagine the questions and comments I got.

Trust me....I understand...
Mocha..Formly EGlorydancer

Posted by: Gamemastr1

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 06/11/07 10:19 PM

Posted by: QuickStorm

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 06/11/07 11:04 PM

Gamemastr1, that is GREAT! Hmmm, I wonder if we'll find that as a new villager name for VV3?
Posted by: LadyCFIIAdministrator

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 06/11/07 11:06 PM

That is a great picture! \:D
Posted by: Izzy2k2

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 06/11/07 11:14 PM

That's awesome Gamemastr1! And scary at the same time...

Back to what the post was about...

My real name's Isabel, so my friends call me Izzy-bell. So I just took off the bell, and wa-la! You get Izzy.
Posted by: Jazzo

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 06/12/07 12:52 AM

Jazzo, isn't my usual screename. My usual screename (don't laugh) is JSRMath. JSR, my initials, and Math, I love math. And that's my screename here too, but my DISPLAY name is Jazzo. Jazzo, is just something my friends and I came up with one day, goofing around. It started because I love Jazz music, and the "O" at the end, just came with it.
Posted by: Jazzo

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 06/12/07 12:54 AM

I like both, and from now on, if you refer to me as JSRMath, Jazzo, or Julian (which is my REAL name)
Posted by: Gamemastr1

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 06/12/07 06:18 AM

I just wanted everyone know that the skelly in the encasement was not my idea this time. Credit goes to my new comicbook heroine, Eyeshigh. Thanks Eyeshigh.... \:D

Now lets get more people to participate on this thread. I would like to know nore from others.
Posted by: Nemyar

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 06/12/07 06:25 AM

My Real Name is Raymen so I changed my name backward to make Nemyar
Posted by: AprilGayle

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 06/12/07 05:13 PM

Hehe, mine isn't that interesting, I just like virtual villagers and couldn't think of another name at the time I signed up!

Posted by: LadyLOL

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 06/12/07 05:18 PM

Hi, I've only recently signed up and decided this would be a good place to introduce myself. I used to play Everquest a lot and I was a character that was a good person and I helped a lot of people when I could. I was also always laughing (LOL) a lot. So my guild leader nicknamed me Lady LOL. It became my nickname in my guild and I actually liked it myself, so when I am asked to come up with a screen name - I use that since I have no creative abilities to come up with a new one. LOL.
Posted by: TheVillageIdiot

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 06/12/07 05:18 PM

Ok, so is 1993 the year you were born?
Posted by: eyeshigh

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 06/12/07 05:21 PM

well hello Lady LOL!! and welcome to the forum

we laugh a lot here too, so you'll fit right in \:\)
Posted by: MochaJew

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 06/12/07 06:07 PM

Welocme, LadyLOL
Posted by: QuickStorm

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 06/12/07 07:34 PM

Originally Posted By: TheVillageIdiot
Ok, so is 1993 the year you were born?

Isn't that a little personal, Warren? \:\)
Posted by: TheVillageIdiot

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 06/12/07 07:48 PM

Originally Posted By: QuickStorm
Originally Posted By: TheVillageIdiot
Ok, so is 1993 the year you were born?

Isn't that a little personal, Warren? \:\)

Ok, please allow me to rephrase my question.

What is the significance of 1993?

Posted by: QuickStorm

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 06/12/07 09:07 PM

Originally Posted By: TheVillageIdiot
Originally Posted By: QuickStorm
Originally Posted By: TheVillageIdiot
Ok, so is 1993 the year you were born?

Isn't that a little personal, Warren? \:\)

Ok, please allow me to rephrase my question.

What is the significance of 1993?


Very Good, you get an A! ;\)
Posted by: Laurelshere

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 06/13/07 12:23 AM

My name here is my real first name Laurel. Very simple. LOL
I use Laurel in most of my email addresses and on all websites that I sign up for. That is Laurel followed by some other letters and numbers.

Posted by: Kasey323.ink

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 06/13/07 12:43 AM

Same here, Laurel. \:\) My first name is Charley. The reason for the '323' at the end of it is because I like playing cards! In other the 323 is 'three to three'.
Posted by: Jazzo

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 06/13/07 02:20 AM

what's the .ink for?
Posted by: CaliBrat

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 06/13/07 02:58 AM

I was givin my name nearly 10 years ago by someone I was talking to in a chat room when I first started chatting online. They'd called me smart(insert another name for donkey here) brat. I liked it and made it my user name from then on, however some places don't care for part of my name. Here it was just edited out, other places won't let me use it at all.

I've also had over a dozen other names when I was a chataholic, but I've since grown out of having to eat, sleep and breath the internet.
Posted by: TheVillageIdiot

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 06/13/07 12:00 PM

Good to hear from you Smart_brat, it's been awhile since you popped in here! Hope all is well.
Posted by: TheVillageIdiot

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 06/13/07 12:02 PM

Originally Posted By: Kasey323.ink
Same here, Laurel. \:\) My first name is Charley.

Ok Charley, so Kasey means Charley? \:\?
Posted by: QuickStorm

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 06/13/07 01:41 PM

Originally Posted By: TheVillageIdiot
Originally Posted By: Kasey323.ink
Same here, Laurel. \:\) My first name is Charley.

Ok Charley, so Kasey means Charley? \:\?

I'm so glad you asked! I am confused. Let's see, I can say my name is Margaret just call me Cassandra
Posted by: Terina

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 06/13/07 04:14 PM

Acually my nic name is my real name, lol but the login name i use is nails3220, its a mix of my occupation from long ago and certain number combination that had meaning at the time but i have forgotten what it means since lol, just like me. i used it for practically everything, emails messenger and a web site i run, (a family only website, just in case you were wondering) etc etc lol. its easier to remember the different passwords when its all the same name.
Posted by: Amaya's village

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 06/13/07 06:42 PM

My real name is Therese and I chose my nickname in honor of a very special person in my life - my 3 year old granddaughter Amaya. Her and I love to play V V 2 and she helps me name the children and loves watching the kids play. We named one of the viilagers after her and when I click on her Amaya loves seeing her name. (It helps her to spell it too)
She laughs everytime we have to teach someone a new skill. It is so much fun having her sit next to me and help to play the game.
P.S. I cheat sometime and play by myself -- shh - don't tell her : )
Posted by: eyeshigh

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 06/13/07 06:49 PM

my first name is [censored-haha, I'll never tell], but I don't respond to it. I go by my middle - Brooke. I have never ever gone by my first name, and i never ever ever will.

i think tho, Kasey was Charley's dog, if i remember correctly
Posted by: bethlham

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 06/14/07 09:11 AM

Wow, this is an interesting thread! I wish I had an interesting story behind my screen name...but no, it's just my name: Beth L Ham. During my baptism the pastor pointed out the religious wit conveyed, especially since the second letter of my middle name is e. My parents say they hadn't noticed until he mentioned it. Anyway, it was catchy and easy to remember so I ran with it...I'm just really glad my Dad's choice of naming me Pamela didn't fly. Pam Ham would've been too harsh...haha.
Posted by: hostage2vv

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 06/14/07 02:43 PM

my nickname? hostage2vv sums it up for me. I can't escape it after only one day. I know I'll be hooked to this til the end and beyond. I happened to spot it and best buy the other day and brought it home. The rest, as they say, is history. I'm sure my neighbors will be wondering who I'm talking to , knowing that my hubs at work. I live in an apt. on the first floor facing the front, so my windows are within earshot of anyone outside. Lol.
Posted by: anasha

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 06/14/07 07:41 PM

Well I love to draw so my buddies and I made up cartoon versions of ourselves and made a comic about 5 years ago. We had different names and didn't really look much like ourselves but uh we were elementals you the whole earth,wind,fire speel. I was the water element I gave myself the nickname anasha and usually use it for most of my screen names or at least have it in apart of my screen name. I still use it till this day XD
Posted by: Keza132

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 06/14/07 07:45 PM

My name "Keza" just came along. One of my mates called me by keza they so did everyone else. As for the ere 07 bit you can figure it out for your selves ;\)
Posted by: DieNarrin

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 06/14/07 11:06 PM

Mine is the German word for the fool (Narr) - of course in the feminine form!
Posted by: kittenangel2001

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 06/15/07 07:29 PM

Kittenangel came from my late beloved cat Angel, 2001 is when she died. So I am kittenangel2001 in remembrance of her. \:\)
Posted by: Jazzo

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 06/15/07 09:04 PM

Cool everyone, I've always wondered whenever I see someone's screenname what it means, especially keza ere 07. I'm glad to know now. \:\)
Posted by: Kasey323.ink

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 06/17/07 01:36 AM

Originally Posted By: TheVillageIdiot
Originally Posted By: Kasey323.ink
Same here, Laurel. \:\) My first name is Charley.

