Weird question concerning health

Posted by: Anonymous

Weird question concerning health - 09/05/05 01:31 PM

Please don't call me crazy, I'm really confused. I'm a new owner.
How do you tell that your pet is sick?
My Ramona's 'poo' (so sorry for bringing this up) has changed these past two days. It's usually brownish and quite a lot, but recently it's been darker and just a small amount. Should I be concerned? The info said she's healthy, though. But I just need to know what's going on.
I also have trouble with her appetite. She doesn't seem to like to eat. Whenever I'm with her, all she wanted to do is play. I have only refilled her bowl twice, and she's eight already. Is she okay?
Posted by: LadyCFIIAdministrator

Re: Weird question concerning health - 09/05/05 02:07 PM

It's not a silly question! She's fine. If she gets sick, her status will show that she's sick. Different pets have different appetites, and as long as they are healthy, you don't need to be concerned. If she ever does get sick, though, be careful with the medicine. You can very easily kill a pet with an overdose. All it takes is two doses too close together. You should wait at least several hours before administering a second dose.

As for her poo, there are a few different "poo graphics" - none of which indicate anything in particular. They just add variety to the poo corner!
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: sick pet - 09/06/05 12:29 AM

I'm so sad, my pet Velcro was doing so great, he was 47 and although I had successfully nursed him through sickness twice before, this time he didn't respond. I gave him more medicine and then waited, and later found him dead. I'm heartbroken. I don't want to adopt another one, I want Velcro back. I didn't know it took several hours waiting.
Posted by: LadyCFIIAdministrator

Re: sick pet - 09/06/05 12:36 AM

That happened to me with a cute little pet that was in his 30s when I accidentally killed him with an overdose. I wasn't happy at all when that happened and I put the game away for several days. I decided not to quit playing, though, and kept interviewing different pets until I found one that was just as cute (maybe even a little cuter). I was a lot more careful with the medicine after that, and I've raised two pets through old age and into their second lives already (on different Palm devices). Both of them are still going strong and I'm hoping they love me enough to want to keep coming back.
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: sick pet - 09/06/05 01:10 AM

Awhile ago I too accidentally killed one (of 2) of my little pets and I felt guilty and bad for a few days. Since then, I have always waited an hour between medicine doses. So, far, an hour has seemed to be a safe amount of time between doses. But if you think I have been lucky, I will wait longer. Thanks.
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: sick pet - 09/06/05 03:45 AM

This is from Indon.
Thank you for the replies. It really relieved me to know she's okay. Luckily I haven't tried to give her medicine, because that may get her sick.
Thank you.
Posted by: LadyCFIIAdministrator

Re: sick pet - 09/06/05 09:05 AM

That's a wise decision. Giving medicine to a healthy pet will make it sick.
Posted by: Thiris

Re: sick pet - 04/13/06 01:30 AM

oh and how to you revive a pet???
Posted by: LadyCFIIAdministrator

Re: sick pet - 04/13/06 10:10 AM

If your pet is sick, you have to give it medicine. If it's dead, there's nothing you can do to revive it.
Posted by: Thiris

Re: sick pet - 04/14/06 10:30 PM

but its says in the hall of fame that pets can more than one life how do they come back???
Posted by: LadyCFIIAdministrator

Re: sick pet - 04/14/06 11:26 PM

They are resurrected in a different body. You have to take really good care of your pet into old age for that to happen.

The game instructions say:


If your pet lives to old age, and dies happy, he may choose to come back and live with you again. When this happens a RESURRECT button will appear on the DEATH screen.
If you are lucky enough to have a pet who wants to come back, he will be resurrected with a NEW LOOK but the SAME MIND. Most importantly though you will be able to IMPROVE SOMETHING about him permanently.