Parenting Skills?

Posted by: zmll123

Parenting Skills? - 02/21/07 11:10 PM

Hello everyone--can anyone tell me--Do nursing mothers gain parenting skills while taking care of the babies--or is it just from the "act of creating" the babies that improves skill points?
Posted by: LadyCFIIAdministrator

Re: Parenting Skills? - 02/21/07 11:43 PM

They do gain skill while caring for babies in VV:TLC. \:\)
Posted by: Laura78

Re: Parenting Skills? - 02/22/07 04:39 AM

You can also gain skill in parenting by "Telling a Story" to a child. You can do this by dropping an adult on a child. Sometimes you have to try more than once. It even works for adults that aren't parents of that child, I guess they get points for "babysitting".
Posted by: bluemchen

Re: Parenting Skills? - 02/22/07 09:11 AM

and you also improve parenting by teaching children --> though the adult has to be an adept parent already (works the same way as telling a story)
Posted by: bluemchen

Re: Parenting Skills? - 02/22/07 12:14 PM

i was just wondering about what i said earlier - my master researcher just gained research skill while teaching the kids !? am i mistaken here or did i get something wrong earlier on?
Posted by: arnie

Re: Parenting Skills? - 02/22/07 12:18 PM

They wouldn't get research skills while teaching, they'd gain parenting skills.
Posted by: bluemchen

Re: Parenting Skills? - 02/22/07 12:25 PM

i'll just trust you with this one - i was only confused because of the message saying she had improved in research, but i guess that concerned someone else or it had just happend before
Posted by: arnie

Re: Parenting Skills? - 02/22/07 12:33 PM

Ah, yes, that message often comes up concerning someone you were looking at earlier. It's confused me before now.