Ok Charley, so Kasey means Charley? \:\?

Charley323 is my real name on here! And as eyeshigh correcly said "i think tho, kasey was charley's dog."
Posted by: colourmehappy

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 06/17/07 10:11 AM

My username came from a lot of sad events in my life. I looked up to the sky and said: ' colourmehappy '. I am happy now. A simple request to god.
Posted by: 30Flames3

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 06/17/07 10:43 AM

My username is not used by anyone else as most forums im on i havn't found anyone else using 30flames in it that's also why i have this name

my nickname 30flames3 came from runescape i was just 30flames then i died to i made 30flames2 then again i died so here i am 30flames3

i made my first nickname at nick.com long long ago
Posted by: kittenangel2001

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 06/19/07 02:14 PM

You still play Runescape? I do and im as old as the hills
Posted by: Mouzzee

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 06/20/07 01:19 PM

My user name actually was made up for another game I played some time ago. Babyz had a small group of fans, you tended to them, adopted from people who "hexed" new looks, hair styles, clothes, etc.. It's from the makers of Catz & Dogz. One of my babyz was very small, I thought of a lil mouse but changed the spelling a bit. I now use the name for one of my characters in Final Fantasy II, an online roleplay game. Mouzzee
Posted by: jlb67

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 06/20/07 03:42 PM

I maybe just a bit thick but i never associated CFII with anything scifi, i always thought it may be your initials + II. I like what it stands for though. Mine is just my full initials & birth date.( jlb67) \:\/
It's interesting knowing where or how people get their screen names from though.
Posted by: Jazzo

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 06/21/07 03:18 PM

I always thought it had something to do with roman numerals, but I realized "F" is not a roman numeral. minus the "F" it would be CII, 102.
Posted by: GdsLvQkrsAll

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 06/25/07 05:21 AM

I am new to LDW Forums. But I thought Id let everyone know what my Display Name stands for before I start posting away \:\)

GdsLvQkrsAll Is often refered to as "random letters" but its not lol, it stands for God's Love Conquers All

Gods = Gds
Love = Lv
Conquers- Qkrs
All = All

My real name is Jose, Friends call me JP or JayPii if you wan't to get fancy. JayPii is also the Domain name I choose for my soon-to-be Resume website. http://www.JayPii.com right know its just linked to my Duck's webcam page. hahaha (yes, I said DUCK)
Posted by: Twelvies

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 06/25/07 05:49 AM

my display name is Twelvies for two reasons
1. I mentor twelve and thirteen year olds
2. my pastor mentors twelve men, his wife mentors their twelve wives, these (12 + 12 = 24) mentor twelve each....and it keeps going.... (1..12..144..1728..20736..) (2..24..288..3456..41472..)
Posted by: Hubututududu

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 06/26/07 07:49 PM

My ridiculous looking name is just made up. I knew I was going to be playing a tropical island sort of SIM game (VV1) so I thought it would be amusing to have a tribal-jungle-run-with-a-spear-through-the-dense-forest-while-drums-beat type of name. Turns out, it sounds like the names of 3-4 tribes folks names from the game combined! (Hubu, Tutu, Dudu).

By the way - say it really fast 5 times and you might crack up. \:D
Posted by: Kelila

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 07/04/07 01:35 AM

I used to go by several names that sounded like my real name when read phoenetically, but I won't reveal those. A more recent name I used was Vivo, but I only used that on my website; the name was scrapped along with the website when I tired of it.

The history of my current alias: My full internet name is Kelila Brightrose. Kelila is a roleplay character of mine who belongs to a tribe called the Lupinites, who are essentially half human and half wolf and can change form. I won't tell you how I came up with "Kelila", but I will tell you that I gained the last name Brightrose by a prophetic message at a Christian spiritual gathering. It was rather incouraging, actually. Feel free to ask about it.
Posted by: Jazzo

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 07/06/07 01:21 AM

cool everyone
Posted by: K.A.M.I.

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 07/06/07 12:59 PM

My name K.A.M.I. stands for
K- my first initial
A- awesome
MI- midfielder
Posted by: K.A.M.I.

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 07/06/07 01:05 PM

I play runescape too.
Posted by: Loopyferret7

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 07/10/07 06:36 PM

My screen name came about as a joke really. We let a divorsed mother with 3 kids live with us for a spell. They were running out of options and we couldn't let them live out of their car. Anyways, the kids were allowed to use my computer and the oldest kids screen name was crazy weazle.

One day while I was at work I signed onto a IM service and saw he was online. I thought I would mess with him a bit a found a SN that was similar to his: crazy weazle/loopy ferret.

I IM'd him and taunted him for the whole day not letting him know who I was but giving him personal details about himself. I really had him going but had to give myself up when I saw it was becoming less funny to him. I am soooo mean. \:\)
Posted by: Keza132

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 07/10/07 06:59 PM

Posted by: Wontolla

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 07/11/07 06:47 AM

Some interesting stories there. Here's mine.
Posted by: K.A.M.I.

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 07/11/07 02:29 PM

Great stories. I particulary like loopy ferret7's.
Posted by: Patroy

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 07/31/07 01:47 AM

I knew it! I've read that very same series. It's awesome. That is exactly the source I suspected that you got your NIC from. Mine is not so imaginative. Simply condensed a family name...kind of yawnful, I guess.
Posted by: Dianthus

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 08/02/07 08:07 PM

My screen name is the botanical name of a very pretty flower - a smaller member of the Carnation family - which has a very sweet scent :). We call them Pinks in the UK because most of the old varieties are pink - though they also come in white and nowadays there are many cultivated varieties in other colours too.
Posted by: laurence

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 08/02/07 08:51 PM

My nickname is just... my first name.
I'm not a great regular of forums and I didn't though to sign differently than for a letter.
(ps: in French, with a u, it's a female name. With a w, it's English and a male name)
Posted by: cbpeanut49

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 08/02/07 09:37 PM

When I got my first computer and signed up for yahoo mail I couldn't think of anything clever so I came up with cbpeanut49. c is for Chrystal, a siamese cat I had. B is for Buster my husband's Miniature Pinscher dog. Peanut is for my Min Pin, that was unfortunately lost in a fire about 4 years ago. 49 is the year I was born. I've used it or some version of it ever since.

