Unusual mating

Posted by: crosstitcher

Unusual mating - 01/09/16 05:03 PM

Thanks again in all the help to did in getting my VV2 back. And I am already a member of the forums and "love" all the "peeps" on here. smile
When I started the game, I got 2 adult runners, 1 builder and 1 farmer. grin When I mated them, I got another runner. grin
My 1st 2 kids at the start didn't like "learning" in their skills. So I mated them and the kids turned out as "dumb" as the parents. laugh I'm going to keep "mating" both the runners and the "dumb" parents and have 1/2 "runners" and 1/ laugh laugh 2 "dummies." laugh grin crazy
Posted by: deir

Re: Unusual mating - 08/09/17 03:33 PM

you are lucky when I mated 2 runners I got a kid that hated running - I mean so they dont have to run but crawl????