Dirty Liars!!!

Posted by: simplerich

Dirty Liars!!! - 06/03/05 10:30 PM

I've got my little builder buddy, I think he's a goth 'cuz he only wears black, and he's busily bulding away while my old girlfriend in the blue dress harvests berries and my new girlfriend and two guys work on the research table.

I look away for a minute and my goth builder's gone!

I pop out to map view and where do I find him? Up by the boulder. He says he's building, but I'm not buyin' it. Just in case though, I watch to see if he leaves the area with building materials... I've never seen them get them from there, but maybe he's got some uber-goth secrets I don't know about. I tap my stylus impatiently in the town square area and he seems to notice and he continues to claim he's building and heads back towards the ramshackled remnants of a hut he's supposed to be turning into a blissful boudoir for my orange clad honey.

Little man lied to me. He was no more building than I was.

Later that same day I had blue dress and one of the researchers decide it was time to make another villager, well, I kinda decided for them and they wouldn't. It seems the rot that had molded so many of my berries that starvation was a real problem had their minds on other things... like food. So, they were too hungry to do the dance of the two backed beast, or, as I should probably call it... go indoors.

Fine. I can understand that. I'll make 'em into little farmer people for a little while; let 'em get to know each other, get a little in common, and then WHAMMO! Baby makin' time! Yah... right. They're too hungry to go indoors, but he's not too hungry to go look at the ruins and she wound up over in the field of dead flowers... trying to eat them I imagine. *sigh*

Pesky little things. It's just like being at work trying to ride herd on employees.

NOOOO!!! I got all confused and dropped my goth builder that's a filthy liar onto my innocent and pure orange dress wearing love of my life and they ran indoors before I noticed and wouldn't you know it?!? She caught first try! Egads they're fertile when they're just a liiiiittle bit hungry. ((

Gotta get me a new girlfriend and chuck laughing-boy goth-builder into the ocean to the sharks!!!