Posted by: Annthewhofan

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 08/04/07 07:44 PM

I choosed my nick name becouse I like Doctor Who, thats why my nick name is annthewhofan, Ann. I was born in 49
Posted by: arnie

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 08/04/07 08:02 PM

I assumed you were a fan of The Who the band!
Posted by: Annthewhofan

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 08/04/07 08:22 PM

Maybe I should change it to annthedoctorwhofan, but I thought it too long. then I thought annthedocwhofan, in the end I decided to stick with annthewhofan to have peaple gussing
Posted by: tibicar

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 08/05/07 05:57 PM

mine is very boring, it's the road where i live and I hardly ever get told that nickname is taken which is a blessing. \:\)
Posted by: Arkon

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 08/06/07 03:32 AM

my nickname came from a brand on a camera flash. I was trying to think of a nick for another game and when i was looking around the camera flash was on my desk at the time and i thought it was an interesting name for someone, so hence why i choose it. i do like ladybugs/birds/bettles but they were used up, so i just kept with arkon. also i have found out that its also a character from Marvel comics, i have never seen a pic of Arkon from the comics, must look for one. but is just an unusual name that no-one has used as yet and my friends always ask me what it is or what it means.

Posted by: LadyCFIIAdministrator

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 08/06/07 04:03 AM

You can see a picture of Arkon at Wikipedia. \:\)
Posted by: killa

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 08/06/07 09:26 AM

sewingkilla is because i love sewing and my surname is Kilmore and when my husband was young he was known as Killa, so i put them both together!
Posted by: TheVillageIdiot

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 08/07/07 09:43 PM

Originally Posted By: arnie
I assumed you were a fan of The Who the band!

Posted by: Tmac

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 08/07/07 10:08 PM

who's on first, ha ha
Posted by: Jazzo

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 08/07/07 10:16 PM

What's on second, I don't know's on third. Love Abbot and Costello.
Posted by: Village Idiot Jr

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 08/08/07 03:48 AM

well the nickname Village Idiot Jr. is because my dad is the village idiot and since im his son i decied to add the juinor part. At school a lot of my friends call me J-Rob like the same thing as Tmacs. so now you know
Posted by: Krystal

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 08/08/07 04:54 AM

Originally Posted By: arnie
I assumed you were a fan of The Who the band!

Ann, I thought of Doctor Who right away when I saw your screen name!
Posted by: MissKitty

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 08/12/07 12:31 AM

My name came from an old dialup BBS I used to play on about 10 years ago - King of the Cats. It was its own virtual world where the players were cats, the puzzles were intelligent, and there was so much to do on any given day to try to progress. I think that's part of the charm of VV2, trying to keep your characters progressing while doing what you need to do to solve the puzzles and keep your characters alive. I've kept the name because it reminds me of all the fun I had way back then.

Cheers - MK
Posted by: Funkiroller

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 10/26/07 04:05 PM

funki (pronounced funky) is kinda a family name. My cousin gave it to me. She is javas_funki_girl. Alot of us cousins now have funki in our names.

Roller was my last name.
Posted by: loki is sorry!!!

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 10/26/07 04:11 PM

mine speaks for itself.
Posted by: Deathwing

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 10/26/07 05:46 PM

How can I put it. the name Deathwing comes from 'War Craft 1' dragon. I used to go by the name Lady Death. I've also been blackheart, name of another dragon in a cartoon. I would also like to go by the name of Hel. I'm an Undertaker and Kane fan from the WWE too.
Posted by: Novinha

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 10/26/07 09:23 PM

Novinha is the name of a character in one of my favorite books: "ENDERS'S GAME" by Orson Scott Card!
Posted by: Lia

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 10/26/07 10:15 PM

Very interesting! Never considered Laurence a possible name for a gal...
Posted by: Lia

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 10/26/07 10:23 PM

Loved watching Dr. Who this side of the puddle, early 1980's/USA. The Tardus was a great concept - would solve all closet space/storage issues in addition to great travel opportunities!!!
Posted by: Rainbowfish

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 10/26/07 11:44 PM


Take a gander at my avatar. That is where my name comes from. That pretty fish is a Dwarf Neon Rainbowfish, one of the residents in my aquarium. \:\)

Since I came to the forums after downloading Fish Tycoon, the nickname seemed appropriate. \:D
Posted by: laurence

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 10/27/07 08:23 AM

Originally Posted By: Lia
Very interesting! Never considered Laurence a possible name for a gal...
In French, boy's 1st name is Laurent! Some peoples like to joke calling me "Laurence of Arabia" \:\/
Posted by: samcutie567

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 10/28/07 06:19 AM

I am Sam but im cute and i love the combiunation of 567
Posted by: Toxik

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 11/02/07 11:19 PM

Lol...You don't want to know where I got my nickname.
Posted by: Jazzo

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 11/02/07 11:20 PM

Posted by: Jazzo

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 11/02/07 11:24 PM

Originally Posted By: Kasey323.ink
Same here, Laurel. \:\) My first name is Charley. The reason for the '323' at the end of it is because I like playing cards! In other the 323 is 'three to three'.
Originally Posted By: Jazzo
what's the .ink for?

Charley, u never actually told me what the .ink means I've always wondered.
Posted by: Armywife

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 11/03/07 12:02 AM

It's probably pretty obvious why I chose my username. I also am an Admin on a Sims 2 site as well. Most call me AW. But, I have been an Army wife for over 20 years, proudly. I don't do the political discussions of it or argue the merits of war, I just happened to have fallen in love with a soldier. I'm new here and just purchased Plant Tycoon. I own all of the VV games as well. Haven't ventured to Fish Tycoon yet. Thanks to all who have been really nice and welcoming. It is sometimes intimidating posting in a new forum before you know the actual flavor or it. And - Borg & DW are my heroes. \:\)
Posted by: Kadgii Kailali

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 11/03/07 03:20 AM

My name came back in term one (school semester) when my friends and i were writting stories. Anna came up with de kat kallamari. Claire came up with kadgii. Kailali is my club penguin username: i was stuck at the time.

So my full net name is Kadgii Kailali De Kat Kallamari. Its a mouthful!
Posted by: Kadgii Kailali

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 11/05/07 04:33 AM

Originally Posted By: Toxik
Lol...You don't want to know where I got my nickname.

why not? did you fall into a vat of toxic waste or something?
Posted by: TheGnome

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 11/05/07 08:04 AM

I am new to forums and was a bit intimidated when choosing a nick =:-o As I love Plant Tycoon I just thought I would make a good garden gnome - hence TheGnome. I was astounded that it wasn't already taken. I've loved reading all of your posts on this thread \:\) My real name is Jeanette (Jenny or Jen to by friends)
Posted by: biddy

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 11/05/07 10:17 AM

My name is just my school nickname - the original meant the 'Irish fishwife who roared like a lion'!!! (Biddysaurusrex)
I tend to use it now as there are not many people to call me that and it is not usually taken on a board.
My real name is Dianne though I do like the name Biddy.
Posted by: AtarahPern

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 11/05/07 02:20 PM

Yeah Charley, I wanna know what the .ink is too.

My first screen name and for the longest time was Yowler33. People took it the wrong way, especially in chatrooms, but it was because of my cat, who was very mouthy and 'yowl'ed.

Then I stopped having internet access because I moved farther into the boonies and it was too expensive. I still don't have, BTW, 'cause I can check in at work and at my parents, and at church(where I am quite often because my husband is in charge of maintenance and my mom's the secretary). Anywho, I needed something new. I had gotten involved with an online roleplaying forum about the sci-fi books "Dragonrider of Pern" and my character was Atarah.
P.S. Jr, you're avatar is crying. Please give that kid a bottle or a binky or change his diaper already! The mom in me can't stand to watch it!
Posted by: Lia

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 11/17/07 02:10 PM

Mine is an acronym of my initials.
Posted by: AprilGayle

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 12/21/07 02:14 PM

Mine is just my first name and a name that I liked put together :P:).
Posted by: Shade Fade

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 12/21/07 10:16 PM

Well, let's see.. I came up with Shade Fade pretty easily. I didn't even mean to.

