
Posted by: Anonymous

aging.....???? - 03/08/05 10:00 PM

I don't know if I've got a "bug" in mine or what... but it doesn't seem to age.. or maybe I'm just expecting it to age as fast as things in plant tycoon or fish tycoon do. I've had my pet for almost 10 hours and it's still 0 what am i doing wrong??
Posted by: CarlaAdministrator

Re: aging.....???? - 03/08/05 10:41 PM

Well your pet should have aged by now. Try exiting and reentering the game. If this doesn't update his age, then try and reinstalling the game on your device!

Hope this helps..
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: aging.....???? - 03/08/05 11:16 PM

helps alot!! I just checked it about an hour after i sent the message and it's up to 1.... how quickly does it age??
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: aging.....???? - 04/10/05 04:41 PM

I'll let you in on a little secret. All these LDW games run on your device's world clock. Set the clock ahead a few days or hours and log back in. Your pet will have grown.
Posted by: LadyCFIIAdministrator

Re: aging.....???? - 04/10/05 04:57 PM

Or died, if you're not careful!
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: aging.....???? - 04/17/05 05:55 PM

That's interesting. What if you set your clock back a few hours or days, - would your pet get younger? (smile). Suppose not.
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: aging.....???? - 06/11/05 09:46 AM

I dont know if this has anything to do with aging issues, but i have not been able to get my pet out of its house.

it walks out, for 3 seconds, and walks back in.
Posted by: LadyCFIIAdministrator

Re: aging.....???? - 06/11/05 10:33 AM

Try tapping on your pet, and as soon as it comes out, get the comb and comb it. That will reward it for coming out of the house. (Be careful not to tap on it when it comes out - that will "hit" your pet). As soon as you've finished combing your pet, try playing ball with it or give it one of its other toys. Be sure to comb your pet whenever he does something you like, and he'll soon be out of his house more often.
Posted by: Jess

Re: aging.....???? - 07/09/05 08:31 PM


That's interesting. What if you set your clock back a few hours or days, - would your pet get younger? (smile). Suppose not.

actually you can. just make sure you stable your pet before changing the date on your palm, because it ages 1 day every 12 hours real time. also, i've found that it runs out of food every 6-8.

hope that helps!!
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: aging.....???? - 07/17/05 12:22 AM

Thanks very much! I'll try it. I hope I do it right, - I've had this pet awhile and wouldn't want to harm him (her?).
Is it my imagination (probably) or does our pet age faster when it is very young. I really like the young years (romping, running) but between Tuesday night and Saturday night my pet went from 0 to 11 years old.