My long day paid off - MP Spoiler

Posted by: miniflowers

My long day paid off - MP Spoiler - 09/17/07 10:49 PM

I spent 11 hours yesterday trying to come up with the right combination, but I'm determined (hubby says make that stubborn )! But I finally did it. I InstaBombed because I just couldn't wait, but not to count that expense because I really didn't have to, I only used two fertilizer bombs - so only $300 invested. I priced them at $600 and the first 3 Sold signs went up before anyone had even entered, so I scampered back to my garden and just for a hoot marked them up to $800 - and the last 12 sold in 2-3 minutes, max. I was stunned, but happy!

They'll get bigger as I get better!
Posted by: Jazzo

Re: My long day paid off - MP Spoiler - 09/17/07 11:02 PM

Very nice, that one's my all time favorite flower!!!
Posted by: angiejoy

Re: My long day paid off - MP Spoiler - 09/18/07 05:25 AM

What is that? A blue rose? That is absolutely beautiful. Do you feel like sharing how you got that?
Posted by: miniflowers

Re: My long day paid off - MP Spoiler - 09/18/07 01:48 PM

It is pretty, isn't it?!? I got the name of the MP I was looking for from our Guides section. Then, like I said, I spent 11 hours trying to come up with a combination, finally using mutation liquid. I'm not trying to be cryptic, but as we're all finding out, mutating can be tricky and sometimes not what we're looking for! Good luck on your hunt!
Posted by: Keza132

Re: My long day paid off - MP Spoiler - 09/18/07 02:45 PM

Very pretty in deed, that was my first MP!!
Posted by: miniflowers

Re: My long day paid off - MP Spoiler - 09/18/07 10:06 PM

Wow, Keza! Wish it had been my first - I would have been a lot richer a lot faster!
Posted by: Jazzo

Re: My long day paid off - MP Spoiler - 09/18/07 10:29 PM

My first too!
Posted by: arnie

Re: My long day paid off - MP Spoiler - 09/19/07 02:21 PM

Duh. My short-term memory is really terrible. It's only two weeks since PT was released, and I can't remember which was my first MP! I think it may have been this one, but I'm not sure.
Posted by: Village Idiot Jr

Re: My long day paid off - MP Spoiler - 10/15/07 11:30 PM

this was my first MP also.

i like the design you put them in also!
Posted by: laurence

Re: My long day paid off - MP Spoiler - 10/16/07 09:06 AM

My 1st Magic Plant was this one:

Yours was my 2nd one and I love it too! \:\)
Posted by: PlantPat

Re: My long day paid off - MP Spoiler - 10/16/07 02:45 PM

with everything else in place - all the magic plants and all the bugs and right combo of fertilizer - I sold mine at a whopping $1011! I tried the next available price but they wouldn't sell.

Your plants look about the same quality as mine so I think that must be the limit for that plant.
Posted by: Annthewhofan

Re: My long day paid off - MP Spoiler - 10/19/07 08:40 PM

I put the price up to $1020 and was surprise they all sold. \:\)
Posted by: Damsel

Re: My long day paid off - MP Spoiler - 10/21/07 11:52 PM

the blue flowers are my tthe picture....!!
Posted by: Airstream Raider

Re: My long day paid off - MP Spoiler - 10/22/07 04:00 AM

its so romantic looking. i like ow you put um in a heart shape
Posted by: PlantPat

Re: My long day paid off - MP Spoiler - 10/23/07 08:48 PM

My price adjustment jumps by $100 each time so I could not sell them ove the 1011 mark - on another game I started, the price was a bit different to start with - perhaps because I had the right magic flower in place that helps with prices? - so maybe that is why you got 1020 - I will see how high I can go on this 2nd game when I get that far.
Posted by:

Re: My long day paid off - MP Spoiler - 10/23/07 08:52 PM

You can adjust the price by 'backspacing' the set price, PlantPat. \:\)

BTW: I sell them for more than $1020
Posted by: PlantPat

Re: My long day paid off - MP Spoiler - 10/24/07 08:35 AM

DUH! With the fancy up and down buttons, I never thought to even try the keyboard backspace! Thanks for the tip. They do sell for more. I am still playing with it as I need more $ to spend. In the meantime I am working on a mutation chart for myself for future games.