I was thinking about naming myself Darkly. Then came Shade Fade just like this:

I was outside at recess during school, standing in the corner (in the shade) with one of my close friends. We were talking about whatever, like Virtual Villagers and creeps we met online and stuff. Hehe.

Then I looked around myself and the shade had faded. Lol~

So I was trying to think of which was a better name: Shade Fade or Darkly. Eventually I just decided Shade Fade would be my actual username but Darkly would be my nickname.

OOOH! OOOH! Guess how I thought of Darkly?

Ever heard of Paper Mario, the Thousand Year Door? No? ..No? Hmph. Well, anyway! There is this character in that video game named Darkly, and (of course) he always hangs out in the dark.
I liked that character. x] So cool.

Posted by: Joine The Great

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 12/21/07 10:21 PM

I picked Joine the great beacause it's the first letter of my real name and the last letter of my real name then just put in a middle. Then i thought about the avvie i had made and how i was a magician in Maplestory... so Joine The Great It is
Posted by: MochaJew

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 12/22/07 02:24 AM

Shalom and welcome from a sister (armywife)
Posted by: Jazzo

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 02/02/08 02:24 PM

Originally Posted By: Joine The Great
I picked Joine the great beacause it's the first letter of my real name and the last letter of my real name then just put in a middle. Then i thought about the avvie i had made and how i was a magician in Maplestory... so Joine The Great It is

I was thinking of changing my name to "Jazzo the Great" because it's my magician name, but I thought it would look too much like yours, e.g. if you're reading really quickly in the SB. I had that problem with MochaJew and MamaJazz cuz at first glance they looked identical.
Posted by: Joine The Great

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 02/02/08 02:29 PM

For Some Reason Robert Also Mixes me with EliasAcorn though where he went we might never know..
Posted by: Jazzo

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 02/02/08 02:36 PM

Robert is on the incubator forums more now, if that's what u mean. I see no similarities between Joine the Great and EliasAcorn, lol
Posted by: Joine The Great

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 02/02/08 03:17 PM

Originally Posted By: Jazzo
Robert is on the incubator forums more now, if that's what u mean. I see no similarities between Joine the Great and EliasAcorn, lol

Me either guess Robert gets us mixed up is because theres a comic character i like named Elias Acorn. But then again..
Posted by: HelloWorld!

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 02/02/08 06:02 PM

Well,I chose my nickname because I'm usually really shy.The only friends I have(besides the ones on here),talked to me first.So I wanted my name to be a little helpful in breaking through my 'tough as stone' shell.There forth,HelloWorld! was born.
Posted by: Britney

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 02/02/08 06:56 PM

my name is Britney.
Thus, Britney Brit.
Posted by: SupernaturalJem

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 02/02/08 08:56 PM

Supernatural is my favorite show and when I was a kid, Jem (aka Jem and the Holograms) was my favorite cartoon. But, it's also kind of a play on words in a sense. Jem instead of Gem... like a supernatural gem. \:\)
Posted by: Jazzo

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 02/02/08 09:10 PM

I thought you meant Jem Finch from To Kill a Mockingbird (fabulous piece of literature) but thanks for clarifying. \:\)
Posted by: Houjun

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 02/03/08 12:15 AM

I borrowed the name of one of my favorite manga characters, Ri Houjun, more commonly known as Chichiri. He's from Fushigi Yugi, which was one of the first manga I ever read and which got me on an anime/manga kick...something which my mother wishes I had never started. ;\)
Posted by: Rockmower

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 02/03/08 02:38 AM

Well, I kinda explained my nickname in my original siggy. As a lot of you know, I'm a groundskeeper by trade. In this part of the Ozarks, it's very rocky. In fact I go through several sets of mower blades each season.
One afternoon it was too hot to mow anymore that day, so I decided to go up to the shop and sharpen mower blades. One of the guys in the shop said he'd "heard me out there mowing rocks all morning."
When I got ready to log in to a new sight that night, it asked for a screen name and "Rockmower" just popped into my mind. I now use it on nearly all the sights I frequent.
Posted by: Crazy VV3 Fan

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 02/11/08 06:19 AM

Well I guess you can tell why I chose my nickname. Just look at it. Actually, right now I am more addicted to PT than VV2. There are a lot more posts from me there in the PT forum, too. I like get these "waves of addiction" (LOL) for certain games a lot of the time. (maybe now I should change my siggie )
Posted by: Mishe

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 02/20/08 02:31 PM

No real mystery for my screen name. My name is Michelle, and some of my friends call me Mishe, so it's really just my nickname.
Posted by: Poyo!

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 02/20/08 06:45 PM

I chose mine 'cause I like Kirby ^.^
Posted by: granny_smith

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 02/22/08 12:34 AM

Well, I got my name because I am a Granny and my surname is Smith, so simple lol.
Posted by: DDNYFL

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 02/22/08 04:35 AM

DDNYFL DD was my nickname since birth. NY = New York, where I was born, and lived most of my life. FL = Florida, where I lived for 6 years before moving back to NY. I would love to move back to Florida, where it is sunny and warm all year round.
Its freezing here in NY and going to snow tonight brrrrrr
Posted by: Fluteteacher

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 03/01/08 03:58 AM

Because I am a fluteteacher! \:\)
Posted by: Caristiona

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 03/01/08 06:36 AM

ok an explanation for my screen name... Though born and raised in the USA I am fiercely proud of my Scottish heritage. many moons ago before DSL really became a big thing, I signed up with this somewhat popular at the time (and still popular today) dial up service known as America Online or AOL. I was limited to 10 letters to make my scrren name so I knocked an 'i' out of Cairistiona which is the Scot's Gaelic form of my real first name of Christine. have been using Caristiona ever since and just about everywhere I go on the 'net. other screen names I've used in the past usually come from names I made up for Dungeons & Dragons or mmorpg characters.
Posted by: XayAdministrator

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 03/01/08 09:56 AM

Lessee. I was trying to come up with a name for a character on an online game (a "text based mmorpg" if you will, before there *were* mmorpgs) I liked the name "Kayla" but I wanted something a little more exotic, so I changed the "K" to an "X". Xayla was born. I've used it as my username since. However, Xay is easier to type, so it just got shortened. ;\)
Posted by: Airstream Raider

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 03/05/08 10:50 PM

For me its not really why i chose it more as how i did.

Ok. here we go.

So you know how teenagergirls are like with boys right? well i am a little like um. just not as obsessive***

*** to a certaint degree

So there is also my favorite book series The Edge Chronicles. They also have a website thinga-ma-doo-dad here

so i went to the name game and typed in a name.yes, of a guy. they listed

Airstream Raider
Teasel Yarrowstick and
Adolphus Pherix

then i typed in my name getting

Hurricane Keelsaillor
Speegspeel Leatherbeater and
Liddius Pillitax

well of the 6 names Airstream Raider was my favorite. so now i use Air, AR, and Airstream Raider for almost every online thing. Including emails.

Thats how i got it. Why i chose it was probobly because i got a little obsessed and it was my fav. one so there you go.
Posted by: lucas

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 03/07/08 07:59 PM

Well I picked my name cause this is the first site I joined so I didnt know u could use nick names lol And it is my last name so that is why I got lucas
Posted by: bama girl

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 03/08/08 12:16 AM

i cant compare to any of that...i was born and so far raised in bama
Posted by: HelloWorld!

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 03/08/08 03:09 AM

Posted by: VVFanatic

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 03/08/08 03:11 AM

VVFanatic I really don't have a story I just love playing VV2 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by: Diversity

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 03/09/08 09:12 PM

The names I first tried in sites were usually already taken so I was trying to think of a name that might not be a usual one.
I like diverstiy in things.
If every one and thing were the same it would be a very boring world.
Posted by: SpecialPrincess

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 03/09/08 09:41 PM

I was going to be SpoiledPrincess, but I thought someone would surely have gotten to that nickname before me, so I went with Special instead. I really do feel that I am Spoiled/Special, but I don't like feeling that way one bit.

Oh, and my parents used to call me princess. It didn't last, though. \:\)
Posted by: halidog

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 03/09/08 11:33 PM

I like my dog a lot; her name is Hali (No duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh It has no creativity).
Posted by: Jazzo

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 03/11/08 01:43 AM

Originally Posted By: Krystal
I chose the name Krystal because it is the name I use when I write. It's my pseudonym!

And I always thought it was your real name \:\)
Posted by: Krystal

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 03/11/08 01:52 AM

Maybe that was my plan! Mwa ha ha ha! LOL, JK!! \:D
Nah, it wasn't I wouldn't use my real name, anyway. lolol
Posted by: Jazzo

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 03/11/08 02:18 AM

\:\( man, and I was about to ask u what yer real name was, but for safety reasons, I understand.
Posted by: Krystal

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 03/11/08 02:25 AM

LOL, Jazzo. Besides, if I ever do get published, then the world would know me as Krystal anyway! LOL
Posted by: mzcason

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 03/11/08 06:49 PM

I got my nickname in the 5th grade. I use to act silly all the time and make people laugh. The started calling me "Crazy Keysha" I then changed it to "Krazy Keysha" because it looks cooler!! ;\)
Posted by: blue_koka

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 03/12/08 05:34 AM

my user name isn't as interesting as a lot of others on this website. But I have a mini pincher named kokakola. We named her that because her coloring is so close to Cokes color with the dark brown and when you shake coke and it gets the foam it is a redish brown so we named her kokakola we just changed the c's to k's. But when you look at her in the light someimes you can see blue in her coat.So instead of being just a dark brown she is actually black and light brown. So I decided to use blue_koka.
Posted by: swedane

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 03/12/08 06:19 AM

"Swedane" has been my nickname for as L O N G as I've been part of the virtual world.
The name derived from joining two nationalities - Swedish and Danish - together in marriage. ;\)
Posted by: Phantom_Flame

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 03/12/08 09:02 PM

I picked Phantom Flame because that was the nickname I was using in VV and VV2. ^^ It just made sense to me to use it.

As for how I thought up the name 'Phantom Flame,' well...I'm actually working towards a bachelors degree in (wait for it) Computer Gaming and Simulations, and I hope to someday start my own game 'company' called Phantom Flame Gaming.

And I have LDW to thank for inspiring me!
Posted by: Gamemastr1

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 03/12/08 09:09 PM

And when I see "Phantom Flame Games" scrolling by on the NYSE ticker, I can say "I knew them before there was a 'them'". \:D
Posted by: thegreatweezette

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 03/18/08 09:21 PM

I picked thegreatweezette because Weezer is one of my favorite bands ever, and I had to say something nice about myself so I added the "great" part
Posted by: Rockmower

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 03/19/08 01:20 AM

Originally Posted By: thegreatweezette
I picked thegreatweezette because Weezer is one of my favorite bands ever, and I had to say something nice about myself so I added the "great" part

????WHO???? //No Rockmower that's a differant band!// Oh Well, now at least your not another magician trying to put the great Jazzo out of business!
Posted by: Kristalia

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 03/19/08 06:38 AM

Kristalia: Is the first part of my pen name Kristalia Arana Astari. I'll be using Kristalia A. Astari if i get any of my novels published. The name of my company/store/brand is Astari Art. And my pet site is called Katarshia. I came up with it myself in 9th grade and here I am 23 and still love it I'm glad I was creative back then when I was younger lol.
Posted by: Krystal

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 03/19/08 02:37 PM

Another pen name user!
Posted by: JulieAnn

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 03/19/08 03:57 PM

Short Explanation:
Soooo.. As you might have guessed. My name is Julie Ann not julieann.. but Julie and Ann (first and middle)

I have big long explanation too:
What's in a name?
Well, 14 or some odd years ago when I discovered the inter-web, I was choosing a screen name for AOL. I was 10 and I loved tweety bird. I was not however very observant and I had no clue that Tweety was a boy bird. When I found this out, I had to change it (I dunno why i cared.. but I did) Little did I know I had waited too long.

My family called me Jewels as a nicname, and I thought i'd use that as my SN. Unfortunately Jewel had just released her album and People left and right had been snatching up "Jewel" SN's. Turns out that Jewels wasn't available, so I thought Jewells would be okay. (i dont like numbers at the end of my SN's) Then my best friend went and created the very same screen name only minutes before I could. (some best friend eh?) Her name isn't even remotely similar to Jewells. Needless to say, this act has left a mark, I still get annoyed when I think about it.

So, I was left with no choice, I made my screen name JeweIls(with a capital i). And that is my AOL name to this day.

When I was in Highschool I tried to change the spelling of my name, everyone thought I was insane. I wanted them to spell it, Jewellie.(yahoo name: Jewellie_Ann) But people just called me Jew-el-ie. So, I had a crush on one of the "cowboys" at school, his girlfriends name was BethAnn. I decided that her cute name must be why he likes her(cuz she was a (cough)), so maybe if I point out that my middle name is Ann too... he'll like me instead . (LOL)

From that point on My SN's have been variations of Julie Ann. Julianna, Juliann, Julia, Julieann, Julian, you get the point. \:\)

Sometime in there I made the screen name JulieAnnLove on aol, and lost the password, so I never used it. I still use JulieAnnLove for other things tho, and it's my sign-in name on this site.

The name of my Production Company was born out of JulieAnnLove, it's AndLove, Inc. Productions.

and that's how my Nic evolved... \:\)
(whew.. finger cramp...)
Posted by: halidog

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 03/20/08 09:03 PM

No offence, but I liked the short one better (I like short, sweet, and to the point unless it is a book \:\) )
Posted by: JulieAnn

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 03/20/08 10:16 PM

Posted by: Rockmower

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 03/21/08 12:42 AM

//Rockmower falls asleep 1/2 way thru reading long version, sits up with a start, rubs forehead says: "Oh cool! So you have your own production company huh? Well, I hope it makes you rich and famous and then you can take pity on your poor little forum friends! //
Posted by: JulieAnn

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 03/21/08 12:51 AM

When i'm rich and famous you can call come live with me! \:\) Promise. Except for Halidog.. j/k
Posted by: Rockmower

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 03/21/08 03:35 AM

Originally Posted By: JulieAnn
When i'm rich and famous you can call come live with me! \:\) Promise. Except for Halidog.. j/k

Wow! you're gonna have to have a house bigger than my whole farm to get 16546 Registered Users (and growing) in there!
Posted by: JulieAnn

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 03/21/08 04:19 AM

okay... how about:

When i'm rich and famous everyone on this thread can come live with me. \:\)
Posted by: Houjun

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 03/21/08 04:30 AM

Originally Posted By: JulieAnn
okay... how about:

When i'm rich and famous everyone on this thread can come live with me. \:\)

Well, that would be a lot easier for you to house and feed us. \:\/ You only have one...two...three...I quit counting posts... but you get the idea... \:\/ \:D
Posted by: JulieAnn

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 03/21/08 04:45 AM

I have to feed you? Deals off...

Unless you like greenbeans.. \:\)
Posted by: elerin

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 03/21/08 12:03 PM

I started elerin in the rpg game i play since then i use it as username/nickname whenever i join a new site/forums as its easier for me to remember and the origin of elerin came from a set of books my partner paul reads known as the chronicles of the raven.
Posted by: elerin

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 03/21/08 12:06 PM

i like u julie u sound a good friend to have a round a lot of ur posts have me in stitches
Posted by: halidog

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 03/21/08 12:45 PM

Posted by: spyrogirlkim

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 03/21/08 01:49 PM

Mine is chosen to tease my daughters friend when I chose it to begin with.I love playing spyro on playstation.He has a spyro toy I wanted and teased him with for ever.He had asked why I liked spyro and I said cause I am spyrogirl.Thats when I got the idea to use it as my screen name.I just added my name to it.
Posted by: breakfrommundane

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 03/21/08 02:11 PM

I've used many screennames in my years on the internet. The first one, evidently had been used previously by someone who loved to visit those adult sites....so I moved away from that to a couple others over the years.

breakfrommundane I came up with one night when I was feeling very existential. Other than that, my memory is going and I fail to remember the exact details. (Lame, I know...) If I do, I will certainly share with you.
Posted by: Athena420

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 03/21/08 04:14 PM

LOL..... I LOVE that kitten, Julie Ann.... what a cat-smile!
Posted by: soccerluva22

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 03/21/08 08:09 PM

well, my name's katy, so that explains the katy part. u no, i have no idea why i chose 877. i guess it just came to me.

u no what i mean?

sometimes people chose usernames/nicknames/passwords from things that sound like they could be words but aren't. like, another one of mine from another site is vanderbort. not a word, but sounds like it could be. and razzletop. not a real word. also prillmill, hoffymop, and janrose.

Usernames are chosen in weird ways.

u may no one of your friends names are lucy and her age is 23. so, lucy23 or 23lucy or lucy.23 may be ur username. one of the shops in ur town could be called postpop and its open three days a week. so, postpop3, 3postpop, or postpop.3 would be ur nickname. Get what I mean? ;\)

also some people just think of stuff they like to do. say u like soccer and its ur favorite sport (like me ;\) ). and ur a girl thats ten years old. so, soccergirl10.

there's many ways people chose their nicknames.
the question is: which way did you chose yours?
Posted by: seirra

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 03/21/08 08:39 PM

Posted by: dogylover21

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 03/21/08 09:48 PM

I know iam a newby but i thot this might be fun eneyway i tried doglover but it did not work so i tried t with 21 and ther it is
Posted by: JulieAnn

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 03/21/08 10:12 PM

Why, thank you! I like all of you very much! \:\)

I 'borrowed' the kitten from an avatar website.. until i can find a good one of my own kitten...

plus... I want to BE a kitten... Ah, what a life that would be!
Posted by: lilithevemc

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 03/22/08 12:27 AM

lilitheve from the jewish tale of lilith, adam first wife who did not want to submit to adam, and eve second wife who did.
i think of it as two woman on one coin. it's my own personal struggle.
Posted by: halidog

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 03/24/08 08:57 PM

Where did the mc come from?
Posted by: rebandnatsmum

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 03/24/08 09:02 PM

simple really lol i have two daughters one called REBecca and one called NATasha.
Posted by: Llulabell

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 03/28/08 04:32 AM

I love the spyro games too! Well, the first 2 anyway. ;\)

Lulabell is a nick name given to me by my grandmother when I was younger. My first name is Shelly, so I have no clue where the nickname came from. She had nicknames for all the grandkids...

When I started going online, every name I could think of was taken, so I tried lulabell & it always worked. I forgot a password on a site & had to re-register. Since I had already used lulabell, it made me choose something else, so I just added an "L" at the beginning...
Posted by: TaraMAdams

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 03/29/08 12:28 PM

How about explaining some of the avatar pics & what they mean to us? That'd be interesting, too! Some of them are so unusual.
Posted by: TaraMAdams

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 03/29/08 12:29 PM

I deduce from LadyCFII's avata, that she has two pesky mutts, just like me!
Posted by: TaraMAdams

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 03/29/08 12:30 PM

avatar (typo) I will try to be more careful...sorry
Posted by: TaraMAdams

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 03/29/08 12:43 PM

My Nana & Grandfather were so enamored with Arnold Palmer - they made me watch him on TV on Sundays, when I'd visit. They were always hot, boring Sundays that seemed to go on forever; the exciting sounds of golf droning on 'til it was time for me to make my anticipated exit (HOURS later). As a result, I loathe golf, which is a shame, 'cos Arnie Palmer is such a talented athlete & golf is a great sport. See how parents & other family members can scar you psychologically, withput even knowing they're doing something evil...like making you watch golf on a hot, oppressive Sunday afternoon?!!
Posted by: VVMeggie

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 03/29/08 04:25 PM

I chose my name because I thought it would suit me.Well,I know its not a very interesting one!
Posted by: Fabala

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 04/05/08 03:23 AM

Hello everyone. I am new to the forums. I just found this Virtual Villager game, nearing the end of my first Village. I can hardly think of anything but my liitle family.
Fabala is the Wicked Witch of the West in 'Wicked'. I just like how it rolls off the tongue.
Posted by: laurence

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 04/05/08 03:39 PM

Hello Fabala! Welcome to the forum! And good luck to your first village! \:\)
Posted by: Krystal

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 04/07/08 10:12 PM

Originally Posted By: Kadgii Kailali
My name came back in term one (school semester) when my friends and i were writting stories. Anna came up with de kat kallamari. Claire came up with kadgii. Kailali is my club penguin username: i was stuck at the time.

So my full net name is Kadgii Kailali De Kat Kallamari. Its a mouthful!
That is a mouthful! lol For some reason, when I see your nickname, I think of the singer Colbie Caillat. LOL... I know, there's no real resemblance between the two, but I have a bit of an odd mind (in a good way). \:D
Maybe it's because I have to think pretty hard to get the pronunciation of your nickname right... and I don't even know if I'm right! LOL
Posted by: Bowl Wheeevil

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 04/08/08 12:08 AM

I chose mine because of two people I like from a show...
Posted by: *Erica*

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 04/08/08 12:12 AM

well my name is erica so ya.. but 1227 is my two fave numbers 12 & 27.
Posted by: Wisegirl

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 04/08/08 01:22 AM

i was called the smart one in the class, which bugged me and for some reasons in my weird moments i picked wisegal. Should have made it into wiseone.
Posted by: ChaoticSushi

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 04/08/08 02:04 AM

I'm a really big gamer, but I never really like any of those uber serious gaming names. It makes it seem like the person is taking themselves too seriously. I'd been racking my brain for a good name for a while, until I got one of those delivery menus that Chinese restaurants would leave on my apartment door offering $1.00 plates of sushi. My room mate happen to be talking about his chaotic neutral D&D character when we picked it up so I just put two and two together. I'm a nerd and proud of it. Sup. ^_^
Posted by: Jocelyn

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 04/08/08 04:11 AM

mine is my name...:)
Posted by: Bowl Wheeevil

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 04/08/08 04:55 AM

Posted by: Meems

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 04/08/08 11:34 AM

My nickname was chosen for me 9 years ago by my eldest grand-daughter shortly after she first began talking. After being "Meems" for so long I'm startled when addressed by my real name-Theresa. I'm sure some people think I suffer from "Old-timers disease" when I say "huh?..who?..do you mean me!?!"
Posted by: sh221bbaker

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 04/08/08 02:15 PM

Hi everyone! New to this posting-thing, but y'all seem to have so much fun, I figured I'd go with it. I love using my name because most people read it and realize they know it from somewhere but can't figure out where.
So here's the breakdown:
sh - Sherlock Holmes
221bbaker - 221B Baker Street is where he resided

I am a huge fan of those particular mysteries.
Posted by: FotoshopFanatic

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 04/24/08 05:21 PM

Well my name is quite obvious. The "mr" and "man" mean im a guy \:\) the "t" stands for my first name initial.
Posted by: knksmiles

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 04/24/08 10:02 PM

Hello everyone.

This is my first post. I found this site because someone had told me about Borg's beautiful seed tray. I have not visited more than a couple of forums ever and never thought I would find one that I would check in to every few days or so until now.

My screen name comes from a day in December when my 6 year old was on winter break and she and her 3 year old brother had worn me down to a soggy pool that had to mopped up off the kitchen floor. No sooner had I asked myself why I ever thought motherhood would be a good thing when they both came at me armed with hugs, kisses and gigantic ear to ear smiles and I had my answer. Cheezy, yes, but everytime I use the name I remember how great my kids really are.
Posted by: FotoshopFanatic

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 04/24/08 10:05 PM

Welcome knk \:\) i know you will love this site \:\)
Posted by: knksmiles

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 04/24/08 10:09 PM

thank you. do so far!
Posted by: MusicObsessed

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 04/24/08 10:24 PM

my nickname is not original at all. \:\( it's just my first and middle names combined. \:\) \:D
Posted by: tkdgrl223

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 04/24/08 10:29 PM

well i'm tkdgrl223 so tkd comes from the from of korean karate i do and grl means girl and 223 is the date for my birthday( I was born on Feb. 23rd) thats it
Posted by: boostone

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 04/25/08 01:21 AM

Hi all:

boo is my nickname from a baby-my sister couldn't say my real name(Barbara) even tho she chose it & my twin's name...the stone part is a part of my real last name....can't say that tho...I was a little afraid to tell you my real name cause of Lady CFII...but I figure there must be other Barbara's here...

Posted by: redrockwolf

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 05/31/08 09:21 PM

Mine's simple. Same username I've used since getting my first email account, and it's stuck. My totem is the Wolf. My daughter was born the year I got my first email account, nearly 9 years ago. Her name means "red rock". So I combined the two. "Redrockwolf".
Posted by: Animegirl8

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 05/31/08 09:26 PM

Mine is simple too. \:\) I really like everything Anime, I am a girl, and my lucky number is 8.
Posted by: jennyjenn153

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 05/31/08 09:55 PM

My name is also from my first email account....12 years ago! LOL!
My name is Jenny. When my cousin had his daughter he took baby talk to the next level, milky milk, forky fork, cheesey cheese...you name it. Then he called me Jenny Jenn and it stuck. He still calls me that to this day. The 153 is the house number of the first place me and my husband lived together.
Posted by: Tamerah

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 05/31/08 09:56 PM

My name is Tamerah because my name is Tamerah. lol
I'm not very creative =]
Posted by: Isolove

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 05/31/08 10:14 PM

I love Isola. So thus I was named Isolove. I liked the wordplay.
Posted by: Mahpootie

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 06/03/08 09:37 PM

I've always been a bit of a computer addict since computers first came on the scene, so I was delighted when my grandson decided that he wanted to use my computer - he used to call it Mah pootie (being at the time about 2) and I liked it so I decided to make it my nic.
Posted by: bethlham

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 06/04/08 12:43 AM

Originally Posted By: Mahpootie
I've always been a bit of a computer addict since computers first came on the scene, so I was delighted when my grandson decided that he wanted to use my computer - he used to call it Mah pootie (being at the time about 2) and I liked it so I decided to make it my nic.

\:D that's cute!
Posted by: angie39

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 06/04/08 08:56 AM

mine is also nice and simple lol my name is angela so hence why my nickname is angie lol and 39 it was a random number that came into my head at the time lol
Posted by: Jared

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 08/09/08 04:23 PM

its simple really, ITS MY NAME. xD
Posted by: Prissy Poodle

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 08/09/08 05:55 PM

Well I like dogs,my favorite breed is the poodle.They are considered the most intelligent of the dog breeds and make great family pets.So it's pretty easy to tell where nickname came from.
Posted by: LunarDee

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 08/09/08 07:04 PM

I have had this screen name for 13 years.....since I've been online! My first name is Dianna; as in Goddess of the Moon...hence the 'Lunar' and Dee is my real nickname. LunarDee....Ta daaaaah. I actually tried to get different versions of "lunacy"....LunarCee, LunarSea...you get the picture. But I'm glad I ended up with LunarDee.....I get called that in the real world, too, sometimes. LOL. Sometimes I go by just Lunar, too.
Posted by: bryanzthousand

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 08/10/08 06:32 AM

my old username was changbryan30 i think. its my friends last name mixed with my first name.
30 was my locker number for school and locker for soccer.
i thought that was a way weird name so i changed it to bryanzthousand.
because zthousand sounds really really cool! \:D
Posted by: mosesmom

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 08/10/08 06:44 AM

Moses is my beloved Newfoundland dog and I'm his Mom hence the name.
Posted by: Becca123

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 08/10/08 09:14 AM

Originally Posted By: QuickStorm
Gamemastr1, that is GREAT! Hmmm, I wonder if we'll find that as a new villager name for VV3?

Well, they made "Gamay" (maybe they are taking after Gamey :D)
They also have Moka. (like MochaJew!)
Posted by: Becca123

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 08/10/08 09:19 AM

I chose Becca123, because Becca is my nickname (short for Rebecca), and everyone calls me by it and since plain Becca was taken, I randomly added the numbers 123. LOL \:D not much history on mine.
Posted by: Queen of Ploknar

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 08/10/08 10:08 AM

My 3 and 1/2 yr old grand daughter loves to play so much, we had to buy her VV2 for her own, and put it on her computer. She started out sitting on my lap and "helping" me play. Now she can teach her villagers skills, harvest crops, and has almost completed her shell collection! She doesn't know Grammy checks in ocassionally, when she has gone home, to make sure her village is surviving.
Posted by: Queen of Ploknar

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 08/10/08 10:27 AM

You have a production company?! I have a couple of childrens books I'd like to get published! Hmmmm...Jada Rose, Queen of Ploknar. \:\)
Posted by: Isolayan

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 08/10/08 04:42 PM

Funny story. I was checking some forums, to see inspiration for a name. I saw a post about a name for a tirbe, and I really liked it, and so Isolayan was born! (or joined)
Posted by: graceworks2

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 08/10/08 05:07 PM

I have used my name for many things...

graceworks2 = Grace Works 2 (Too)

I am a Christian. My God takes very good care of me with His Grace - which he gives freely to anyone who believes in Him as Savior.
Posted by: Rusty55

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 08/10/08 07:13 PM

1. VolcanoIsola my username is usually volcano and Isola is where the villagers are at

2. Jaden55Dog i want my name to be Jaden and my imaginary friend(called fancharactor in Sonic X forums at 4kids)is jaden
my fav number is 55 and dog cuz i like puppies

3. Hushpuppie74 Hushpuppies are good 74 was random

4. HarvestMoonFan55 ... Just read the name to find out why
Posted by: Cardinal

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 08/10/08 07:25 PM

Since I don't frequent forums or chat areas this was a first for me. When they asked for a screen name I had to think about that but then a pretty red Cardinal hopped onto my patio fence and hence it became Cardinal. Of course the red Cardinal is a male and I am a female but at least the name was not already taken.
Posted by: Megthebookworm

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 08/10/08 09:03 PM

Mine isn't that exciting. My name is Meg and I read a LOT so all my friends call me Megthebookworm when they catch me reading especially my brother. At first I used to get annoyed but I got used to it.
Posted by: Lovelychunks

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 08/10/08 09:22 PM

My nickname is chunks and some people find it offensive so iadded lovely and please call me CHUNKS not LC or Lovely
Posted by: rick89

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 08/10/08 10:02 PM

my first screen name i tried to make rck (my initals), but it wasnt availiable(that spelled right?) so i tried numbers, came up with rck88 and its my most important account. my name is rick so i use that one in the less important screen names and i use any numbers from 80-99
Posted by: Kadgii Kailali

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 08/10/08 10:04 PM

Originally Posted By: Megthebookworm
Mine isn't that exciting. My name is Meg and I read a LOT so all my friends call me Megthebookworm when they catch me reading especially my brother. At first I used to get annoyed but I got used to it.

if i did that (got used to mine), my name would be...
WEINDOG! seriously, my friends call me that \:D XD
Posted by: Lurkily

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 08/11/08 04:30 AM

I used to go by the name Lurker, back at the Role-playing forum I helped moderate. Soon I began playing under that name - a very dark, gruff character. Very much a bad-boy. Later when he developed some family in that game, it turned out he had a soft spot for family; super-protective, always gentle. When it became known he had a teddy-bear-ish side, he gained a few nicknames; Lurkily was one of them.

'Lurker' was a favored alias in many places, even before that forum. (And LONG before Starcraft, thank you very much.) Since Lurker is taken in most places, I go by Lurkily.
Posted by: CaszaGirl16138

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 08/11/08 09:25 AM

Well, my initials are CAS so people often call me Cazz. I put girl because I'm a girl (duh) and 16138 because 16, 1 and 38 are my lucky numbers!
Posted by: bethlham

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 08/12/08 05:48 AM

It's my name also! \:\)
Posted by: williamani

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 08/24/08 01:27 PM

my real name is William. Mali, my fave villager in VV3, has died at age 93. that is one of the reasons i prefer to be called WM, but you can also call me William or Williamani, or some unusual name like Mani, or Aman, or Will or something in my nickname which has 4 letters. \:\) or you can call me Williamali, or Mali, or Liam etc.
Posted by: Gamemastr1

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 08/26/08 05:08 PM

So William, really... We can call you anything but late for dinner? \:D lol
Posted by: bethlham

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 08/27/08 02:55 AM

\:D lol
Posted by: Miss Monkey Girl

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 08/27/08 02:59 AM

Hahahaha, funny Gamey \:D
Posted by: 123isolagirl

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 03/06/10 12:21 PM

I remembered seeing the name Isolagirl somewhere and I wanted it for my screen name. But it was taken so I added 123 in front.
BTW where is the other Isolagirl?
Posted by: frogboy

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 03/06/10 03:54 PM

Uh, I like frogs? smile
Posted by: Krystal

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 03/06/10 08:19 PM

"isolagirl" is the name of the youtube channel LDW uses to upload those preview videos they give us. smile
Posted by: spinnything

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 03/06/10 09:39 PM

I chose my name because I like things that spin! laugh I have this really awesome rainbow heart thing that is hanging near my computer, and it spins when there is a breeze. It caught my eye when I was deciding on a name. Lucky that, or I might have been "NailClipper" grin
Posted by: Havetia

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 03/06/10 09:44 PM

Well lets start at the beginning:

First of all when I joined, my user-name was Havetia. I still wish I was under that user-name, but EVERYONE (fro the most part) kept calling me a he, sort of reminds me of T-mac. Anyways, I thought, maybe, just maybe if I made the name more feminine people would get it right. Well, for the most part no LOL

Anyway the meaning of both Havetia and Havoria have the same base meaning: Havoc. I sort of like it like my code name. And also because I'm so clumsy I really do cause havoc alot.

So there you have it. I'm still on the fence about changing back, because well, when you say Havoria it sounds like Horror. And I just don't like the way that sounds. For clarification here's how you pronounce both:

Hav (like have) vet (like vet as in the person your dog don't like) ia (sounds like uh)

Hav (like have) or (like the word or) ia (like uh)

Little fact: Before I ever came up with Havetia or Havoria my user-name was going to be Trixy May, after my fav villager

EDIT: Well after some thinking I decided to go back to Havetia, for the above stated dislike about the name. But I'm still Hav everyone
Posted by: frogboy

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 03/06/10 10:48 PM

Wow.... I never knew that there was *insert sarcasm* such drama in nicknames! smile
Posted by: 123isolagirl

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 04/07/10 05:16 AM

See this post, Havetia grin
Posted by: grasshopper

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 04/17/10 12:30 AM

i like bugs. wierd
Posted by: petenpete

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 05/02/10 07:06 PM

My daughter & I used to watch "The Adventures of Pete & Pete" on Nickelodeon many years ago. Those are happy memories & the nickname just feels fun & a little offbeat, like Pete and Pete were. Should I assume that Arnold (Arnie) is really "the strongest man in the world!"?
Posted by: Pinkanista

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 05/09/10 10:12 PM

my nickname comes from my almost obsession of the colour pink so instead of a fashionista i call myself a pinkansita! simple as that!
Posted by: Mondegreen

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 06/11/10 02:39 AM

Mondegreen is an obscure word meaning something along the lines of misheard song lyrics. I chose it for several reasons: I first learned of the word from a book series I enjoy, I love obscure words and the English language in general, and because of a hearing problem, I have a tendency to mess up song lyrics myself. smile
Posted by: chocolatechip

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 07/16/10 04:13 AM

Mine may seem simply just a like but there's a story! I used to go by Airy. ( my mum calls me that) Why, My name is [Not telling!] and I'm a bit of an airhead.
Well I'm a Chocoholic and one day my mum caught me sneaking some chocolate chips. She said and I quote " One day you're going to turn into a chocolate chip one day! But you're still so skinny!" Many call me CC today, which was created by Happyplayer! Thanks Happyplayer! My other candidate for the nickname was Peepers. Because as a wittle baby I looked at everything.
Posted by: Kikiann11

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 07/26/10 01:36 AM

My real name is Kirsten, so my aunt decided to call me Kiki. Then since my middle name is Ann, she started calling me Kikiann. When I signed up for my email, I decided to use a nickname, since that was what most of my friends did, so I wanted kikiann to be my screename, but that was taken, so I stuck an 11 on the end (my soccer number), and I have used this screen name on everything since. I know that sounds pretty boring but..
Posted by: Luke Gates

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 07/28/10 08:58 PM

I was originally going to be whutzup, because that's the first part of my email address and I thought it showed my uniqueness, but I got confused registering blush and so my screen name became luke gates, which I like.
Posted by: Rachel72

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 08/05/10 06:35 AM

I think I posted in here before but here is mine.... Its simple.... its my name and my year of birth!
Posted by: Taori

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 11/07/10 09:31 AM

Taori is from The Garden of God, the first sequel to The Blue Lagoon book by H.D. Stacpoole. The young couple died and left their son to be adopted by Richard's father, who took him back to the same island to live. The sailors named the kid Dick after his father, but when he grew up and met a beautiful island girl she just started calling him Taori.

I used to think The Blue Lagoon would make an excellent video game, and Virtual Villagers is very close to the way I imagined it.
Posted by: mysteryshrimp

Re: Discussion: Why did you choose your nickname? - 11/19/10 05:42 AM

I wanted to be a paleontologist once. Most people think of paleontology as the study of dinosaurs, but most paleontologists study things much smaller, and usually older. I wanted to study very early water bugs (that would be marine arthropods from the Cambrian). I used several fossils as email addresses and nicknames, like marella, trilohunter, hallucegenius, etc. A couple stuck: trigonotarbida (a spider . . . kinda), and anomalocaris, or rather it's english equivalent, mysteryshrimp. It's the earliest true predator known from the fossil record. It was named as a shrimp because they kept finding just the mouth parts, which looked like shrimp with no exterior organs.

There's still a part of me that would like to do that, but the reality of paleontology, and in fact most sciences, is that the tv version of the job happens about once every five years. The rest of your time you are trying to get funding, you're hunched over a magnifying glass trying to get an accurate measurement, or cataloguing a collection of bivalves. Your dream job is never as you dreamed it would be.